Everybody Active Shropshire Grant Application Form

Everybody Active Shropshire aims to help people to become more physically active, so that everyone’s daily lifestyle includes activities that get us moving. We know many people’s health is at risk through inactive lifestyles, so we need to build it back into daily life. Projects need to focus on those who are less active as the greatest benefit is made when those who are least active start to become less physical inactivity and to increase their physical activity levels.

The over-arching aim of all Everybody Active Everyday projects is to help MORE PEOPLE, MOVE MORE, MORE OFTEN. This means focusing on the less active, not the already active or sporty. Project applications must demonstrate how they meet at least one of the following objectives:

·  Engage and support the inactive or least active to:

o  Move from inactive lifestyle to one that is more physically active.

o  Increase levels of daily physical activity and reduce time spent in sedentary behaviour.

o  Make physical activity part of the routine of daily lives.

·  Increase physical literacy i.e. the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life.

·  Increase understanding of key physical activity messages in target groups.

·  Increase opportunities for those most at risk through physical inactivity to become more physically active.

·  Address barriers that prevent least active in taking up activities.

·  Work towards an approach that become sustainable in the long term.

·  Can make an impact on improving peoples’ health and reducing their need for health or social care service will be.

Everybody Active Shropshire projects must fit one or more of the categories listed in Section 4. of this application.

Guidance in completing this application is provided in italics below.

What is the name of your Project?

1.  Details of Organisation

Name of organisation:
Project Lead Contact: (the person that submits the application. They are the person we can talk about your project and can contact during office hours. Must be over 18 yr years old.)
Lead contact details:
Postal address:
Telephone number:
Main email address for your organisation:
Senior contact:
·  Voluntary and community organisations: chair, secretary, treasurer or a senior member of your governing body.
·  Companies this must be a director or the company secretary.
·  Organisations that are both a registered charity and a company: director or the company secretary.
·  Schools: head teacher.
·  Parish and town council: clerk to the council.
·  Health bodies: chief executive or director.
·  Care home provider
·  Social care provider
Type of organisation:
voluntary or community organisation?(including if you are a registered charity or company)
health body
Care provider
not for profit business:
commercial company
Legal status (how is your organisation constituted?)
Does your group:
·  Have its own bank account, which requires two unrelated people to authorise cheques and make withdrawals (including debit card or internet purchases and cash withdrawals)? This must be in the name of the organisation applying, unless you are a school. YES NO
·  have at least three members on its governing body or board of directors YES NO

2. Which ‘Everybody Active Shropshire’ category does your project fit into?

(You may select more than one category if applicable)

A.  Older Adults

·  Active ageing: ensuring independent living older adults lead physically active lifestyles and reducing physical inactivity

·  Activities that are designed to improve the physical function of older adults and help those at risk of losing independence.

·  Activities aimed at those with specific health conditions, such as diabetes, dementia, stroke where physical activity is important for effective self-management.

·  Falls prevention exercise

B.  Pre-school Children

·  Projects that encourage and enable parents and carers to value physical activity, reduce physical inactivity and build active lifestyles for pre-school age children.

·  Projects to increase the capacity for pre-schools settings to engage 0-5yrs in physical activity.

C.  Active Places:

·  Active travel: activities to involve the least active and those most in need of support to engage in active travel (walking or cycling)

·  Access to green space & activities in nature.

D.  Skills and Knowledge

·  Training to deliver specialist exercise opportunities to meet the needs of specific groups (e.g. adults with dementia)

·  Training to deliver therapeutic exercise, to improve the clinical outcomes of people with specific health conditions.

·  Behaviour change skills for those providing physical activity/exercise opportunities, to enable them to promote health lifestyles within their work.

E. Active Community: Programmes designed to benefit a wide community of people in sustained, long-term programmes that engage those are less active.

3.  Who will benefit from your project? (Your project must directly benefit less active people living or working in your community. This might be a specific group or groups, ages, gender. Describe the people who will benefit directly from your project.

·  Where do they live?

·  Why do they need your project?

·  How will they benefit?

·  Training projects should make clear how those who are being trained will then use their new skills and knowledge to directly benefit your target beneficiaries.)

4.  Project Description: How will your project get more people, more active, more often? Please give details of your Project (Explain the key elements of your project covering the points below, making clear how it will help people make changes in their lifestyle so their lives are more active.

·  What are your project targets?

·  What activities will you deliver?

·  How will you recruit the people you need to reach?

·  Who will be involved in delivering this?

·  What are your timescales?

·  How many people will benefit?

5.  Explain how your project has been shaped so that people who are less active will benefit? (Remember: EAED is about ‘more people, more active, more often’. It is not ‘more activity for those who are already most active’. Projects must show they can make a real difference to those who are less active. Projects can include everyone in the community, but must demonstrate a focus on engaging those who are less active. Projects who are primarily focused on those who are already active will not meet the EAED aim of getting more people, more active, more often. If your project provides a new or additional activity for those already very active do not apply for this funding)

6.  Why is your project needed, and how do you know it is needed? (Explain how you know what is needed, and why you feel your project meets this need. How do you know your target beneficiaries, (or those who support them) want this project? How are you sure that they will take part? Who have your spoken to about your project?)

7.  How will you get people involved in your project? (Give details of what you will do to ensure those you most wish to benefit will take part, how you will work with other organisations, volunteers and others in your community. How will your community know about your project? How will you reach people you want to take part? Who will you work with to help engage people in your community?)

8.  What difference will your project make? (Explain what will change as a result of your project? How will you know that you have achieved what you set out to achieve? How will you know when you have reached your project targets? What will you measure to show that your project is helping more people move more, more often? )

9.  Give full details of your project costs. Include any match funding, volunteer or other forms of in-kind contribution. EA Shropshire will not fund;

·  Applications from the first 4 Everybody Active Towns of Whitchurch, Wem, Broseley, and Craven Arms, or that are specific to these communities.

·  A project which is part of your normal work.

·  Ongoing staff costs (including salaries of permanent or fixed term staff) Sessional costs such as training or exercise instructor time may be included.

·  Activities that will happen or start before we confirm our grant.

·  Any costs you incur when putting together your application.

·  Day-to-day running costs of your organisation.

·  Contingency costs.

·  A project which includes land purchase or building work cost.

·  Fundraising activities for your organisation or others.

·  Items that are purchased on behalf of another organisation or individuals.

·  Loans, interest payments, or endowments.

·  Political or religious activities.

·  A project or activities that the state has a legal duty to provide.

Project costs between £500-£5,000 are eligible. There is no match –funding requirement but please include any volunteer time or in-kind contributions.

Please note that depending on the type of project, you may need public liability insurance or and to use qualified leaders. It is your responsibility to ensure you have adequate insurance in place. This should include cover for any assets you buy or events and activities you run using this funding

Total =
Total amount requested

10.  How will the benefits of your project continue once EA Shropshire funding for your project is finished?

11.  Does your project involve work with children, younger people under 18 or vulnerable adults? (If you are applying for a project to work with children, young people or vulnerable adults, you must have a policy that explains how you will make sure they will be safe. It is your responsibility to have acceptable safeguarding policies and procedures in place which we may ask to see)

YES NO If ‘yes’ do you have:

·  Have safeguarding policies in place that are appropriate to your organisation’s work and your project. YES NO

·  Review your safeguarding policies at least every year. YES NO

·  Complete a rigorous recruitment and selection process for staff and volunteers who work with children, young people or vulnerable adults (including checking criminal records and taking up references). YES NO

·  Check criminal records at least every three years. YES NO

·  Follow statutory or best practice guidance on appropriate ratios of staff or volunteers to children, young people or vulnerable adults. YES NO

·  provide child protection and health and safety training / guidance for staff and volunteers YES NO

·  Carry out a risk assessment, if appropriate. YES NO

·  Secure extra insurance cover, if appropriate. YES NO

·  Does your organisation meet these requirements? YES NO

If your organisation is registered with or inspected by bodies that enforce safeguarding arrangements (such as OFSTED or the Care Quality Commission) please give details below

12a. Does your organisation have any of the following:

·  a) Public liability YES NO

·  b) Leaders’ qualifications YES NO

·  c) Affiliation to a governing body YES NO

·  d) Other insurance YES NO

12b. Give details of any insurance arrangement that are included in your project (Depending on your project activities, you may need public liability insurance or qualified leaders. Public liability insurance is required for any public events. If your project involves a sport or exercise classes, your organisation should be affiliated to a relevant governing body or you must be working with fully qualified leaders or instructors).

13. Your application will need to pass a technical appraisal to ensure your application meets the standard grant funding requirements, including eligibility, delivery, safeguarding, health & safety, and finance. If your project involves any of the following issues please ensure you provide the necessary details:

·  land/asset owner’s permission,

·  planning permission

·  Secured match funding. (unsecured match funding should not be included)

·  agreement on future maintenance (e.g. equipment)

14. Summary for voting

Please provide a 200 word summary of your project including what you are going to do, what the

money is going to be spent on, and who is going to run the project.

15. Signatures of your lead project officer

17. Signature of senior member of your organisation

Please submit your application by email to by 16th January 2017.

Everybody Active Shropshire Grant Application is a competitive bidding process and not all projects can be successful. Applications will be assessed by Shropshire Council’s Everybody Active Shropshire panel. Projects will be assessed against the Everybody Active Shropshire aims and objectives listed above.

Applicants will be notified of the outcome of the assessment panel in the week commencing 27th January. Grant agreements will be offered to successful applicant organisations with projects expected to start from April 2017 onwards. All projects must start within 6 months of receiving funding.