Every Young Man's Battle Discussion Questions

How does it impact you to know sexual purity issues are very very old issues? (Job 31:1 and Psalm 119:9)

“You are a sexual being.”(intro) How does that statement impact you? In what ways has your experience in church supported or harmed your sexuality? Why do you think sex is such a controversial topic?

Ephesians 5:3 “Not even a hint of impurity” or “let it not even be named among you” What do you think of that standard? (jokes, “innocent” comments, movies, TV) How do you deal with bombardment of sexual images?

How does Fred’s isolation from “Christian underpinnings” impact him? (p 10) How has isolation, which means more than just physical distance, impacted your ability to walk in holiness?

What are the six truths (pages 17-21)?

What three challenges does Fred present in terms of sexual purity and intimacy (bottom page 21)? Which one of these poses the largest challenge for you? Why?

Read the verses on pages 22 through 25. Were you surprised that there are so many verses just on sexual issues? Which verse hit you the hardest?

Do you agree/disagree with Fred’s conclusions? (page 25)? Which one is the most convicting?

Have you ever felt like Danny does with his plea, “I feel like God made me a sexual being, but He’s asking me to live as though I’m not.” What do you do with that frustration?

In what ways will your tomorrows, near and far, be impacted by the sexual choices you make today (p 27)?

What’s it like to know the gap between physically but not legally ready keeps getting longer? (p 27)

We are all in the process of becoming what we will be. How have you been impacted by the bifurcation myth?(p 28-29) What are you feeding today that will be a beast to deal with when you’re 40?

“It’s impossible to form the proper respect for women in the shadow of sin, let alone a proper respect for God.” (p 31) Do you buy that? How does your relationship with God impact your relationship with people, especially women? How does your relationship with people, especially women, impact your relationship with God?

List some of the consequences of forgiven sexual sin? (p 32) Which cost do you want to pay, sin or obedience?

What is wrong with anticipating marriage as the fix for this problem? (p 35-36)

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This study is based upon the book entitled Every Young Man's Battle by Fred Stoeker. If you have any questions about this material or if you would like to know more about the Every Man's Battle series, please visit the author's website at