• Sec. 33-204. - Uses permitted.

No land, body of water and/or structure shall be used or permitted to be used and no structure shall be hereafter erected, constructed, reconstructed, moved, structurally altered or maintained for any purpose in an RU-3B District, unless otherwise provided herein, excepting for one (1) or more of the following uses.


Every use permitted in RU-1, RU-2 and RU-3 Districts.


Bungalow courts, provided the lot so used is at least one hundred (100) feet wide, and contains at least ten thousand (10,000) square feet of lot area.


The special provisions of RU-3B District shall apply to BU District (business) when the BU District adjoins an RU-3B District, i.e., the bungalow court type of use shall be permitted in a business BU-1, BU-2, or BU-3 District only when such business district adjoins an RU-3B District.

(Ord. No. 57-19, § 11(A), 10-22-57)

  • Sec. 33-205. - Lot area per family; height; construction.

Bungalow courts shall have a minimum of two thousand (2,000) square feet of lot area per family; single-family or two (2) family (duplex) cottages, shall be not more than one (1) story in height, and of masonry construction only. Not more than two (2) family units will be permitted under one (1) roof.

(Ord. No. 57-19, § 11(B), 10-22-57)

  • Sec. 33-206. - Number of families per unit; submission of plans before permit issued; minimum size; minimum number of units.


Not more than one (1) family may occupy a bungalow court single unit nor more than two (2) families in a double (duplex) unit.


The special requirements applying to bungalow courts including minimum sizes of building and lot areas, shall apply only where all other provisions for bungalow courts are complied with. Before a permit shall be granted to place buildings of a lot under the bungalow court provisions plans shall be filed covering the size and spacing of all buildings intended in the court and the total area of lot to be included. In no case shall such first single bungalow be less than the minimum size required for a one (1) family residential building for the neighborhood by deed restrictions or zone regulations as shown on the official zoning maps, nor shall any units within fifty (50) feet of the street fronting the property be less than the minimum cubic content requirement for the area. Not less than three (3) units shall be permitted under the provisions of the bungalow court regulations. All cottages or bungalows in a court shall be of a similar design which meets the approval of the Director and shall be erected within specified time limits. Permit for the immediate erection of less than the total number of intended buildings shall be conditional upon the entire area of lot remaining available for such use.

(Ord. No. 57-19, § 11(B), 10-22-57)

  • Sec. 33-207. - Setbacks; cubic content; yard area.

The minimum distance between units shall be:


For single bungalows—Fifteen (15) feet.


For duplexes—Twenty (20) feet. Two (2) single units may be joined by a common portecochere, provided the distances on the sides opposite the portecochere are increased to no less than twenty (20) feet. All bungalows shall have a clear distance of three (3) sides of not less than fifteen (15) feet. Side setback lines shall be not less than ten (10) feet, rear line setback shall be not less than seven and one-half (7½) feet; except for corner lots where the side line setback shall be the same as required for key lots, but in no case less than fifteen (15) feet and all bungalow courts shall have an outer court of not less than thirty (30) feet in width.


Individual buildings in bungalow courts shall not be less than two-thirds ( 2/3 ) the size (cubic content) established as the minimum for the block or subdivision; and provided that the size of any bungalow within fifty (50) feet of the highway is not less than the average size established for other residential buildings in the block or neighborhood.

(Ord. No. 57-19, § 11(C), 10-22-57)

  • Sec. 33-207.1. - Repeal of RU-3B District.

Article XVII ofChapter 33of the Code of Miami-Dade County, Florida, entitled "RU-3B, Bungalow Court District" is hereby repealed, as it is the finding of County Commission that the use of property within the unincorporated area for bungalow court use, as provided in such article, provokes the overcrowding of property, an undue concentration of population, and is against the public health, morals, safety and welfare of the County; provided that any lots, parcels, tracts or areas heretofore zoned RU-3B shall retain such zoning classification and rights derived thereunder, until the same are rezoned in accordance with law.

(Ord. No. 61-17, § 1, 4-18-61)

Editor's note—Section 33-207.1was derived from Ord. No. 61-17, which was enacted as an addition to this Code and codified as§ 33-207.1. Since the RU-3B classification is still effective for previously zoned areas, Article XVII has been retained.