As statuary elected body, representative of the parent community, the Governing Body is responsible for the determination of this school’s admission policy. The principal, in his/her capacity as member of the Governing Body, is responsible for the execution of this policy in actual practice.

A pupil can be admitted to the EVERSDAL PRE-PRIMARY SCHOOL if ‘n parent approves of the school policy below, is prepared to abide by it and is prepared to fulfill his obligation/responsibilities in accordance with it.

1.The school falls under the Western Cape Education Department and will maintain the policy and regulation of the Department.

2.The school, as the most fundamental requirement will in its essence be of a Christian nature within which all education and instruction in the school will take place.

3.Bible education will be given in the school – however, the decision as to whetheror not his child (children) will be subjected to it remains the parent’s prerogative.

4.The education in the school will be attuned to the development of ethical values and the appreciation of all cultural values.

5.The milieu within which education takes place must be relevant to the society in which the children will later have to function effectively as adults.

6.Education will be through the medium Afrikaans or English. (4 Afrikaans classes and 1 English class. Our policy is to educate the learner in his/her home language.

7.The syllabi, as laid down by the Department, will be used.

8.The school will execute its task in partnership with the Governing Body.

9.Learners who live in the surrounding areas of Durbanville or whose parents work in these areas will enjoy preference.

10.A learner in Grade R must be 5 years of age and not turn 6 years of age later than 31 December.

11.It will be expected that:

11.1The parent will honor his financial obligations towards the school (as annually decided on by the Governing Body). Eversdal Pre-primary school is an independent school and its main source of income is school fees. Gr. R is not compulsory education yet, therefore no exemption from school fees will be granted. If the school fees are a month behind, without prior arrangement with the Governing Body, legal steps will be considered. Only exceptional cases will be handled on merit.

11.2The school rules will be obeyed.

11.3If a child attends Aftercare and his/her fees are in arrears, the child will no longer be able to make use of this facility.

This policy is aimed at the maintenance of standards and norms, the retention of the school’s ethos, and the optimal realization of the school’s potential.