Event Supervisor Instructions
- D 221
- Prep Room at 8:00 -9:00
- Team #s Odd from 9-9:50 ** It is ok if odd and even # teams do not come at their appropriate time.
- Team #s Even from 10-10:50
- Go to C234 for Score Reports
- I will supply you with equipment
- See when your room is open for prep
- Watch materials to prevent tampering
- Have students name, school name, and school # on test
- Do not let Varsity & JV teams sit near each other or share equipment (wrist bands will designate teams).
- Score tests in room adjacent to room A503
- Bring scored test with answer sheet and score to A503
- Have HQ return exams to each team with an answer sheet (see envelope). This is being done electronically
- Answer sheets provided
- Place the # correct at the bottom of each page
- Final score put in appropriate area
- There are no ties. Tie breakers are sudden death. The tie breaker is best # correct answers for even # questions.
- Ties are scored by ¼ points. Teams that are tied do not pass the team ranked ahead of them.
- Fill out Score Report form to indicate team scores and rank, and attach to test
- Place in rank order
- Spirit of the rule: don’t disqualify for being a little late but don’t give extra time
- Spirit Award form to nominate spirited team
- Absolutely no parents or coaches are allowed in competition area when the event is in progress. Let judges know about any interference.
- Please allow media access to events.
- You may use hospitality for food or drink in scoring room adjacent to A503
- Concessions available in cafeteria.
Ornithology Regional Competition
Event Parameters
2010 B Division
Teams are allowed to bring in:
- One published field guide
- The three page Official National Bird List
- One 8.5” X 11” two-sided page of notes that contain information in any form from any source
- Teams may tab the guide and write on any of these
- No other resources, electronic devices or printed labels will be allowed
1. Assign each team to a station
2. Check to see if each team has the allowed materials to use
3. Give each team an answer sheet (DO NOT write on station tests)
4. Give two minutes per station
5. When they are done they should turn over the picture at the station
6. If they are done early at a station they may work on questions from a previous station. They may not return to a previous station.
Raw Score: ______
Ornithology Science Olympiad Regional, February 27, 2010
B Division
Answer Sheet
Names: ______
Team #: ______School: ______
Make sure you are putting the answers in the correct space on the answer sheet.
Station 1 / Station 81 / 23
2 / Station 9
3 / 24
Station 2 / 25
4 / 26
5 / Station 10
Station 3 / 27
6 / 28
7 / 29
8 / 30
Station 4 / Station 11
9 / 31
10 / 32
Station 5 / Station 12
11 / 34
12 / 35
13 / 36
14 / 37
15 / 38
Station 6 / Station 13
16 / 39
17 / 40
18 / 41
Station 7 / Station 14
19 / 42
20 / 43
21 / 44
22 / Station 15
Ornithology Science Olympiad Regional
February 27, 2010
B Division
Answer Key
Station 1 / Station 81. Northern Cardinal / 23. D
2. Cardinalis cardinalis / Station 9
3. Female / 24. Osprey
Station 2 / 25. Pandion haliaetus
4. D / 26. B
5. Dinosaur and/or reptiles / Station 10
Station 3 / 27. C
6. American Crow / 28. A
7. West Nile Virus / 29. C
8. Omnivore / 30. B
Station 4 / Station 11
9. A / 31. Red Crossbill
10. Habitat(s) / 32. Loxia curvirostra
33. D
Station 5 / Station 12
11. Chimney Swift / 34. Kingfisher
12. apodiformes / 35. Bluejay
13. apodidae / 36. Flicker
14. chaetura pelagica / 37. Killdeer
15. Saliva / 38. Meadowlark
Station 6 / Station 13
16. Secondary / 39. Caspian Tern
17. Primary / 40. Hydroprogne caspia
18. Coverts / 41. D
Station 7 / Station 14
19. Red-Winged Blackbird / 42. American Goldfinch
20. Agelaius phoeniceus / 43. Carduelis tristis
21. Spring / 44. D
22. C / Station 15
45. C or Kentucky Warbler
Ornithology Science Olympiad Regional, February 22, 2010
B Division
Master Answer Key
Names: ______
Team #: ______School: ______
Make sure you are putting the answers in the correct space on the answer sheet.
Station 1
1) List the common name of this bird. NorthernCardinal
2) List the scientific name of this bird.Cardinalis cardinalis
3) What is the sex of the bird?Female
Station 2
4) Birds attained their flight more than ______years ago.
a) 10,000b) 100,000c) 1.8 milliond)150 million
5) What group of animals are the closest relatives to birds? Dinosaur and/or reptiles
Station 3
6) List the common name of this bird. American Crow
7) The population of this bird has recently been greatly affected by what disease? West Nile Virus
8) Is this bird a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore? Omnivore
Station 4
Bird Watching in North America
9) The incredible diversity of North American’s avian population is evidenced by the more than ______species of birds that are now accepted as having occurred in North America.
A) 1000b) 2,000c) 2,500d) 5,000
10) These species can be found in a wide variety of habitatsfrom spectacularmountain ranges, vast grasslands, hot and cold deserts, and many others.
Station 5
11) List the common name of this bird. Chimney Swift
12) List the order name of this bird. apodiformes
13) List the family name of this bird. apodidae
14) List the species name of this bird. chaetura pelagica
15) What do I use to attach my nests to concrete walls? Saliva
Station 6
16) What is the group of feathers marked A called? secondary
17) B? primary
18) C? coverts
Station 7
19) List the common name of this bird. Red-Winged Blackbird
20) List the scientific name of this bird. Agelaius phoeniceus
21) When you see me in Chicago you know this season is approaching. Spring
22) Our behavior is (c) Adaptive and Aggressive
Station 8
23) Nest identifications describes the nests
I. Height
II. Location
III. Number of eggs which can be held
IV. Shape
a) I only
b) III only
c) II and III
d) II and IV
Station 9
24) List the common name of this bird. Osprey
25) List the scientific name of this bird. Pandion haliaetus
268) Its breeding habits are
a)cooperativeb) monogamousc) polygamousd) solitary
Station 10
Identifying Birds in Flight
27. How a bird flies – the ______of the wing stroke as well as the ______can often help recognize a species.
I) height II) lengthIII) pattern IV) speed
a) I and III
b) II and I
c) IV and III
d) II and III
Match the description on the right with the flight pattern on the right
28. Flap and glideA
29. Straight line formationC
30. GlideB
Station 11
31) List the common name of this bird. Red Crossbill
32) List the scientific name of this bird. Loxia curvirostra
33) The crossed mandibles are ideal for ______.
a)eating seedb) removing insects from bark
c) used in defending its nestd) digging the seed out of conifers
Station 12
Roadside Silhouettes
Use the following word bank to identify the following silhouettes (all bird nameswill not be used)
Blue JayCowbirdFlickerKilldeerKingfisherMeadowlark
34) Silhouette #7 Kingfisher
35) Silhouette #8Blue Jay
36) Silhouette #12Flicker
37) Silhouette #16Killdeer
38) Silhouette #23Meadowlark
39) List the common name of this bird. Caspian Tern
40) List the scientific name of this bird. Hydroprogne caspia
41) Which word(s) best describes newly hatched chicks?
a) altricialb) incubatedc)precociald) semiprecocial
Backyard Birding
42) List the common name of this bird.
43) List the scientific name of this bird.
44) What plants would you use to attract me to your garden?
I) EchinaceaII) marigoldsIII) pine conesIV) sunflowers
a) I only
b) I and III
c) II and III
d) I and IV
45) You are birding with a friend and you see four birds in a tree. Which bird is from your National Bird list?
Answer is C or Kentucky Warbler
Station 1
1) List the common name of this bird.
2) List the scientific name of this bird.
3) What is the sex of the bird?
Station 2
4) Birds attained their flight more than ______years ago.
a) 10,000b) 100,000c) 1.8 milliond) 150 million
5) What group of animals are the closest relatives to birds?
Station 3
6) List the common name of this bird.
7) The population of this bird has recently been greatly affected by what disease?
8) Is this bird a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore?
Station 4
Bird Watching in North America
9) The incredible diversity of North American’s avian population is evidenced by the more than ______species of birds that are now accepted as having occurred in North America.
A) 1000b) 2,000c) 2,500d) 5,000
10) These species can be found in a wide variety of ______from spectacular mountain ranges, vast grasslands, hot and cold deserts, and many others.
Station 5
11) List the common name of this bird.
12) List the order name of this bird.
13) List the family name of this bird.
14) List the species name of this bird.
15) What do I use to attach my nests to concrete walls?
Station 6
16) What is the group of feathers marked A called?
17) B?
18) C?
Station 7
19) List the common name of this bird.
20) List the scientific name of this bird.
21) When you see me in Chicago you know this season is approaching.
22) Our behavior is
I. Adaptive
II. Aggressive
III. Secluded
IV. Solitary
a) I only
b) III only
c) I and II
d) II and IV
Station 8
23) Nest identifications describes the nests
I. Height
II. Location
III. Number of eggs which can be held
IV. Shape
a) I only
b) III only
c) II and III
d) II and IV
Station 9
24) List the common name of this bird.
25) List the scientific name of this bird.
26) Its breeding habits are
a) cooperativeb) monogamousc) polygamousd) solitary
Station 10
Identifying Birds in Flight
27. How a bird flies – the ______of the wing stroke as well as the ______can often help recognize a species.
I) height II) lengthIII) pattern IV) speed
a) I and III
b) II and I
c) IV and III
d) II and III
Match the description on the left with the flight pattern on the right
28) Flap and glide
29) Straight line formation
30) Glide
Station 11
31) List the common name of this bird.
32) List the scientific name of this bird.
33) The crossed mandibles are ideal for ______.
a) eating seed
b) removing insects from bark
c) used in defending its nest
d) digging the seed out of conifers
Station 12
Roadside Silhouettes
Use the following word bank to identify the following silhouettes (all bird names will not be used)
Blue JayCowbirdFlickerKilldeerKingfisherMeadowlark
34) Silhouette #7
35) Silhouette #8
36) Silhouette #12
37) Silhouette #16
38) Silhouette #23
39) List the common name of this bird.
40) List the scientific name of this bird.
41) Which word best describes the newly hatched chicks?
a) altricialb) incubated
c) precociald) semiprecocial
Backyard Birding
42) List the common name of this bird.
43) List the scientific name of this bird.
44) What plants would you use to attract me to your garden?
I) EchinaceaII) marigoldsIII) pine conesIV)sunflowers
a) I only
b) I and III
c) II and III
d) I and IV
45) You are birding with a friend and you see four birds in a tree. Which bird is from your National Bird list?