What We Can Do For Your Chapter?

Volunteer as a DAT member

Be a Community Disaster Education Speaker

Serve on your disaster committee

Help update your chapter disaster plan

Work on WMD and aviation annexes

Volunteer in fundraising

Assist AFTER a disaster in restoring equipment and supplies

Teach Basic Disaster classes

Plan, conduct, and evaluate simple exercises to test the chapter’s disaster plan

Work as interim Disaster Directors for vacations

Mentor chapter volunteers and personnel

Develop CDE/Mitigation plans targeting at risk populations


President: Debbi Criswell

Vice Presidents: George and Virginia Roth

Secretary: Leslie Earnst

Treasurer: Vacant

Membership: Jean Watson

Training Coordinators:

Richard & Rose Marie Hartman

Web Master: John Watson,


Where are the DOVEs?:

DOVEs is a certified BOF for Escapees.





Together We Do Make

A Difference


Disaster Operations Volunteer Escapees (DOVEs) are RV’rs who are members of the Escapees RV

Club. That is, we live either full-time or part-time in our recreational vehicles.

We are already distributed nationwide, each DOVE being a member of a local Red Cross chapter

We can move on a moments notice and may be available for extended assignments

We provide our own self-contained housing for 3-5 days with no support required and for significantly longer periods with simple RV hookups

We have mobile communication such as

e-mail, cell phones, and some are equipped HAM radios or Internet satellite uplinks

There are about 340 Red Cross trained volunteers in the DOVES


Early arrival on the scene as LDV’s for predictable events, such as hurricanes and floods

Lowered Disaster Relief (DSHR) cost to the American Red Cross, as housing and transportation costs can be reduced and we require no DSHR advance funds

Volunteers with HAM radios can provide emergency communications

Large pool of experienced large vehicle drivers who have been trained in ERV: Ready, Set, Roll

Large pool of Community Disaster Education presenters

Volunteers available to stay AFTER the disaster to assist chapter staff with clean-up, restocking of supplies and equipment

Certified Red Cross Disaster and First Aid/CPR Instructors to assist with training before, during, and after a disaster


All DOVE’s have a ‘home’ chapter. We may be in your chapter for a week or for several months. We would like to be a part of your chapter while we are here.

This might include being involved with your DAT, volunteering in other positions or helping to teach classes. We would appreciate the opportunity to take any available training while we are in your chapter’s jurisdiction.

We hope that you will welcome us into your chapter. We can be a tremendous asset for you both now and in the event of a disaster.

Special Note to Chapter Disaster Directors

I hope that you will welcome…for a day, week, or month, these volunteers who have come to assist

your chapter.

This is the best of all worlds for a chapter: We are either LDV’s or DSHR personnel that you do not have to support with advances, nor do you need to maintain our records. You may simply utilize us while we are in your jurisdiction.

All we ask of you is the opportunity to take any available training while we are in your chapter.

While we may only be here for a few days now, we may well be among the first on the scene if you have a major disaster requiring outside assistance.

I have seen the results of having the DOVE’s on scene immediately and it is a great asset to any chapter. Welcome the volunteers and you will be repaid ten-fold.

Nevada Linford

Retired Chapter Executive