Team MSP
Move for Change
Event Organizer Toolkit
Thanks for your interest in creating an event to support My Sisters’ Place! We are so excited that you, like so many others, are willing to start moving for change.
So, you’ve decided you want to organize an event... now what? There are so many possibilities for ways to make an impact, so here are just a few tips to ensure success:
1) Stat by defining your goals. What would you like to do to Move for Change? Would you like to challenge you and your friends to “go from couch to 5k”? Would you like donate the proceeds from an event you are already organizing? How about hosting a dance-a-thon with your entire church community, school club, or gym?
Next pick a financial goal or number of participants you would like to have. Choose a goal that you believe you and your network can accomplish together. Keep in mind the maximum number of fundraisers or participants you can support at your event.
Once you’ve got these goals lined up answer the following questions.
· How will participants or team member sign up?
· Will there be flat donation for each participant to be a part of the event or will they be asked to solicit donations?
· How will you receive donations and event payments?
If it’s appropriate for your event, we recommend creating a fundraiser on Razoo. You can do this by clicking the “Start a Fundraiser” button on our Razoo page. This enables you and your teammates, your friends, and your family to raise money on our behalf! Feel free to reach out to us for more suggestions on how to collect and transfer money.
2) Find a venue and recruit your team. Do you belong to a fitness club or gym that might be interested in hosting the event? A local church or place of worship may have a recreational room available. Reach to any of these places to see if they would be willing to donate space, equipment, or host the activities. Let them know that we would love to discuss different promotional opportunities and ways of thanking them for their generous support!
Once you have your goals and venue set it’s time to get participants! Encourage your friends, family, fellow club members, and other members of the fitness center, studio or gym you are participating with to join in the fun!
3) Stay connected. Let us know what you’re up to so we can share your progress and cheer you on! Send us an email at to fill us in on your activity. We’re here to help in any way we can!
4) Spread the word. Let your network of friends and family in on the great work you’re doing! That means tweeting, Facebooking, Instagraming, snapchatting and youtubing anyone and everyone you know to get their support. The best fundraisers will share their updates, preparations, and goals with their network to keep them involved along the way.
The old fashioned email works great too! Here’s an example of an email you can send:
Email Subject: Join me in ending domestic violence!
Body: Hi ______
I’m organizing an event for My Sisters’ Place through Team MSP. <Name of event> on <Date of Event at <Name of Venue> will raise awareness and funds to help end domestic violence. The statistics are alarming. Did you know that 1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime and that New York state has the HIGHEST demand for domestic violence services in the country (
[INSERT EXPLANATION OF WHY YOU ARE DOING THIS RACE AND WHY YOU CHOSE TO SUPPORT MSP] I hope you will consider joining me at <name of event> so that My Sisters’ Place can continue their efforts to end domestic violence, so that all relationships can embrace the principles of respect, equality, and peacefulness.
If you cannot join in, please consider making a donation to help me reach my fundraising goal. Every donation counts - big or small! Together we can make a difference!
5) Know about the issue. If you’re going to be raising awareness about the issues of domestic violence, we want to make sure you’re armed with the resources and information you need to become a pro! We can send you flyers, pamphlets, and more — just let us know what you need and how many ().
Thank you and good luck!