event PROPOSAL Form

Please complete this form as fully as possible.

Please return to:

Adam Hemming, Director,


Main Contact:
Name of Production Company:
Name of Event:
Event Date(please indicate which of the following dates you would be available for):
All Saturdays, performances start at 2pm
28th April
19th May
16th June
14th July
18th August
8th September
Running Time:
Target Audience Age Range:


Other Company Members:

Please email a publicity image (jpeg format) to

Link to video of piece (if available):

150 word copy of show
If your show has received any previous reviews then please list key quotes here with a link to the full review
Company InformationPlease provide us with information about the company.


The following information will be used should your proposal be accepted and does not form part of the selection process.

Get in/out is on the day of your performance.

Please provide an approximateduration required for

Get In: ______Get Out: ______

Will you require:-

PA system Yes/NoPadded flooring Yes/No


If you need to unload large items, we will need:-

Vehicle make, model, registration number ______

Estimated time of arrival and estimated time to unload ______


How did you hear about this opportunity?:

Would you like to be added to the Space’s mailing list for:-

Events (YES/NO)

Future Opportunities (YES/NO)


  1. The Space will require a risk assessment of the event prior to the Get In highlighting any hazards that your event presents and how you will minimize the risk of harm.
  2. The Space is responsible for the maintenance and care of the Roof Garden performance space. No modifications to the venue will be possible, please let us know if there is anything in your performance that might affect the environment.
  3. The Space is not liable for any loss, damage, injury, delay, costs, or expenses suffered or incurred by the performers, agents, or guests due to causes beyond its control.
  4. Due to limited storage space, the Space is unable to save any props, costume, left items etc after your get-out.All props, costumes etc will need to be cleared away after the performance.
  5. All tickets for events are free of charge.
  6. The venue has extremely limited technical specifications and should be treated as an outdoor space. A sound system will be available and a member of staff will be onsite to enable its use.

If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact us either by e-mail to or by phone on 020 7515 7799.