9th Expert Meeting

Event-Driven Business Process Management


December 7 – 8, 2009

Regensburg, Runtinger Säle, Kepler Str. 1

This time sponsered by:
???(main sponsor), ???

The Expert Meetings take place twice a year, so far in cooperation with …

Uni Regensburg
Stanford University


Uni Toronto


Monday,December 7,2009

09.00 / Positioning of our Projects:
Future Internet 2020 –Visions of the European Commission’s Industry Expert Group
DG Information Society and Media Directoratefor Converged Networks and Service
09.30 / Event-Driven BPM – Reference Model and Reference Architecture
Rainer v. Ammon / Opher Etzion (IBM HRL Haifa)
10.00 / Taxonomy for the Categorization of Challenges RegardingCollaborating, Dynamically Invoking and Changing Processes and Use Cases
??? (CITT)
10.30 / Coffee break
11.00 / edBPM-Oriented Enhancement of Modelling and Execution Standards
11.05 / Enhancing EPC taking the Example of e2EPC
Frank Leymann, Oliver Kopp et al. (IAAS Uni Stuttgart)
11.15 / Enhancing BPMN 2.0 taking the Example of BEMN
Gero Decker, Alexander Großkopf et al. (HPI Uni Potsdam)
11.30 / edBPM-Modelling with the Subject Oriented Approach jPASS
Albert Fleischmann (jCOM1 Rohrbach)
11.45 / EMP as an Extension of UML
Paul Vincent (Tibco), Opher Etzion(OMG and EP-TS)
12.00 / Lunch
13.00 / edBPM-Oriented Enhancements of Execution Standards:
13.00 / Enhancing BPEL taking the Example of the edBPM-Taxonomy and the Use Case “Fraud Management”
Alex Kofman (IBM HRL Haifa)
13.25 / Collaboration-Oriented Enhancements BPEL4Chor
Frank Leymann, Oliver Kopp et al. (IAAS Uni Stuttgart)
13.45 / Implementing an edBPM Platform taking the Example of the Use Case “Fraud Management in the ??? Domain”
Juraj Dollinger (Teambank), Thomas Ertlmaier, Thomas Paulus (CITT), Albert Fleischmann (jCOM1), Bernhard Seeger (RTM Marburg)
14.30 / Coffee break
15.00 / Panel:
Current and Future Movement on edBPM-related Standards –
BPMN, BPEL, EMP and Research Projects like BEMN, BPEL4Chor andOrganizations like EP-TS
(Members of OASIS,OMG, EP-TS, HPI, IAAS)
16.00 / Keynote: Event Processing at the Large Hadron Collider of CERN
???Dave Barney??? (CERN Bern)
17.00 / Panel:Complex Event Processing, Epigenetics, Brain Research, LHC –
How Reality gets Reality
Bruce Lipton (author of the book “Biology of Beliefs”), Wolf Singer (brain researcher), Michael von Brück (theologian), ???Dave Barney??? (CERN Bern), Mani Chandy (Smart Systems researcher CaliforniaTechnicalUniversity)
18.00 / End of the first day / evening event “Historischer Weihnachtsmarkt im Schloss Thurn und Taxis”
20:00 / Dinner in „Leerer Beutel“

Tuesday,December 8, 2009

edBPM Use Cases

09.00 / Logistics/SCM domain at Siemens Romania
Septimiu Nechifor (Siemens Romania), Ingmar Kellner (Siemens Munich), jCom1,??? (Starview San Jose USA)
Automotive domain at ??? - intelligentCars
??? (Fiat, Volvo), AnnMarie Ericsson (Uni Skövde), Thomas Paulus (CITT)
Healthcare domain at Waccabi
??? (Waccabi Israel)
Entertainment domain at Slicethepie
Thomas Ertlmaier (CITT), David Woolls (Slicethepie London)
Retail domainat ???WN???
Thomas Paulus (CITT), Hendrik Scheider, Roger Zacharias (Wincor Nixdorf)
Insurance domain at ???Allianz???
??? (Allianz), Gerit Hagemann, Dirk Schönfeld (Metafinanz)
Telco domain at Telefonica
Oscar Diez (Telefonica Madrid)
11.30 / Domain Specific Notification Event Architectures:Retail (NEAR),Logistics (NEAL), Finance (NEAF), more– Why we need them
Christoph Emmersberger, Florian Springer (Senacor), Thomas Paulus (CITT), Hendrik Scheider, Roger Zacharias (Wincor Nixdorf)
12.15 / Lunch
13.15 / EU FP7/Call 5, 4.2 “Technology Enhance Learning”:
TEL-EDBPM –Cloudbox: a curricular learning community merging tertiary, on-demand and customer education
Rainer v. Ammon (CITT), Karsten Wolf, Thomas Bernhardt (Uni Bremen), Jorge Marx-Gomez, Peter Gorny (Uni Oldenburg), Christian Stary, Matthias Neubauer (Uni Linz), Pedro Bizarro (Uni Coimbra), Avi Gal (Technion Haifa), Annika Hinze, Adrian Paschke (HU/FU Berlin), Septimiu Nechifor (Siemens Romania), Constantin Suciuc (Transilvania Uni Brasov), Hans-Arno Jacobsen (Uni Toronto)
15.45 / Coffee break
16.00 / Eureka/Eurostars: edBPM as a product and a service
jCOM1, RTM, CITT, Slicethepie
Some more ideas for slots:
- EPDL – meta language and domain specific challenges: what are the domains for SQL-like EPL? Which challenges for AlgoTrading, AMD, Siemens Romania use cases?
- Developing a “super-use case” which brings together the single use cases in order to show how Future Internet of Things and Services will influence our daily life
18.00 / End of the second day


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Attendance is free of charge.


Phone: +49941 8 97 94 72
