The second annual study tour to Israel/Palestine will be available during the 2013 spring semester for up to six credit hours at either the undergraduate or graduate level. This program is open to all majors. Weekly classes will be held each Monday afternoon, 2:00 – 4:30. The study tour itself will occur during March 7 – 17.

2013 Spring Semester Study Tour Itinerary for Israel – Palestine Study Tour for 3 to 6 Course Credits

March 7:Departure from TYR and DFW to Atlanta (ATL) to Tel-Aviv (TLV) by commercial carrier.

March 8 Arrive at Ben Gurion International Airport. Drive to Tel Aviv. Visit the Old Port. Dinner. Evening briefing on plan and distribution of introductory materials.

March 9: Drive north. Visit Caesara, city and port built by Herod the Great. Proceed to Nazareth and various biblical and historical sites around the Sea of Galilee.

March 10:Visit Lebanese border and the Golan Heights. Rafting on the Jordan River.

March 11: Drive south to Beit Gabriel. Continue to Jordan Valley, stopping at Gesher, ancient pass into Israel. Proceed to Dead Sea. Dinner and remain overnight at kibbutz.

March 12:Visit Masada (by cable or foot) and visit of Herod’s fortress/palace. Proceed to beach for swimming and mudding in Dead Sea. Drive to northwestern Negev Desert.

March 13:Visit Ashkelon and meet with municipal officials. Drive to Jerusalem.

March 14:Visit New City of Jerusalem. Visit YadVashem and New Museum. Visit Israel Museum to see Dead Sea scrolls. Visit security fence on the Jerusalem Perimeter. Drive to Ma’aleEdomim to meet with mayor. Meet with scholars and journalists.

March 15:Visit Knesset (Israeli Parliament) and meet with members from various parties, including Israeli Arab parliamentarians, parliamentary aides, and ministers.

March 16:Visit Old City, the Jewish Quarter, Roman Cardo, Western Wall, Via de la Rosa, and Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Christian Quarter. Meeting with Seeds of Peace members. Drive to Tel Aviv for late night return flight to DFW and TYR.

March 17:Arrive home.

Course Credit: POLS 4365 and UNIV 4368 or POLS 4310 (or POLS 5330 and 5345 for graduate students) for 3 - 6 course credits. Students would register for the course(s) as part of their normal load, meet as a class at least once weekly to prepare for the study tour, and submit a research project and provide a presentation after returning from the trip. Details relating to the successful completion of the project will be provided and discussed during the first class meeting.

Passport: A valid and current passport is required. Applications can be made at the US post office.

Cost: $3850 covers – round trip flight from TYR; ground transportation; room and board (2 meals daily). No additional tuition is required since the class is part of the normal spring semester load.

If interested and/or more information is desired, please contact M - F during business hours:

Professor Martin Slann, Office: BUS 215; Phone: 903-566-7368; E-mail address: