Affirmations Script
Even though I struggle to find the hidden reasons why I can’t:
Lose weight
Eat less food
Feel comfortable with my body right now
Successfully enjoy the process of intuitive eating
Do more fun things just for me
Give myself a break
Get myself to tap each day
Relax and take it easy on myself
Expect the best
I would like to accept myself as I am. I fully and completely accept myself just as I am.
Even though I have tapped all over the place trying to feel confident, beautiful, deserving of the best, enjoying life and feeling really comfortable and safe with loving myself and losing weight and I'm still afraid to let go and don't' know what to do when I feel unempowered, I nevertheless fully and completely love and accept myself. I forgive myself. I’m doing the best I can. I know that my subconscious mind is only carrying out its old programming and following its instructions to keep me safe.
I also know that I can change those instructions so that my subconscious mind works with and on behalf of my conscious goals.
Top of Head: What if the hidden reason for my weight anxiety is the struggle?
Forehead: What if the more I struggle with my weight, the worse I feel and the worse everything gets?
Eyebrow: What if I am too focused on losing weight and not on the underlying issues that shaped my beliefs and my subconscious programming?
Side Of Eye: What if the struggling is causing so much anxiety that I can’t think straight about paying attention to what I’m eating or what I’m feeling or anything else?
Under Eye: What if I could just not worry about losing weight?
Under Lip: What if I could just accept myself totally and completely?
Chin: What if I just tap on other things?
Collar Bone: What if I release the struggle and just enjoy my life?
Under Arm: What if I wake up one morning and feel relaxed about my body?
Top of Head: What if I just enjoy the times that I take care of myself, listen to my body, find yummy foods to satisfy my taste buds, find life enhancing ways to nourish my body and mind? What if I maybe even look at my weight for what it is, a temporary manifestation that exists in my life for now that shows how I used to feel about my body and the relationship that I used to have with food, something that I don’t have to take personally, something that I can enjoy noticing daily behavioral changes and feel lighter and more empowered with each passing moment of every day? What if I just focus on knowing that I attract my ideal body with the power of my thoughts, I collect happy images daily and use more resources to find ways of feeling good and taking care of myself on a daily and consistent basis?
Forehead: What if I stop struggling about my body and just focus on the things that I love?
Eyebrow: What if I stop struggling about my weight and focus on what food I most enjoy that make me feel good from the inside out, what if I focus on feeling good and healthy, what if I begin to allow myself to feel deserving of being beautiful, what if beauty is an inside job and its mine for the taking, what if this silly tapping stuff really creates a wave of change that runs through my whole life, what if it just keeps on raising the threshold of what terrific feels like, what if I can keep on focusing on loving myself more, appreciating my talents and abilities, nurturing my relationships and doing wonderful things for my body to feel good now, what if I just relax and let this all unravel as nature intends?
Side of eye: What if this is the hidden reason?
Under Eye: What if I release the struggle and just enjoy being me?
Upper Lip: What if I focus less on feeling fat and more on thinking thin and doing the things that I feel good doing?
Chin: What if I start realizing useful things about my body, losing weight, like how easy it is to find new ways to keep myself occupied when I’m bored, new ways to feel my feelings and be okay with that instead of stuffing them down with food, new ways to eat foods that I love and finding the perfect foods that love me too?
Collar Bone: What if I am free to enjoy longer periods between meals, feeling satisfied and comfortable without the gnawing feelings of deprivation and guilt around food?
Under Arm: What if each day I feel more confident about my body, enjoy noticing things about myself that I like more each day, take time to do the things that nourish me all over, and even allow myself the gift of enjoying dressing myself in lovely clothes that make me feel and look great now, wearing colors that flatter me, having accessories that make me feel gorgeous, buying special little things for myself that make me feel good, finding new ways of pampering myself like the Juicy Woman that I am?
Top of Head: What if I enjoy myself for giving myself the gift of this process of learning how to eat to satisfy my body’s hunger and giving myself the gift of freedom from dieting forever, what if I fancy myself as a gorgeous woman for longer periods of time? What if I really am succeeding at this?
Forehead: What if my confident times become more frequent than my doubtful times?
Eyebrow: What if I relax and one day realize that I have forgotten how to feel helpless, scared, fat, out of control, sorry for myself, anxious about food or my body, self loathing, ignorant, afraid, and hopeless about feeling that I’ll never lose weight?
Side of Eye: What if I stop letting other people run my life and stop giving them the power to make me feel sad, angry, bad about myself and my eating habits, what if I take back control of my ability to express myself and I feel confident and worthy of sharing my needs with others, not from a position of weakness but from strength, what if I look for the good in people and realize that they are doing the best that they can, what if I don’t take things so personally, what if I make it okay not to be a superwoman, or feel like I have to do it all and be perfect, what if I find it easier and easier to assert myself on behalf of my greater good, what if I find myself becoming more comfortable with my body and acting in my own best interests and becoming more and more gentle and loving with myself, what if I pay myself first, what if I really invest in the highest quality of self care that I can, what if I find new ways of having more fun in life, taking advantage of the joy that is around me, the people who I adore, and the life that I love,
Under Eye: What if I just simply forget all the anxiety that I used to feel about my body and trying to get this whole eating thing right? What if I’m doing everything right already?
Upper Lip: What if I stop trying to analyze the why and just get pleasure out of my life now?
Chin: What if I am totally free and acceptable to myself as I am now, at this very point in time?
Collar Bone: What if I completely forgive myself for feeling that I have needed to carry around excess weight in order to protect myself or be strong and throw my weight around, what if I just completely let go of all the old beliefs and the underlying causes of that programming that has up until now reinforced that old need, what if just release that all and let go, what if I learn how to live in the present moment and begin recognizing all of the opportunities that every day holds? What if I just find news of celebrating my freedom from dieting forever in a way that honors myself as a strong independent woman able to listen to her body and pay attention to the emotions that I feel without running to food and stuffing those emotions down, what if I became really focused on all the wonderful things in my life and feel the new energy and excitement for living building like a wave in my life each and every moment, what if I let my inner child out to play and let her lead me to enjoy more of my life right now?
Under arm: What if I start taking an interest in the many helpful books, magazine articles, videos, DVDs, radio reports, courses, activities, conversations, support communities, and all other sources of information about losing weight without dieting, intuitive eating, feeling really good about my body, enjoying activities that connect my mind and my body, do more fun things each week to take care of myself, spend more time with people who I adore, pay exquisite attention to my feelings, recognizing and becoming more able to discriminate the different types of hunger that I have, eat when I am hungry and stop when I am satisfied, release the clutter in my life, and eliminating all of the old excess weight bearing burdens that I used to carry around, what if I tap more each day and that leads me to discover more things that I really like about myself each day, what if I just sit back and watch my body change and my metabolism speed up and the pounds slide off of me like ice melting?
Top of head: What if I relax and let my subconscious mind follow the new instructions I’m giving it to completely change my reactions to thoughts about my body, my weight, my eating, my size, my ability to run a business, take care of myself and others, my ability to make money, lots of it, my expertise to do what I love, my willingness to reach out and grab what’s mine, my confidence to sell my products and services, my poise in speaking with other experts and people who will continue to move me toward my ultimate goals of being a totally Juicy Woman, that includes talking to other women who can support me, learning from financial experts, making friends with people who love me for who I am, learning from financial experts, enjoying a life filled with prosperity and love, passion and abundance, What if I just let go and let all of that happen?