Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
1 / 2
12:00PMRotary Club Meeting / 3
9:00AMTrinity Quilters / 4
8:00AMWorship Service
9:15AMCaring & Sharing
9:15AMConfirmation parents
9:15AMDisciple Bible Study
9:15AMSunday School
10:30AMWorship Service
7:00PMHandbells / 6
6:00PMDisciple Bible Study / 7
9:00AMCongregational Care Mtg
9:00AMTrinity Quilters / 8
12:00PMSack Lunch Scripture Study
6:00PMYouth groups
7:00PMChoir Rehearsal
7:00PMPrayer Meeting / 9
12:00PMRotary Club Meeting / 10
9:00AMTrinity Quilters / 11
8:00AMCub Scouts Pancake Breakfast
8:00AMRotary Youth Exchange day
8:00AMWorship Service
9:15AMCaring & Sharing
9:15AMDisciple Bible Study
9:15AMSunday School
10:30AMWorship Service
4:30PMWartburg Volleyball Banquet
7:00PMHandbells / 13
6:00PMDisciple Bible Study / 14
9:00AMCongregational Care Mtg
9:00AMTrinity Quilters / 15
12:00PMSack Lunch Scripture Study
6:00PMYouth groups
7:00PMChoir Rehearsal
7:00PMPrayer Meeting / 16
8:00AMBOMP Quilters group
12:00PMRotary Club Meeting / 17
9:00AMTrinity Quilters / 18
8:00AMWorship Service
9:15AMCaring & Sharing
9:15AMDisciple Bible Study
9:15AMSunday School
10:30AMWorship Service
11:30AMCoffee in honor of Margaret Phelps birthday
7:00PMHandbells / 20
6:00PM4-H Meeting
6:00PMDisciple Bible Study / 21
9:00AMCongregational Care Mtg
9:00AMTrinity Quilters
12:00PMCluster Meeting / 22
12:00PMSack Lunch Scripture Study
6:00PMYouth groups
7:00PMChoir Rehearsal
7:00PMPrayer Meeting / 23
12:00PMRotary Club Meeting / 24
9:00AMTrinity Quilters / 25
8:00AM"Chocolat" Women's Retreat, Janesville UMC
8:00AMWorship Service
9:15AMCaring & Sharing
9:15AMDisciple Bible Study
9:15AMSunday School
10:30AMWorship Service
6:00PMWSR High School Jazz Dinner
7:00PMHandbells / 27
6:00PMDisciple Bible Study / 28
9:00AMCongregational Care Mtg
9:00AMTrinity Quilters / 29
12:00PMSack Lunch Scripture Study
6:00PMYouth groups
7:00PMChoir Rehearsal
7:00PMPrayer Meeting / 30
12:00PMRotary Club Meeting / 31
9:00AMTrinity Quilters

PRAYER LIST – January 2014

Tori Heerts

Marie Menken

April Arns

Bruce Buxton

Dale Maupin

Evelyn Stafford

Alice Lageschulte

Virginia Heerts

Barb Krause

Rosalene Campbell

Bill Taylor

Betty Arns

Bob Gram

Melody Eckstein

Dottie Heering

Bruce Johnston

Harry Janssen

Chuck & Ruth Ebert

Fern Noel

Willard Acker

Tom Wolf (Amber Kurtz’s father)

Jeff Heimann (Beth Lovejoy’s grandson)

Margo Nicholas (Holly Cashen’s Mom)

Jeanne Sammons (mother of Barbara Krause)

Wayne Boldt (MechilleKluiter’s dad)

Carrie Ann Boldt (MechilleKluiter’s sister)

JoleenBoldt (MechilleKluiter’s mom)

Julie (daughter of Bob & Maxine Gram)

Maren (Sigrid Moehlis’ sister)

Serenity Hartmann (great-granddaughter of Dave & Maureen Baier)

Hattie Froehlich (Julie Breutzmann’s mother)

Fanny Holland (Sigrid Moehlis’ children’s grandmother)

Decorah: MarigeneOberheu

Bickford Cottage (Cedar Falls): Esther Hinds, Georgianna


Cedar Rapids: Thelma Alcock

Clarksville Nursing & Rehab: Bonnie Kukral

VA Home Marshalltown: Vern Oberheu, Lester Brooks

Bartels Lutheran Retirement Community:

Woodland Terrace: Betty Arns, Helen McKee, Betty Gambaiani,

Margaret Vaughn

Linden Place: Norma Briner, Jackie Strotman, Jodie Iserman,

Elaine Hartmann, Doc Magnall

Eichhorn House: Madeline Dowell, Marilyn Korte,

Harry & Kathryn Janssen

Evergreen Arbor: Sally Stansell, Betty Spurbeck

Shell Rock Care Center: Janet Woodring, Ruth Ebert, Fern Noel,

Lorraine Maupin

Shell Rock Meadows: Dale Maupin, Loren & Eloise Nichols,

Chuck Ebert

Serving in the Military

Anthony Lee (Marines - grandson of Vicki Lee)

Christopher Lee (Army - grandson of Vicki Lee)

Andrew Ogden (Marines)

Ryan Ogden (Marines)

Derek Happel (Navy)

Steve Higgens (Army)

Andrew Harmon (Army)

Micah Reuscher (Army)

Benjamin Brown (Army)

Wes Miller (Army)

Lucas Burrier (Army)

Brett Oldenberger (Army)

Jon Cook (son-in-law of Loyd & Rene Johnson)

Dalton Lott (Nephew of Loyd & Rene Johnson)

Jamison Janssen (Afghanistan, grandson of Harry & Kathy Janssen)

Jake Diesburg (National Guard - Judy Ebert’s son)

Megan Conklin (National Guard, granddaughter of Jim & Bev Conklin)