Archdiocese of Boston
Bulletin Announcement

We all have family members, friends and neighbors who have become distant from Jesus Christ and the Church. We want to invite them to return but often don’t feel comfortable doing so, or fear offending them. Here are some simple suggestions to use during the seasons of Advent and Christmas that can be shared in your Parish Bulletin.

Evangelizing Friends and Relatives at Christmas: During Final Days of Advent: Pray and Invite

Pray! Pray! Pray! Start praying now for those you hope will return to Christ and the Church. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the courage to invite family or friends to attend Mass with you. Many people are simply waiting for such an invitation! When you do invite, be sensitive to the way you extend the invitation–extend it as one that genuinely cares for them and longs for them to become full members of the community. For example, say, “Our family is planning to attend the 4:00 o’clock vigil Mass at St. Mary’s; would you [and your family] like to join us?”

Evangelizing Friends and Relatives at Christmas: At Christmas Mass: Smile and Move In

Christmas is the celebration of the great mystery of the Incarnation–the gift of God becoming man! When you encounter those who may not be “regulars,” smile – be a model of joy! Another sign of welcoming is to move to the center of the pew so that others may easily find a place to sit down for the celebration of Mass. Go even further by inviting people searching for seats to join you in the pew!

Evangelizing Friends and Relatives at Christmas: After Christmas: Gather and Celebrate

Many people find themselves away from home or perhaps struggling through difficult family situations during Christmas. Invite them to join you for your traditional Christmas celebrations where appropriate. Continue celebrating throughout the Christmas season by sharing in family and parish gatherings! It is a common custom to keep Christmas lights on until the celebration of the Magi’s arrival before the Infant Lord on January 6th–called the “Epiphany,” or “Little Christmas.” This is also a way of observing the “Twelve Days of Christmas.” Remember that your witness may well inspire a deepening sense of God’s love and invitation.

Project Rachel

“During the retreat, I realized the impact of forgiveness…Through the depth of my pain, I began a lasting relationship with God…” Many women ache with the pain of a past abortion. The Project Rachel ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston extends an invitation for post-abortion hope and healing through its “Come to the Waters of Healing” retreat on Saturday, November 14 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Limited to 10 women. Location is confidential. For registration information, contact Project Rachel at 508.651.3100 or . Trust in the tender mercy of God!

Fiat! A Group for Discerning Women

Fiat is a discernment group for women in the Archdiocese of Boston who are considering a vocation to religious life. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 18, 2015 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at the Daughters of Saint Paul, 50 St. Paul’s Ave., Boston, MA 02130.

Join us for Cinema Divina: Inside Out – Movie and Discussion.

If you are interested in attending, please respond to Sister Marian Batho, CSJ, Delegate for Religious, or call 617-746-5637.

Scout Sunday at the Seminary (11/15)

Join scouts of all ages at St. John Seminary, Brighton on Sunday, November 15th, 2:00-4:00pm. This is an opportunity to meet seminarians, ask questions and tour the seminary! To reserve space for your group please respond to Kathy Stebbins () by November 2nd! Go to to download a flyer.

Bishop James Augustine Healy Award Dinner

“Use the Gift You Have Been Given” 1 Peter 4:10

The Archdiocese of Boston, Office for Black Catholic Ministries

Requests the honor of your presence at the 22nd Annual Bishop James Augustine Healy Award Dinner. The dinner this year will honor two outstanding women. Ms. Beulah Providence, founder of the Caribbean Foundation is the Bishop Healy Award Recipient and Sr. Margaret A. Leonard, LSA, Founder of Project Hope, is the 2015 Ruffin Award Recipient. The guest speaker this year is Ms. Adrienne Curry, M. Div. The dinner will take place at Lombardo’s in Randolph on November 21, 2015 beginning at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $65.00 and may be purchased by going to and clicking on the Bishop Healy Crest.

Witness to Life

On January 21, 2016, young people from the Archdiocese of Boston will depart to join hundreds of thousands of their peers in Washington, DC, at the 43rd annual March for Life on January 22nd, 2016.This powerful event began as a small demonstration on anniversary of the historic Roe v. Wade decision. Today, the March for Life is the largest pro-life event in the world and is a great opportunity to witness to the dignity of all human life, especially the most vulnerable in our society - the unborn. We are happy to once again invite you to join Cardinal Sean O’Malley and the Archdiocese of Boston on this life changing pilgrimage to rise up and witness to life in 2016! We have four distinct tracks to best serve all those interested, includinga middle school, high school, young adult, and family track. Please visit or contact us ;617-746-5766for more information. Please note: A meeting for leaders who will or may be coming on this pilgrimage for the first or second time will be held at the Pastoral Center in Braintree. Meetings will be offered on November 10th at 1:00pm, and on November 12th at 7:00pm.

Pastoral Planning

November 8 – Thirty –second Sunday in Ordinary Time
The readings today tell of two widows who gave everything they had. When Jesus spoke about the widow at the treasury, he said “she contributed … her whole livelihood." Time, talent, and treasurearepillars of stewardship. Do we use our time to help others? Do we put our talent in service to the parish or community? Do we give sacrificially - not giving what is left-over at the end of the week, but giving by giving up something? And do we give the greatest gift – our witness to God‘s love? Share your time, talent, treasure - and your story.

November 15 –Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
We are coming to the end of the Liturgical Year and the readings are very much concerned with ‘end times’. Death, judgement, heaven, hell. The stakes are high. The time to be intentional about following Jesus is NOW, don’t wait. "But of that day or hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." A generous Catholic philanthropist once said that his only job was to get to heaven and take as many people with him as he could. Isn’t that a job description for each one of us?

November 22 – The Solemnity Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Pilate said to Jesus, "Are you the King of the Jews?" Perhaps the question we need to ask today is, “Is Jesus my King? Do I live with Jesus at the center of my life? What is the ‘checklist’ that will help answer the question? Daily prayer? Frequent confession? Reception of Holy Communion? Helping others come to know Him better? End of the year. Inventory time.
November 29 – First Sunday in Advent
Advent is a time of waiting, but as we wait, “Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy…. Be vigilant at all times.” Pray for strength to follow Jesus, to pray always, and to be strong in the face of the incessant commercialism of the season. And pray for courage to introduce Jesus to others.

For bulletin announcements related to the Special Collection, please see > Search for “Special Collection”