Please join us today coffee, juice and donuts to be served in the Fellowship Hall. Our host is the Consistory. Next week’s coffee hour host is the Christian Education Board.
Welcome Team (8:00) Stewardship Board Members
(10:15) Dave Johnson Cindy Johnson
Hannah Johnson Laura Foerster
Valet Team (8:00) Lori Miscik
(10:15) Karen Munie
Sound/Slides (8:00) Conner Mortland and Mary Beth Broughton
(10:15) Ron Mortland and Cameron Mortland
Layreaders: (8:00) Kay Whitecotton (10:15) Beth Grohmann
Attendance for November 8 - 286
Hearing Devices are available. Please ask one of the ushers.
Senior Pastor – Christopher Hill ()
Associate Pastor – Will VerDuin ()
Office Business Manager – Barb Bray ()
Bookkeeper – Patti Kohlbrecher ()
Choir Director – Lisa Cleveland ()
Organist – Joan Schuetz ()
Contemporary Worship Director – Chris Swed ()
Director of Children’s Ministries – Darlene Nagel
Radio Ministry – Casper Heichelbeck, Jacob Plocher and
Zach Plocher
EvUCC Communications Ministries
Radio Station WGEL 101.7 FM Greenville
Church Phone: 618-654-7459
November 15, 2015
Welcome to Evangelical United Church of Christ! We encourage you to return soon. Please stop at the visitors’ desk. Please sign the Friendship Pad and pass it to the outside aisle where an usher will pick it up.
Nursery care is available today in Room 38 for infants and toddlers (3 years old and under). Our volunteers today are: (9:00) Tracey Zobrist and (10:00) Jan Tebbe. Our nursery staff volunteer is Katie Henricks.
Prayers, Concerns and Joys - Please include in your Prayers
Connie Louer Abert, Bob Barney, Daryl Bense (Barb Bray’s brother-in-law), Marie Bimes, Florence Collmann, Carolyn Crabtree, Jeanne Dankenbring, Viola Deibert, Randy Dellamano, Gene and Debra Dilley (Marsha Rinderer’s sister and brother-in-law), Marlene Dickerson, Rev. Tom Drewer, Jared Emig (nephew of Jerry and Karla Zurliene), Alma Erwin, Ellen Gelly, Olivia Genteman, Ida Gorrell, Robert Goth, Elaine Grundhoefer (Harold Byers’ sister), Norma Haberer, Maurie Henricks, Carol Hoffman, Don Hundsdorfer, Curt Iberg, Dorothy Johnson (Aunt of Ron and Kathy Schneider), Betty Kamm, Vera Kunz, Rev. Jim Langdoc, Betty Legier, Herman Louer, Mary Manville, Marion Marcus, Wayne Marcus, Mary Marchal, Ruth Meffert, Joe Michaelis, Becky Morris (Shirley Hug’s niece), Daniel Morris, Richard Moser, Alicia Rayner (Al & Shirley Flath’s daughter), Sandra Reinacher, Don Rinderer, Amy Schneider, Doris (mother of Barb Stallard), John Snider, Nathan Steding, Gloria Stuckwisch, Elva Tucker, Carladine Vulliet, Alvin Whitsell (Florence Collmann’s brother-in-law), Dale Wiesemeyer (Niala Keilbach’s brother), and Kathy Wilsman (Nancy Byers’ sister), Barb Winters, Judy Wise,. Please pray for Ava Martin, a one year old waiting for a heart transplant.
Adopt-A-Family - EvUCC will be participating in the Adopt-A-Family Christmas programs through HACSM and Hoyleton Ministries. There are gift tags on the bulletin board in the Narthex. Please choose tags of items you would like to purchase and return UNWRAPPED by Sunday, December 6th with the gift tag attached. PLEASE include gift receipts for all items.
As an alternative to gift purchases, we are asking for donations of wrapping paper, gift bags, tissue paper, scotch tape and cash (to purchase unclaimed gift tag gifts. Call Karla Zurliene 654-7943 (home) 618-973-7262 (cell) with any questions.
HIGHLAND-WIDE THANKSGIVING SERVICE – Next Sunday, November 22nd at 6pm- join us HERE for the Highland-wide Thanksgiving celebration service! Every year this ecumenical service rotates churches and this year it is here! Come celebrate "same-team Christianity" with all our brothers and sisters!
Hanging of the Greens – We will be decorating the sanctuary during worship services on Sunday, November 29th. We are asking for volunteers to join us on Tuesday, November 24th to help “gather” the decorations to be used. We will meet at 6:30 and it should not take long.
Sunday School Bake Sale – The Sunday School will host a bake sale on November 22nd to raise money to buy Christmas gifts for the children at Kindercottage. With the funds received, the Sunday School will purchase toys and our classes will gift wrap them. Please stop by the Sunday School Bake Sale and support our students in their Advent mission project.
The Mission Board Thanksgiving Eve Dinner is scheduled for Wed., Nov. 25 from 6 – 7:00 for those in our community and congregation who would like to share a meal with someone. Sign-up in the Narthex, deadline is Nov 18th. Please consider helping by donating:applesauce, napkins, and small dessert plates. We are good on the other items previously listed. Donations can be brought to the Narthex.
Women’s Guild - The Women’s Guild Christmas potluck luncheon will be held December 1st at 11:30. The Wee Care children will again be singing for us at 11:30 with the potluck beginning at 12 noon. We ask that you sign the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the Narthex by November 22nd. Meat and beverage will be provided. The Guild Board will meet on November 30th at 9:00 a.m.
Totenfest - The Sunday before Thanksgiving is the end of the church year. On that Sunday, November 22, we will reflect back and remember those of our fellowship who have passed on. We invite you to be with us on that Sunday, especially if there is a loved one whom you will be remembering on that day.
This Week’s Schedule
Sunday: 6:00 p.m. Highland-wide Dodge Ball Tournament
7:00 p.m. AA
Monday: 7:30 a.m. Quilters
10:00 a.m. 1st Place for Health
6:30 p.m. Grief Share
6:30 p.m. Divorce Care
Tuesday: 7:00 p.m. Auction Follow-up Meeting
8:00 p.m. AA
Wednesday: 9:00 a.m. Wednesday Morning Followship Bible Study
6:00 p.m. Handbell Choir Practice
6:00 p.m. God Squad Practice
6:30 p.m. NO Next Step
7:00 p.m. Chancel Choir Practice
7:00 p.m. Stewardship Board
Thursday: 6:00 p.m. Mission Board
7:00 p.m. Consistory Meeting
Friday: 8:00 p.m. AA/Alanon
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. Hoyleton Service Trip for Youth
Worship Memorials/Honorariums to the Glory of God
The Radio Ministry is in memory of Marie Zobrist.
The Bulletin ministry is from Dennis and Janis Foehner in memory of Bryon and Shirley Wente and Edgar and Millie Foehner.