Evaluering – Individual questionnaire

Semester (eg. ”spring semester 2014”):

Title of course:


The purpose of this evaluation:

Students must become conscious of their scholarly and personal development through the teaching by reflecting on the process of learning – and the teacher needs feed-back on the teaching. The evaluation must be a part of the further teaching as a part of the qualitydevelopment of the subject and the university.

1. The teaching:

Yes, very much / Yes, to some degree / To a lesser degree / No, not at all
Did you participate in three fourths of the classes? /  /  /  / 
Have you been sufficiently informed about the exam during the course? /  /  /  / 
Do you estimate that the teaching has qualified you for your ongoing study, both concerning the topic and in other ways: eg. cooperation, communication, study technique etc.? /  /  /  / 

a) Which parts of the course did find difficult?

b) Do you have ideas as to how these parts might be made more accessible?

c) Was the overall level of the teaching fitting for you?

d) Any other comments to the questions concerning your learning:

2. Cooperation and commitment

Yes, very much / Yes, to some degree / To a lesser degree / No, not at all
Has there been a sufficient level of cooperation between the students? /  /  /  / 
Do you come prepared? /  /  /  / 
Do the students get sufficient answers to their questions within the framework of the teaching? /  /  /  / 
Is the teacher enthusiastic about the subject matter? /  /  /  / 
Is the teacher responsive to the students? /  /  /  / 

Comments or ideas concerning the questions on cooperation and commitment:

3. The structure and pedagogy of the teaching

Yes, very much / Yes, to some degree / To a lesser degree / No, not at all
Is the teaching working? /  /  /  / 
Do the student presentations – if any- work? /  /  /  / 
Is the group-work working? /  /  /  / 
Do you experience varied and dynamic teaching? /  /  /  / 
Are the form of teaching, the subject matter and the goal of the teaching interrelated? /  /  /  / 
Does the teaching inspire you to further studies? /  /  /  / 
Have the practical informations been sufficient? /  /  /  / 
Does the teacher hand out the things you need and does he/she keep appointments? /  /  /  / 
Is it clear that the teacher knows the subject matter from his or her own research? /  /  /  / 
Are you exposed to new and surprising thoughts and ideas? /  /  /  / 

Here you can expand on you answers concerning the questions on the teaching:

a) Form of teaching

b) Pedagogy

c) Variation and dynamics

d) Independent work

e) What has been the worst about the course?

f) What has been the best about the course?

g) Please indicate if any special pedagogical initiatives made this course particularly inspiring and describe these initiatives.

4. Further comments