- Describe your work history, beginning with your first position after school. Please elaborate on why you either changed companies or positions.
- Describe a recent day in your current position, beginning with the time you arrived at work and the time you left for the day.
- How many hours do you typically work in a week?
- Describe three of your proudest accomplishments in the past few years.
- What special talents do you believe you have that will be most valuable to the organization you work for?
- Please describe yourself using three adjectives.
- Describe the ideal relationship you would envision having with your manager.
- How do you typically go about selling your point of view?
- What would attract you to an opportunity at another organization?
- Describe a person(s) who has had a strong influence on your adult life. What was the nature of their influence?
- Who would you say is the most effective manager you ever worked for? Could you describe what made him/her so effective?
- How would you compare yourself to this person? If we could ask this person to compare himself/herself to you, what do you envision that he/she would say are the primary differences in your respective styles?
- Who is the least effective manager you’ve ever worked for? What made him/her so ineffective?
- When it comes to bosses or supervisors, what are your pet peeves? What are the little things a boss might do that drive you up the wall?
- What techniques or methods have you used to ensure that you clearly understand the expectations of your current manager?
- What methods have you used to ensure that your communication is clearly understood by your employees?
- What do you especially enjoy about your current (or most recent) job function?
- How many people would you estimate that you have directly hired over the years?
- What techniques have you found to be most effective to avoid hiring mistakes?
- What would you say has been your biggest hiring mistake? What did you learn from that experience?
- When you realize you have an employee who you’ve given up on, what procedure do you typically follow to terminate him/her?
- Can you think of a recent crisis and describe how you handled it?
- What methods do you use to measure employee performance?
- What kind of employee behaviors really irritate you? How do you communicate this to your employees?
- If you had the last five years to live over again, what would be two or three things you would do differently?
- What are some recurring challenges that you face with your existing (or most recent) staff?
- How would you describe your management style?
- How do you believe your direct-reports would describe your management style? Any differently?
- If we were interviewing one of your sharpest employees, are there any aspects of your management style you would speculate that he/she would criticize?
- When you ultimately retire, what would you want your employees and co-workers to say about you at your retirement party?
- What kinds of management duties are most distasteful or challenging for you?
- Please give us some idea of the proactive steps you have taken to improve the effectiveness of your management style.
- How do you handle criticism?
- When you deserve criticism, how do you prefer your boss to deliver it?
- If there were just one personality characteristic that you could change about yourself, what would it be?
- Most people have a code by which they live; how would you describe yours?
- Tell me some of the ways you’ve seen other managers de-motivate employees. How would you counsel managers you’ve observed making those kinds of management mistakes?
- What role would you like to see yourself playing in a company in say, five years? What vision do you have and what obstacles, if any, do you anticipate in realizing this vision?
- How creative do you see a management role to be?
- What do you think would be your primary reason for leaving your current situation and accepting a position with another company?
- When one of your employees disagrees with a decision that you are about to make, how would you prefer that he/she communicate this with you? How do you communicate disagreements you have with the manager to whom you report?
- What are the key performance standards you are measured by in your current position?
- How have you performed against those standards?
- What has been your proudest achievement professionally over the past five years?
- What has been your biggest management blunder over the past five years? What have you learned from that experience?
- How comfortable do you feel managing salespeople? Describe some challenges you’ve experienced managing salespeople.
- How comfortable do you feel managing operations people? Describe some challenges you’ve experienced managing operations people.
- How important is personal development to you?
- Please describe some of your hobbies and personal interests.
- What type of relationship do you like to establish with your employees?
- Why should we select you for this management opportunity?
- Is there anything else you would like to tell me about yourself that I haven’t asked?
Compliments of Bill Lee at
Remodelers Advantage, Inc.
535 Main Street – Suite 211, LaurelMD20707
Ofc. 301-490-5620 Fax. 301-498-6869