Jigsaw Link Members
Annual Evaluation2015
1.Has Jigsaw Link improved your social life?
Not at all0 246810 Hugely N/A
2. Has Jigsaw Link enabled you to make new friends?
Not at all0 2 46810 Hugely N/A
3.Do you feel more supported since joining Jigsaw Link?
Not at all0 2 46810 Totally N/A
4.Do you find the Jigsaw Link newsletter informative?
Not at all0 2 46810 Hugely N/A
5. Has attending Jigsaw Link programmes helped you feel physically healthier?
Not at all0 24 68 10 Hugely N/A
6. Has attending Jigsaw Link programmes helped improve yourmentalhealth*?
(Please see note below for a description of mental health)
Not at all0 24 68 10 Hugely N/A
7. What do you think works well in the Jigsaw Link service and what do you think could
be improved?
8. Has participating in Jigsaw Link activitiesincreased your self-esteem?
Not at all0 24 6 8 10 Hugely N/A
9. What Jigsaw Link services or activities do you participate in?
BefrienderOutingsLunch ClubsTelephone Befriending
Newsletter only
10. How was your confidencebefore your participation?
No confidence0 2 46810Very confident N/A
11.How is your confidenceafteryour participation?
No confidence 0 2 4 6 8 10Very confident N/A
12. How lonely did you feel before joining Jigsaw Link?
Lonely0 2 46810Not lonely N/A
13. How lonely do you feel afteryour involvement with Jigsaw Link?
Lonely0 2 46810Not lonely N/A
14. How active as an older person were youbefore joining Jigsaw Link?
Not at all0 2 46810Hugely N/A
15. How active as an older person are you since joining Jigsaw Link?
Not at all0 2 46810Hugely N/A
16. How would you describe your mood before joining Jigsaw Link?
Unhappy0 2 46810Very happy N/A
17. How would you describe your mood after joining Jigsaw Link?
Unhappy0 2 46810Very happy N/A
Additional comments
Name ………………………………..………………….Thank you for your feedback.
*Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own
potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to
make a contribution to her or his community
Monitoring Form
Ethnic background
WhiteEnglish/Scottish/Welsh/Northern Irish/UK
Gypsy or Irish Traveller
Any other White background
Mixed ethnic background
Asian/Asian UK
Any other Asian background
Black/African/Caribbean/Black UK
Any other Black/African/Caribbean background
Other ethnic group
Any other ethnic group
Please Tick / MaleFemale
Prefer not to say
Please Tick / 0-24 years25-64 years
65+ years
Do you consider yourself to have a disability?No
Prefer not to say
Religion or belief
Tick one box only below
No religionChristian
Other religion
Prefer not to say
Sexual orientation
HeterosexualLesbian, gay man, bisexual
Prefer not to say