AP - Chapter 22 Study Guide

The “New Era” – 1920s


MUST KNOW: / McNary-Haugen Bill / Langston Hughes
radio / Issei and Nisei / Alain Locke The New Negro
consumer goods / mass consumption / Prohibition (18th Amendment)
standard of living / advertising / organized crime
personal mobility / The Man Nobody Knows / Al Capone
mass culture / mass-circulation magazines / “wets” vs. “drys”
popular culture / Hollywood / bootleggers and speakeasies
mass media / “Talkies” The Jazz Singer / Emergency Immigration Act of 1921
cinema / NBC / National Origins Act of 1924
Harlem Renaissance / Harry Emerson Fosdick / The New Klan
gender roles / “companionate marriages” / “traditional values”
modernism / Margaret Sanger / David Stephenson
science vs. religion / birth control / fundamentalism
nativist campaigns / “flappers” / Scopes “Monkey Trial”
immigration quotas / Equal Rights Amendment / ACLU
Alice Paul / Al Smith
ADDITIONAL TERMS: / Sheppard-Towner Act / Warren G. Harding
Trade Associations / “Lost Generation” / “Ohio Gang”
“Welfare Capitalism” / Ernest Hemingway / Teapot Dome Scandal
“Pink-Collar” Jobs / F. Scott Fitzgerald / Albert Fall & Harry Daugherty
A. Philip Randolph / H.L. Mencken / Calvin Coolidge
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters / dance halls / Andrew Mellon
Open Shop / jazz / Herbert Hoover
“American Plan” / Duke Ellington, Jelly Roll Morton / “associationalism”


·  How did the economy change by the 1920s?

·  What effects did new technology and manufacturing techniques and the increased production of consumer goods have on American society including improving the standard of living, personal mobility, and communication?

·  What caused the rise of urban population in the 1920s including new economic opportunities for women, international immigrants, and internal migrants?

·  What impact did rising urbanization (by 1920 a majority of Americans were living in urban centers) have on American society and culture?

·  What were the effects of the new popular culture on public values, morals, and American national identity?

·  What impact did the new forms of mass media such as radio and cinema have both national and regional culture?

·  What were the key emerging art and literature movements and how did they reflect ethnic and regional identities, including the Harlem Renaissance?

·  What were the key cultural and political controversies that emerged in the 1920s including gender roles, modernism, science, religion, and issues related to race and immigration?

·  What were the causes and effects of rising nativist campaigns including the passage of quotas that restricted immigration, particularly from southern and eastern Europe, and increased barriers to Asian immigration?