Curriculum Vitae Zdzislaw Polkowski

/ Malinowskiego 32;59-300 Lubin, Poland
Phone: +48 76 8470077
Mobile: +48 512084372
Viber: +48 512084372
WhatsApp: +48 512084372
Skype: zdzislaw_polkowski
Facebook: Zdzisław Pólkowski


SexMale| Date of birth21.12.1966| NationalityPolish
Since 1.10.2016 / Rector’s Representative for International Cooperation and Erasmus + Programme,
The former dean of the Technical Sciences Faculty (2009 - 2012)
Jan Wyzykowski University in Polkowice
ul. Skalników 6b
59-101 Polkowice
Dean’s responsibilities:
Managing a team of 80
Performing work associated with implementing the National Framework of Qualification
Inspection of classes
Personnel term appraisal
Acting as a supervisor of the auxiliary in the doctoral work:
MSC A. Śniegula, University of Lodz, Poland
MSC W.Grzelak, Economic University of Wroclaw, Poland,
MSCSurya Baser, Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad, India
Acting as a reviewer of the auxiliary in the doctoral work:
MSC Prakash Hasmukhbhai Patel,Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad, India
Classes in the following subjects:
Computer Networks
Information Technologies
Computer Systems in Business
Computer Science in Management
Computer Assistance in Management
Computer Systems in Administration
Computer Science and Computer Assistance in Engineering Works
Engineering Graphics
Information Technologies
Techniques and Technologies in Telecommunications
Graduation seminar
Classes conducted in English in the following subjects:
International Trade
Business Informatics
E-business and e-commerce
Data Organization and Management
E-administration in Poland and EU
Computer Systems in International Relations
Doing Business in Poland and EU
Information Technologies
IT Systems in Business
Creating Websites and Portals
Engineering Designing with the Use of AUTOCAD
Graduation seminar
From 1.08.1999 to 1.08.2001 / Academic teacher
Subregionalne Centrum Kształcenia (Subregional Centre for Education) in Polkowice
ul. Skalników6
59-101 Polkowice
Conducting trainings in:
Computer science
Computer science in management
Participation in the Tessa programme financed with European Union funds
From 1.03.1996 to 30.06.2004 / Academic teacher of computer sciences
Miedziowe Centrum Kształcenia Kadr
ul. M. Skłodowskiej - Curie 84
59-301 Lubin
Conducting trainings in:
Computer sciences
Computer sciences in management
From 1.09.1990 to 30.06.2004 / Academic teacher
School Training Centre "Nowa Szkoła"
ul. Skalników 6
59-101 Polkowice
Conducting trainings in:
Advanced operation of the computer
Computer sciences
Computer sciences in management
From 1.09.1990 to 31.08.2008 / Certified teacher
Zespół Szkół in Polkowice
ul. Skalników 6
59-101 Polkowice
Classes in:
Information Technology
Computer Science
Computer Assistance for office work
Computer Networks
Computer technology devices
Computer graphics
Performing functions of:
class tutor
career during trips
member of secondary-school leaving examination boards
Implementing computer innovations
From 4.05.1991 to 30.04.1992 / Cable TV networks specialist, technical manager
Polkowicka Telewizja Kablowa
(Polkowice Cable Television)
ul. K. B. Kominka 6
59-100 Polkowice
assembly, installation and configuration of TV devices
Determining the targets for the development of TV devices
Service centre for electronic devices
Managing a team
From 1.09.1990 to 30.05.1992 / Electronics engineer, service engineer for electronic and TV devices
Zielonogórska Telewizja Przewodowa
ul. Wyszyńskiego 29
65-536 Zielona Góra
service, installation and configuration of TV devices
Since 17.07.1990 / Owner of IT consulting company (SME), 5 employees
Firma PÓLKOWSKI, Zdzisław Pólkowski
ul. Dąbrowskiego 2
59-100 Polkowice
IT, e-business, e-commerce, e-administration
Performing consulting services in IT
Carrying out advanced IT projects
Digital marketing

1997 / Certified teacher
Kuratorium Oświaty (Education Office) in Wrocław
1997 / Engineer
Technical University of Zielona Góra
Speciality: Industrial computer systems
1994 / Postgraduate studies
Akademia Ekonomiczna (University of Economics in Wrocław)
Speciality: microcomputer systems in management
1997 / Postgraduate studies
Akademia Ekonomiczna (College of Economics) in Katowice
Speciality: computer science at school
1991 / Master's degree
Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna (College of Education) in Zielona Góra
Speciality: technical education, computer science
▪Training for the managing staff. The law on higher education. Ministry of Science and of Higher Education, Gdańsk. 29-30 June 2011.
▪The 19 National Conference On Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Electronic Commerce (EC). Institute of Applied Computer Science Łódź University of Technology, Rochna – Łódź. 16-17 June 2011.
▪International Conference: Innovation for eParticipation. Akademia Ekonomiczna (College of Economics) in Poznań. 16 October 2011.
▪International conference "Borderless eGovernment Services for Europeans”. Ministry of Interior, European Commission, Poznań. 17-18 October 2011.
▪Seminar of Non-Public Colleges of Opole and Wrocław. Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa (Wrocław School of Banking), Wrocław. 17 March 2011.
▪The 13th seminar – WOD. College of the Computer Science in Łódź. 2011.
▪Bolognese seminar. The National Framework of Qualification, developing programs of studies on the basis of education results. Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa (State Vocational Schoolof Higher Education), Leszno. 10 March 2011.
▪Seminars during Asia World-Expo. Asia World-Expo, Hongkong. 12-15 April 2010.
▪„Information society issues” – the 12th seminar – WOD College of Computer Science in Łódź. 2010.
▪Seminars and conferences at HKTDC International ICT Expo. HKTDC International ICT Expo,Hongkong. 13-16 April 2010.
▪Seminars and conferences at China Elektronic Technology Annual Conference. China Elektronic Technology Annual Conference, Shenzhen, China. 10 April 2010.
▪The National Scientific Conference "Computer Assistance in Didactics". Polish Association for Medical IT, College of Computer Science in Łódź, Łódź. 25 -27 June 2008.
▪The Lower Silesian College of Entrepreneurship and Techniques Włocławek. 2009.
▪The 9th Round-Table Conference "Poland on the way to the information society". Association of Polish Electrical Engineers, Warsaw. 16 May 2008.
▪The Xchange conference. CRN, Budapest, Hungary. 5-7 February 2007.
▪The 11th WOD Seminar "Technologies and the culture of cooperating in the informationsociety”. The Lower Silesian College of Entrepreneurship and Technology, Polkowice. 15-16 November 2007.
▪The 7th Round-Table Conference "Poland on the way to the information society". Association of Polish Electrical Engineers, Warsaw. 18 May 2006.
Publications / ▪Article , Pólkowski Z., Nycz M., The graduate profile in the field of informatics and business informatics in the context of labour market needs,Scientific Conference: Informatyka w zarządzaniu, Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Szczecin, December 2016
▪Article, Pólkowski Z., Pachla K., An analysis of selected e-learning systems,in: Studia z Nauk Technicznych, Piesiak S., Polkowski Z. UJW Polkowice December 2016
▪Article, The Integration of BI, ERP and CRM Systems, Zdzisław Pólkowski, Damian Constantin, Anghel Ionut Raducu, Blidaru Catalina Elena, in: Studia z Nauk Technicznych, Piesiak S., Polkowski Z. UJW Polkowice December 2016,
▪Article, Zajac D., Nycz M., Pólkowski Z,The graduate profile in the field of informatics and business informatics in the context of labour market needs, Informatyka w Zarządzaniu , 30 th November- 1th December, Szczecin
▪Article, Nycz M., Pólkowski Z., Big Data applications in SMEs, 2ndInternational Conference on Emerging Trends and Approaches, (ETAEc 2016), Pitesti, Romania, 12th-13thNovember 2016, Pitesti, Romania
▪Article, Pólkowski Z., Dysarz J. An Analysis of the Legal, Economic and Technical Aspects of Carpooling Systems, 2ndInternational Conference on Emerging Trends and Approaches, (ETAEc 2016), Pitesti, Romania, 12th-13thNovember 2016, Pitesti, Romania
▪Article, Dutta N., Polkowski Z., Savulescu C., Grid based Routing in Cognitive Radio Networks for Concurrent Communication, 10th-12th, August, Noida, 2016, I, 2017
▪Article, Nitul Dutta, Zdzislaw Polkowski, Corina Savulescu, Sunil Pathak, An approach to signaling cost reduction in Proxy MIPv6 for mobility management,Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2016, ICACCI-2016, 21th -23th September, Jaipur, India
▪Article, Nayyar A., Puri V., Polkowski Z., CloudBot1: Real Time Environmental Monitoring Internet of Robot (IoR), 2016 Sixth International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies, 3th-4th September, Rohtak, India
▪Article,Pólkowski Z., Julian Vasilev, Dariusz Zajac, Lidia Florina Arnautu, A content analysis of existing educational portals for teaching data warehouse and business intelligence, International Conference Electronics, ECAI - 2016, Ploiesti, Romania.
▪Article,Pólkowski Z., Savulescu Corina, Dutta Nitul, Collaborative Data Management for Business - A review of collaborative techniques, International Conference Electronics, ECAI - 2016, Ploiesti, Romania.
▪Article,Pólkowski Z., Corina Savulescu, Nitul Dutta, Myhkailo Shtefanitsa, Mobile Solutions in Small and Medium Enterprises, International Conference Electronics, ECAI - 2016, Ploiesti, Romania.
▪Z. Polkowski, Wykorzystanie technologii infomacyjno- komunikacyjnych w usprawnianiu procesów biznesowych w MiŚP, IV Kongres Nauk oZarządzaniu, Warszawa, Marzec-kwiecień, 2016
▪Z. Polkowski, J.Vasiliev, R. Ghandi, Green computing a budding drift to sustainable IT. The International Conference of the 13thCongress on Knowledge Management – Theory And Practice (KM-TP-2016 Congress), Ciechocinek, May 2016
▪Z. Polkowski, J.Vasiliev, M. Niedzwiedzinski,Saulean Ruxandra AndreeaE-procurement in Poland, Bulgaria and Romania, an analysis of legal aspect, The International Conference of the 13thCongress on Knowledge Management – Theory And Practice (KM-TP-2016 Congress), Ciechocinek, May 2016
▪Z. Polkowski, M. Moroz, The last mile issue and the urban logistics: choosing a parcel machines in the context of the ecological attitudes of the Y generation consumers purchasing, The second International Conference Green Cities 2016 – Green Logistics for Greener Cities, Szczecin, 2016
▪Polkowski Z., Niedzwiedzinski M., Nycz M.,Emerging trends and approaches in technology, (ETAEc 2015), Pitesti, Romania, 17th-18thOctober 2015
▪Polkowski Z., Krupski M., Management and business games in education, Edukacja i zarządzanie, 2015
▪Polkowski Z., Krupski M., Siwocha A., Zastosowanie Statycznej i dynamicznej grafiki komputerowej w biznesie, Edukacja i zarządzanie, 2015
▪Z. Polkowski, M.Niedzwiedzinski, A . Sniegula, teenager blogs in the fashion business, theInternational Conference on Emerging Trends and Approaches: Creative Thinking and Innovation in Knowledge based Economy (ETAEc 2015), Pitesti, Romania, 17th-18thOctober 2015
▪Thesis of papper, Nycz M., Pólkowski Z., The Use of ICT in a Local Government Unit, in: Book of Conference Abstracts. InSITE 2015: Informing Science + IT Education, ed. E. Cohen, E. Boyd, University of Tampa, Floryda, United States of America, 2015, p. 67, ISSN 1535-0703, ISBN 978-1-932886-96-2.
▪Thesis of papper, Nycz M., Pólkowski Z., Business Intelligence in a Local Government Unit, in: Book of Conference Abstracts. InSITE 2015: Informing Science + IT Education, ed. E. Cohen, E. Boyd, University of Tampa, Floryda, United States of America, 2015, p. 67, ISSN 1535-0703, ISBN 978-1-932886-96-2.
▪Book Chapter, Olszewski W., Pólkowski Z., The selected aspects ofInformation and Communications Technology in The Education of 50+ Generation in Poland, in: Economy in a changing world: national, regional and global dimension. Reports of international scientific conference, V. 3., No. 95,ed. V. Hadzhiev, Varna, Bulgaria, 2015, p. 130-139, ISBN 978-954-21-0835-1.

▪Journal Article, Savulescu C., Albu I.A., Pólkowski Z., The Online and Computer Aided Assessment, w: Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence – 7th Edition, ed. T. Yamakawa, N. Bizon, I. Sima, M. Oproescu, International Conference Electronics, ECAI - 2015, Bukarest, ISBN 978-1-4673-6646-5.
▪Pólkowski, Z., Security of Communication Tools in E-learning Platform, ECAI 2015 - International Conference Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence – 7th Edition, Bukarest, Romania.
▪Journal Article, Nycz M., Mkisi J.M., Pólkowski Z., The Cyber Security in SMEs in Poland and Tanzania, in: Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence – 7th Edition, ed. T. Yamakawa, N. Bizon, I. Sima, M. Oproescu, International Conference Electronics, ECAI - 2015, Bukarest, ISBN 978-1-4673-6646-5.
▪Journal Article, Savulescu C., Deaconescu I.C., Bildaru C.E., Pólkowski Z., Security in e-learning systems, w: Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence – 7th Edition, red. T. Yamakawa, N. Bizon, I. Sima, M. Oproescu, International Conference Electronics, ECAI - 2015, Bukarest, ISBN 978-1-4673-6647-5.
▪Nycz M., Pólkowski Z., The Use of ICT in Households in Poland and Bulgaria After Joining the EU, Polskie Towarzystwo Zarządzania Wiedzą, Bydgoszcz, 2015.
▪Marciniak K., Nycz M., Pólkowski Z., The use of intelligent ICT solutions at local governmental level, in: KM Conference 2015, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny in Katowice, The International Institute for Applied Knowledge Management (IIAKM), Katowice 2015, pp. 60-67, available:
▪Book Chapter, Pólkowski Z., Przyszłość kadr w kontekście globalizacji, in: Zarządzanie w nowoczesnej organizacji. Problemy, badania, praktyka, ed. B. Bartosz, St. A. Witkowski, UZZM, Lubin, 2015, pp. 9-19, ISBN 978-83-939057-0-6, ISSN 2449-5972.
▪Journal Article, Pólkowski Z., Ethical Issues in the Use and implementation of ICT, in: Sankalpa: Journal of Management & Research, ed. R. Khajuria, R. Banerjee i K. Sinha, 4th International Conference on “Business Ethic for Good Corporate Governance & Sustainability”, Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad, 6-7 February 2015, pp. 2-5, ISSN 2231-1904.
▪Nycz M., Pólkowski Z., Cloud Computing In Government Units, in: 5th International Conference Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies, ACCT-15, RG Education Society (REGD), Rohtak, India. 21-22 February 2015, pp. 513-520, 978-1-4799-8487-9, available:
▪Book Chapter, Pólkowski Z., The Model of ICT in SMEs, in: Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India on The Eleventh Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurship, No. 1, ed. S. Misra, D. Awasthi, Ahmedabad, India, 18-20 February 2015, pp. 389-400, ISBN 978-93-80574-76-9.
▪Book Chapter, Nycz M., Pólkowski Z., Wspomaganie procesów decyzyjnych za pomocą nowoczesnych rozwiązań ICT w parkach wodnych, in: Informatyka w społeczeństwie informacyjnym, ed. W. Chmielarz, J. Kisielnicki, T. Parys, University of Warsaw, Warsaw 2015, pp. 31-43, ISBN 978-83-63962-77-7.
▪Book Chapter, Maria A.C., Pólkowski Z., Support for business in Poland, Russia and Romania, in: Studia z nauk społecznych, No. 7, ed. M.S. Wolański i W. Olszewski, DWSPiT Polkowice, 2014, pp. 93-117, ISSN 2082-7547.
▪Book Chapter, Radu A.M., Pólkowski Z., Theoretical, technical and practical aspects of e-administration, in: Studia z nauk społecznych, No. 7, ed. M.S. Wolański and W. Olszewski, DWSPiT Polkowice, 2014, pp. 185-209, ISSN 2082-7547.
▪Journal Article, Nycz M., Pólkowski Z., The ERP System As a Basic System for Business Analyses, in: Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence – 7th Edition, ed. T. Yamakawa, N. Bizon, C. Negrescu, M. Oproescu, International Conference Electronics, ECAI - 2014, Bukarest, ISBN 978-1-4700-5478-0.
▪Book Chapter, Moroz M., Nicu C.C., Pavel J.D.D., Pólkowski Z., The Transformation of Logistics Into E-logistics on the Example of Electronic Freight Exchange, in: Studia z Nauk Technicznych, No. 3, ed. St. Piesiak, DWSPIT Polkowice, 2014, pp. 111-128, ISSN 2299-3355.
▪Book Chapter, Maria R.E., Pólkowski Z., E-auctions from the Automative Perspective, in: Studia z Nauk Technicznych, No. 3, ed. St. Piesiak, DWSPIT Polkowice, 2014, pp. 129-146, ISSN 2299-3355.
▪Book Chapter, Pólkowski Z., Online GDSS based on the AHP method, in: Studies & Proceedings of Polish Association for Knowledge Management, No. 72, ed. W. Bojar and M. Niedźwiedziński, Bydgoszcz, 2014, pp. 50-61, ISSN 1732-324X.
▪Book Chapter, Nycz M., Pólkowski Z., The methodology of implementing the ERP system in a municipal enterprise, in: Information Technology in Business and Education. InternationalConference, No. 45, ed. V. Salov, Science and Economy, Varna, Bulgaria, 2014, pp. 96-104, ISBN 978-954-21-0780-4.
▪Book Chapter, Nycz M., Pólkowski Z., The modern ICT solutions in the fully integrated hybrid information system in the Municipal Services Enterprise, in: Information Technology in Business and Education. International Conference, No. 45, ed. V. Salov, Science and Economy, Varna, Bulgaria, 2014, pp. 105-114, ISBN 978-954-21-0780-4.
▪Book Chapter, Nycz M., Pólkowski Z., Wspomaganie procesu podejmowania decyzji na szczeblu samorządu terytorialnego z wykorzystaniem technologii business intelligence, in: Systemy wspomagania organizacji SWO 2014, red. T. Porębska-Miąc, H. Sroka, Uniwersity ofKatowice, Katowice, 2014, pp. 71-82, ISBN 978-83-7875-209-7.
▪Maria A.C., Pólkowski Z., Support for business in Poland, Russia and Romania, in: Zeszyty Naukowe DWSPiT. Studia z Nauk Społecznych, No. 7, DWSPiT Polkowice, January 2014. Pp. 93-117, available:
▪Pólkowski, Z., Theoretical aspects of e-administration, DWSPiT Polkowice, 2014.
▪Journal Article, Walczak M., Pólkowski Z., The e-health systems in Poland, in: Scientific Bulletin - Economic Sciences, No. 12, ed. L. Banica, A. Hagiu i C. Micu, University of Pitesti, Rumunia, 2013, pp. 54-66, ISSN-L 1583-1809.
▪Pólkowski Z., Integracja procesowo-biznesowa współdziałania organizacji w środowisku systemów informatycznych, in: SPEKTRUM, ed. J. Barglik, A. Boroń and I. Gajdowa, Stowarzyszenie Elektryków Polskich SEP, Warszawa, April 2013, available: and
▪Journal Article, Kierzyk T., Pólkowski Z., An Analysis of Economic and Law Aspects of E-Commerce in SMEs in Poland, in: Internet technologies & society 2011, ed. P. Kommers, Ji-p. Zgang, T. Issa, P. Isaias, IADIS, Shanghai, 8-10 Oktober 2011, pp. 319-323, ISBN 978-972-8939-55-7.
▪Book Chapter, Pólkowski Z., Wykorzystanie elektronicznych platform handlowych przez małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa, in: Studia i materiały. Polskie Stowarzyszenie Zarządzania Wiedzą, No. 53, ed. W. Bojar, M. Niedźwiedziński, Bydgoszcz, 2011, pp. 128-140, ISSN 1732-324X.
▪Thesis of papper, Pólkowski Z., Establishing Partnership of Human Co-operation within Structures, in: Scientific Information for Society - from Today to the Future, 21st International CODATA Conference, ed. M. Zgurovskiy and S. Sidorenko, Kijów, Ukraine, 2008, p. 58.
▪Book Chapter, Deaconescu I. C., Pólkowski Z., Online Payment Systems, in: Studia z nauk technicznych, No. 2, ed. St. Piesiak, DWSPiT Polkowice, 2013, pp. 9-28, ISSN 2299-3355.
▪Book Chapter, Gruber J., Deaconescu I. C., Pólkowski Z., E-Fraud, in: Studia z nauk technicznych, No. 2, ed. St. Piesiak, DWSPiT Polkowice, 2013, pp. 29-46, ISSN 2299-3355.
▪Walczak M., Pólkowski Z., The e-health systems in Poland, in: ISRICH, European Business School, Paryż, Francja, May 2013, available:
▪Journal Article, Pólkowski Z., Cloud Computing in SMEs in Poland, in: Information systems post-implementation and change management 2012, ed. M.B. Nunes, G.Ch. Peng, J. Roth, H. Weghorn and P. Isaias, IADIS, Lizbona, 17-23 July 2012, pp. 95-99, ISBN 978-972-8939-73-1.
▪Pólkowski, Z., Models of e-commerce in small companies in Poland, Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki, Łódź, 2011.
▪Pólkowski Z., It tools In business In Poland and Romania, Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki, Łódź, 2011.
▪Thesis of papper, Kierzkowski Z., N’Sir M., Tarlowski P., Pólkowski Z., Data and Problem Knowledge Environment within Co-operation Structures, in: Scientific Information for Society - from Today to the Future, 21st International CODATA Conference, ed. M. Zgurovskiy and S. Sidorenko, Kijów, Ukraine, 2008, p. 54.
▪Pólkowski Z., Technologie społeczeństwa informacyjnego, Polkowice, 2004.
▪Pólkowski Z., Komunikacja bezpośrednia w wirtualnej organizacji działań, Łódź, 2004.
▪Pólkowski Z., Diagnoza pedagogiczno-psychologiczna wobec zagrożeń transformacyjnych, Szczecin, 2003.
▪Book Chapter, Olszewski W., Pólkowski Z., Promocja wizerunku szkoły poprzez Internet, in: Informatyka w szkole, XVIII Konferencja Informatyka w Szkole, ed. M.M. Sysło, Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej i Sportu, Instytut Informatyki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Nicolaus Copernicus University of Toruń, Toruń, 2002, pp. 331-335, ISBN 83-917081-1-X.
▪Thesis of papper, Olszewski W., Pólkowski Z., Graficzne prezentacje statystyczne w edukacji, in: Media a edukacja w dobie integracji. Program i Tezy., ed. W. Strykowski, W. Skrzydlewski, M.Kąkolewicz, 4th International Conference, eMPi2, Poznań, 2002, p. 85, ISBN 83-87666-80-7.
▪Pólkowski Z., Technologie informatyczne w przemianach organizacji edukacji, Poznań, 2002.
▪Book Chapter, Olszewski W., Pólkowski Z., Diagnoza oceny nauczyciela szkoły średniej w reformowanym systemie edukacji, in: Diagnoza i Ewaluacja w reformie edukacyjnej, ed. K. Wenta, Wyd. Kwadra, Szczecin, 2002, 244-255, ISBN 83-914671-7-1.
▪Book Chapter, Olszewski W. Pólkowski Z., Biblioteka jako Szkolne Centrum Multimedialne, in: Wyzwania pedagogiki medialnej - nowe perspektywy XXI wieku, ed. M. Sokołowski, Olsztyn, 2001, pp. 255-263, ISBN 83-905505-6-3.
▪Book Chapter, Olszewski W., Pólkowski Z., Internetowe systemy wspomagające zarządzanie placówką edukacyjną, in: Informatyka w szkole, XVII Konferencja Informatyka w Szkole, V. 2, ed. M.M. Sysło, Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej, Instytut Informatyki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Samorząd Miasta Mielca i Powiatu Mieleckiego, Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki i Zarządzania in Mielec, Mielec, 2001, pp. 693-700, ISBN 83-910596-8-5.
▪Pólkowski Z., Tworzenie i przekształcanie zasobów medialnych, Katowice, 2001.
▪Book Chapter, Olszewski W., Pólkowski Z., Diagnoza osiągnięć ucznia wspomagana interaktywnym systemem komputerowym w reformowanej szkole, in: Pomiar edukacyjny jako kompetencje pedagogiczne, ed. K. Wenta, Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Szczecin, 2001, pp. 397-405, ISSN 1232-5848.
▪Book Chapter, Olszewski W., Pólkowski Z., Komputerowe wspomaganie oceny kadr w reformowanej szkole, in: Informatyka w szkole, XVI Konferencja Informatyka w Szkole, ed. M.M. Sysło, Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej, Instytut Informatyki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Samorząd Miasta i Powiatu Mieleckiego, Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki i Zarządzania in Mielec, Mielec, 2000, pp. 72-78, ISBN 83-910596-4-2.
▪Papper, Pólkowski Z., Edukacyjne zastosowanie DHTML wspomagające proces nauczania, in: Media a edukacja, ed. W. Strykowski, I. Lewandowska, W. Kawiecki, 3rd International Conference, eMPi2, Poznań, 2000, pp. 377-381, ISBN 83-87666-43-2.
▪Book Chapter, Pólkowski Z., Integracja sieci komputerowych dla potrzeb Intranetu i Internetu, in: Informatyka w szkole, XV Konferencja Informatyka w Szkole, ed. M.M. Sysło, Katowice, 1999, pp. 398-403, ISBN 83-7076-115-1.
▪Thesis of papper, Pólkowski Z., Urządzenia multimedialne na zajęciach informatyki w szkole, Media a edukacja. Program i tezy, red. W. Strykowski, M. Kąkolewicz, 2nd international Conference, eMPi2, Poznań, 1998, p. 59, ISBN 83-87666-03-3.
▪Book Chapter, Pólkowski Z., Aspekty techniczne, ekonomiczne i dydaktyczne wykorzystania Windows NT i sieci w szkole, in: Informatyka w Szkole, XIV Konferencja Informatyka w Szkole, ed. M.M. Sysło, Instytut Informatyki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej, Lublin, 1998, pp. 382-385, ISBN 83-910596-0-X.
Scientific internships, grants / ▪Scientific internship. Obtaining the ability to conduct IT classes in English, Getting acquainted with the higher education system in Romania, University of Pitesti, Romania. October 2014, June 2013, September 2012, June 2011.
▪Scientific internship. Obtaining the ability to conduct IT classes in English. Getting acquainted with the higher education system in Bulgaria, Economic University, Varna, Bulgaria. May 2015.
▪Scientific internship. Obtaining the ability to conduct IT classes in English. Getting acquainted with the higher education system in Hungary, University of Deberecen, Hungary. April 2014.
▪Scientific internship. Obtaining the ability to conduct IT classes in English. Getting acquainted with the higher education system in Turkey, University of Izmir, Turkey. February 2012.
▪Scientific internship. Obtaining the ability to conduct IT classes in English. Getting acquainted with the higher education system in Cyprus, University of Nicosia, Cypr. February 2012.
▪Internal DWSPiT Grant. Using computer tools (e-society, e-business, e-government) in the development of the information society, The Lower Silesian College of Entrepreneurship and Technology in Polkowice. November 2011.
Other international visits / ▪Presentation to Vadodara Chamber of Commerce and Industries (VCCI) office bearers and SME’s Owners on “How to do Business with Poland”, India, January 2017
▪Gujarat State Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar, India, January 2017
▪The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, India, January 2017
▪Parul University, India, January 2017
▪Marvadi Campus, Rajkot, India, January 2017
▪Saurashtra University, Rajkot, India, January 2017
▪Shri Sahajanand Group of Colleges, Bhavnagar, India, January 2017
▪University of Pitesti, Romania. June 2015, November 2016
▪Economics University, Varna. May 2015, November
▪Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad, January 2016, India
▪Paragone Europe, December 2016, Malta
▪Guangzhou University, September 2016, China
Training and courses / ▪Professional Manager of E-Business, Obserwatorium Zarządzania (Management Observatory), Warsaw. 2011.
▪Course in English - intermediate level, Miedziowe Centrum Kształcenia Kadr in Lubin. Data.
▪Communicative Business English, Intensive training, Advanced level, Mission, Kraków. 2007.
▪Managing the corporate image, WygInternational, Warsaw. 2007.
▪Sale management, WygInternational, Warsaw. 2007.
▪Trade negotiations, WygInternational, Warsaw. 2007.
▪Message Processing Platform, TREND MICRO, SecureDoc Disk Encryption, Phion netfence Security Gateway, NetKeeper Intrusion Prevention System, DAGMA, Katowice. 2007.