Eisenhower Years 1952-1960

  1. How ere the candidates in the 1952 presidential election? What were the key issues & results?
  1. Define the Checkers Speech.
  1. What factors made Eisenhower’s presidency “Modern Republicanism.” How did his policyies differ from Hoovers?
  1. How did the Interstate Highway Act influence and change American culture? Explain. What AP themes is it connected to?
  1. What was the significance of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles? Explain and give direct examples? What AP themes connect to your response?
  1. What major world conflicts emerged during Eisenhower’s presidency? What major domestic issue emerged?
  1. Define terms to know.

JFK’s New Frontier

  1. Explain the outcome and the significance of the presidential election of 1960?
  1. What programs were connected to JFK’s New Frontier?
  1. Assess JFK’s foreign policy and give detail to support your response.

Lyndon Johnson- Great Society

  1. How did Johnson respond to civil rights and poverty?
  1. How did the results of the 1964 election help Johnson pass his Great Society programs? Explain.

Vietnam War –to 1969

  1. Review the notes of Vietnam. How does the foreign policy under LBJ compare with his domestic programs? Explain.

Limits of a Super Power

  1. What was the name of Richard Nixon’s initial policy toward Vietnam?
  1. What were the key components of Vietnamization? Was it successful?
  1. What events caused opposition to the Vietnam War and Nixon?
  1. What was the total US dead in Vietnam? How much did the Vietnam cost and what impact did it have on the economy?
  1. What was the significance of Nixon’s visited to China?
  1. What was SALT I ?
  1. What was the name of Nixon’s domestic policy and what was it goal? How does this connect to the Neoconservative Reagan Revolution of the 1980s? Explain.
  1. What is stagflation? What was the overall economic climate prior to the election of 1972? Give direct examples to support your response.
  1. What was Nixon’s Southern Strategy in the election of 1972? What was it a response to? How did it connect to civil rights?
  1. Although Nixon won the election of 1972, how did Watergate end his presidency?
  1. Review section D. Other Developments. Which do you think was the most significant? Explain.
  1. Who replaced Nixon as the president?
  1. What events made U.S. foreign policy in Southeast Asia a failure under Ford?
  1. What was the major economic concern of the Ford presidency? How did Ford respond?
  1. Who won the election of 1976? What candidate challenged Ford for the Republican nomination but was unsuccessful?
  1. What were the criticism of Carter?
  1. What were Carter’s biggest foreign policy successes and failures?
  1. Define Salt II and its outcome.
  1. Wat is Détente? Why did end under Carter and why did he boycott the 1980 summer Olympics?
  1. What were the realities of the American economy during Carter’s presidency? Was Carter successful at fixing the economy? Explain.
  1. What led to his loos of popularity?
  1. Who won the election of 1980?