Eisenhower Years 1952-1960
- How ere the candidates in the 1952 presidential election? What were the key issues & results?
- Define the Checkers Speech.
- What factors made Eisenhower’s presidency “Modern Republicanism.” How did his policyies differ from Hoovers?
- How did the Interstate Highway Act influence and change American culture? Explain. What AP themes is it connected to?
- What was the significance of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles? Explain and give direct examples? What AP themes connect to your response?
- What major world conflicts emerged during Eisenhower’s presidency? What major domestic issue emerged?
- Define terms to know.
JFK’s New Frontier
- Explain the outcome and the significance of the presidential election of 1960?
- What programs were connected to JFK’s New Frontier?
- Assess JFK’s foreign policy and give detail to support your response.
Lyndon Johnson- Great Society
- How did Johnson respond to civil rights and poverty?
- How did the results of the 1964 election help Johnson pass his Great Society programs? Explain.
Vietnam War –to 1969
- Review the notes of Vietnam. How does the foreign policy under LBJ compare with his domestic programs? Explain.
Limits of a Super Power
- What was the name of Richard Nixon’s initial policy toward Vietnam?
- What were the key components of Vietnamization? Was it successful?
- What events caused opposition to the Vietnam War and Nixon?
- What was the total US dead in Vietnam? How much did the Vietnam cost and what impact did it have on the economy?
- What was the significance of Nixon’s visited to China?
- What was SALT I ?
- What was the name of Nixon’s domestic policy and what was it goal? How does this connect to the Neoconservative Reagan Revolution of the 1980s? Explain.
- What is stagflation? What was the overall economic climate prior to the election of 1972? Give direct examples to support your response.
- What was Nixon’s Southern Strategy in the election of 1972? What was it a response to? How did it connect to civil rights?
- Although Nixon won the election of 1972, how did Watergate end his presidency?
- Review section D. Other Developments. Which do you think was the most significant? Explain.
- Who replaced Nixon as the president?
- What events made U.S. foreign policy in Southeast Asia a failure under Ford?
- What was the major economic concern of the Ford presidency? How did Ford respond?
- Who won the election of 1976? What candidate challenged Ford for the Republican nomination but was unsuccessful?
- What were the criticism of Carter?
- What were Carter’s biggest foreign policy successes and failures?
- Define Salt II and its outcome.
- Wat is Détente? Why did end under Carter and why did he boycott the 1980 summer Olympics?
- What were the realities of the American economy during Carter’s presidency? Was Carter successful at fixing the economy? Explain.
- What led to his loos of popularity?
- Who won the election of 1980?