Information Sheet (Final Term, Session: 2014-2015)

Class: VI, Subject: Religion

Teacher: Shaikh Ehsan Jamil Date: ______

Name: ______Section: Roll No.______

Chapter:11 : Innovation

Q:1- What is Bid’aat? Mention the features of bid’aat?

Ans: Bid’aat is an Arabic word which means to innovate or to create something new in the name of Islam which is neither the practice or saying of the Prophet (sw) nor the practice of the companions of his. Any action what we relate to earn sawab or sin but it was not found in any Saheeh Hadeeth they are Bid’aat in Islam. Moreover, for this Prophet (sw) never said we should do so and none of the Sahaba did so. For instance; a) celebrating Prophet’s birthday, not greeting Salaam while eating, kissing and wrapping up the Qur’aan, praying at the night and fasting for Shob-e Miraaj.

Features of Bid’aat:

i.  The action is alien to the practice of our Prophet (sw).

ii.  The action is sweet coated by Satan which seems and sounds good always.

iii.  The action is not found in the Saheeh Hadeeth.

iv.  Bid’aat is a subtle modification in the original action of our Prophet (sw).

v.  It always ignores and uproots the original practice of our Prophet (sw).

Q:2- Mention some of the bid’aat prevailed in our society? Why and How is it a great threat for

the Muslim?

Ans: Today’s world is vehemently plagued with bid’aat. There are plenty of bid’aat prevailed in our society. Here we will depict on some selected few along with its reason and evil consequence as well.

a)  Celebrating Prophet’s Birthday: There is no Qu’aanic Ayat and authentic hadeeth to track the birth date record of our Prophet (sw). The only information found in saheeh hadeeth that our prophet (sw) was born on Monday. From the historian we come to know about this dispute. There are differences of opinions regarding his (sw) exact birth date. Some say it is 12th Rabiul-Awwal where some argue for 9th Rabiul Awwal. But the historians are unanimously agreed upon that 12th Rabiul Awwal is our Prophet’s death day. It is bid’aat as there is no proof that neither our prophet (sw) nor his Sahaba ever celebrated his (sw) birthday.

b)  Kissing and Wrapping up the Qur’aan: In order to show honour and respect people usually do kiss and wrap up the Qur’aan. In fact they fail to realize that by doing so they are defeating the purpose of the divine revelation in the name of honour. As people think this action to be a good treatment with the Qur’aan while there is no proof from our Prophet (sw) and his Sahaba to honour such a way, it is a Bid’aat. Indeed they were the most dedicated and devoted and respectful to honour the Qur’aan.

c)  Using Thikr Beads: Using thikr beads while remembering is a form of bid’aat. The hadeeth teaches us to use our finger marks to count our thikrs not any other objects as it will intercede for us on the day of judgment. Using and believing it to be a part of Islam and way to count our thikr certainly an innovation in Islam.

Anyone who commits bid’aat his that action is rejected in the sight of Allah no matter what. As the hadeeth narrated by Aishah (RA) suffices it. Moreover, another hadeeth mention in Sunan Abu Daud says that all kind of newly invented action in the name islam is Bid’aat, all kind of bid’aat is deviation and all kind of deviation leads us to hellfire. Another narration says whoever commits bid’aat the curse of Allah, the curse of the angels and the curse of whole mankind be upon him. May Allah protect us from Bid’aat.