European History 1095

Research Component

Mrs. Michener/Mr. DiSiro

Being able to answer a specific question through researching and synthesizing information is an essential skill required in many professions. It is with this goal in mind, that part of your 9th grade benchmark in European history is to research and write a thesis driven paper.

Due Dates - It would be a good idea to write the following dates down in your agenda book as reminder:

►December 10, 2009–Note Cards due (20 points)

►December 14, 2009–Outline due (20 points) must be typed in Inspiration

December 16, 2009 - First draft of paper due - (30 points) must be typed

►December 23, 2009 - Final paper due (100 points): Paper, works cited, first draft with corrections, research cards and website evaluations.

**Paper must be submitted into by December 23rd for full credit – papers turned in on time, but not submitted electronically on time will be considered late!**

Research Paper Requirements:

Length and Format

1. Must be 3 pages typed, double space. Use black size 12 Times New Roman font.

2. No title page. Put your title at the top of the first page. Put your name, period and the date at the top left of the page.

3. Use parenthetical citation throughout paper, each source that you use must be cited at least once. Make sure all sources you use are cited in the proper format on your Works Cited.

Research Criteria

1. (Using Big Six model) choose a topic, develop questions about the topic and form a thesis statement (opinion about your topic). Locate the information you need to answer your questions. Read through the sources and jot down your details using the note card research technique.

2. You must use a minimum of four sources (books, internet sites, online research database, primary sources) - at least one book, one database and one primary source

**All websites listed on works cited page must have an accompanying WEBSITE EVALUATION form also attached.

3. All research must be done using the proper note card technique. You will need a minimum of twenty research cards.

4. Make sure your thesis is clearly stated in the introduction and the body of your paper proves your thesis. THESIS MUST BE LAST SENTENCE OF INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH.

5. Paper must be submitted through by final paper due date.

**See attached rubric for specific grading criteria

Presentation Requirements

1. Must be between 3-4 minutes. NO SHORTER NO LONGER

2. Must present both research question and proposed thesis.

3. Must answer research question and present how you came to this conclusion.

4. Presentation must be aided/enhanced by some form of visual aid - be creative!

Some examples/suggestions include:

-Poster/Power Point of enticing photos/main ideas

-Timeline of events

-Handouts to give classmates

-3-D model


Things to consider:

- Eye contact - it is critical to give eye-contact to your audience, this shows them you are confident and know what you are talking about - move your eyes around the room, if you really get nervous stare at things around the room 

-Where are your hands? - Sometimes we get fidgety, especially when we are nervous, and don’t know what to do with our hands, resist the urge to put them in your pocket and use your hands as a tool - point to things on your visual, use your hands to talk with and emphasize important parts of your presentation, hold note cards!

-Be prepared - make sure you know what you are going to say and how you are going to say it. Some students find it useful to use note cards during a presentation, you can write yourself an outline to cover or notes on what topic comes next, points you want to remember to mention, etc. If you are the type of person who has trouble when speaking in front of an audience, then this is a time tested remedy:

- Actually type out your whole presentation word for word. Use the margin tools to modify the layout of the document so that you can print it out and paste it on note cards, make sure to number the cards so you can keep them in order easily. Read it through about 4-5 times and practice your eye-contact in a mirror. When you go to present, you can use the note cards as cues to help you where you get nervous.

-Practice, Practice, Practice - Since the presentation is timed, you must be prepared and know exactly how long your will take. Time yourself!! Make sure to practice your presentation in front of an audience at least once - maybe it’s in the mirror, in front of an adult, your little sister or the dog, just make sure the first time you do it is NOT in room 401.