CLAS Curriculum Committee: 2009-2010 Report

The CLAS Curriculum Committee (CCC) reviews all proposals to create new courses or modify existing ones as well as proposals for new certificates, new programs, or revisions to department or program requirements. As an elected body, the committee also considers broader issues relating to the curriculum when requested by the Dean or the Faculty Council. In doing this, the committee members support curricular innovation while protecting the prerogatives of particular academic departments. They pride themselves on a tradition of diligence, integrity, good humor, and esprit de corps.

So far in 2009-2010, the committee reviewed 104 proposals. There were 30 new course proposals, 53 course change proposals, 2 new certificate proposals, and 17 program change requests including revisions of major and minor programs in Music, Sociology, English, Communications, Classics, and Anthropology to name a few. Additionally we reviewed the final plan for a new major in Comprehensive Arts and Sciences that is to be housed in CLAS. As of the writing of this report (March 18, 2010), there are 29 proposals waiting in the queue and 6 more scheduled meetings.

The CCC also reviews curricular proposals from other units that have an impact on CLAS. This year, the committee provided feedback on several initiatives proposed by the College of Education and the College of Engineering.

On matters of policy, the CCC offered recommendations on cognates. On matters of academic governance, the committee provided advice on how to improve forms used in the online Curriculum Development system. CCC continues to expedite prerequisite fast track proposals when possible.

None of this would be possible without expert staff support from Paula Wicklund in the Dean’s Office. Associate Dean Mary Schutten, acting as ex officio committee member, provided wise counsel and assistance throughout the year.

2009-2010 Membership:

Dalila Kovacs (CHM)

Ben Lockerd (ENG)

Mark Moes (PHI)

Brad Morris (PSY)
James Penn (GPY) (Fall 2009)

Ginny Peterson (GEO)
Bruce Ostrow (BIO) (Chair)

Diane Rayor (CLA)

Bill Ryan (MUS)
Mary Schutten (MOV) (ex officio, Dean’s office)

Carolyn Shapiro-Shapin (HST)

Regina Smith (MLL)

Stafford Smith (COM)

Don Zinman (PLS) (Winter 2010)