Press Release17/09/03

European Conference ‘Sexual Violence: issues and responses across Europe’

The Rape Crisis Network Europe (RCNE) will host a major conference on ‘Sexual Violence: issues and responses across Europe’ in Dublin on October 3rd 2003. This one-day event is being run in conjunction with the Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI).

This important European conference will address key topics relating to sexual violence, including: trafficking, prostitution, and pornography.

Available data reviewed for the World Report on Violence & Health (WHO) suggests that one in five women may experience sexual violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime. Forty two per cent of the women contacted for the SAVI report in Ireland reported some form of sexual abuse or sexual assault during the course of their lives. According to Alessandra Fantini, Project Coordinator for RCNE, ‘The purpose of this conference is to investigate emerging trends and possible response in relation to sexual violence against women in a pan-European environment’.

Among the speakers is Jyoti Sanghera, Adviser on Trafficking and Programme Manager, Global Programme against Trafficking, UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, who will look at the issue of trafficking on a global basis. Grainne Healy, Chairwoman of European Women's Lobby Observatory on Violence against Women, will assess the same issue from a European and Irish point of view.

Presenting new strategies in dealing with prostitution is Gunilla Ekberg. She is the Special Advisor in the Division for Gender Equality, Ministry of Industry, Employment and Communications, Sweden.

Prof. Liz Kelly’s presentation will be on attrition rates in rape cases across Europe, and she will also lead a discussion forum on forensic medical examination techniques.

Prof. Kelly CBE directs the Child and Women Sexual Abuse Studies Unit, in London Metropolitan University.

The one-day event will conclude with a panel discussion.

The conference will take place in the Ormond Quay Hotel, Dublin, 3rd, October 2003. Bookings can be made through the RCNI office at 091 563 676.


For further information please contact: Alessandra Fantini 086 829 8980