Conjuncture Research Center and

Hebrew University Jerusalem

Joint Project 2002/3


Individual Farm Owners’ Survey







Questionnaire Number______idno

Province (Oblast) ______name/code region

1-  Mzskheta - Mtianeti

2-  Kakheti

3-  Kvemo Kartli

District (Raion): ______name/code raion

1- Mzskheta

2- Dusheti

3- Sagarejo

4- Gardabani

Village (Sakrebulos): ______name/code sakreb

Number of families that live and work on this farm: ______fam_num

Respondent’s characteristics: ______char

(1)  A private farm owner

(2)  A large scale lessee (renter)

(3)  A city resident owning a farm

Interviewer: ______Date of interview: ______

Supervisor: ______

Section 1:

Family and Farm Management

Please list the members of your family (include people living in your house and sharing the income, and include members of the family who are temporarily away).

Number and Name (use names to ensure all members are counted) / 2.
Relationship to head of household
(code) / 3.
Age (years) / 4. Gender 1 -male
2-female / 5.
Education (code) / 6.
Primary Activity
(code) / 7.
Special Social Status (code)
1 / s1_q1_p1 / s1_q2_p1 / s1_q3_p1 / s1_q4_p1 / s1_q5_p1 / s1_q6_p1 / s1_q7_p1
2 / s1_q1_p2 / s1_q2_p2 / s1_q3_p2 / s1_q4_p2 / s1_q5_p2 / s1_q6_p2 / s1_q7_p2
3 / s1_q1_p3 / s1_q2_p3 / s1_q3_p3 / s1_q4_p3 / s1_q5_p3 / s1_q6_p3 / s1_q7_p3
4 / s1_q1_p4 / s1_q2_p4 / s1_q3_p4 / s1_q4_p4 / s1_q5_p4 / s1_q6_p4 / s1_q7_p4
5 / s1_q1_p5 / s1_q2_p5 / s1_q3_p5 / s1_q4_p5 / s1_q5_p5 / s1_q6_p5 / s1_q7_p5
6 / s1_q1_p6 / s1_q2_p6 / s1_q3_p6 / s1_q4_p6 / s1_q5_p6 / s1_q6_p6 / s1_q7_p6
7 / s1_q1_p7 / s1_q2_p7 / s1_q3_p7 / s1_q4_p7 / s1_q5_p7 / s1_q6_p7 / s1_q7_p7
8 / s1_q1_p8 / s1_q2_p8 / s1_q3_p8 / s1_q4_p8 / s1_q5_p8 / s1_q6_p8 / s1_q7_p8
9 / s1_q1_p9 / s1_q2_p9 / s1_q3_p9 / s1_q4_p9 / s1_q5_p9 / s1_q6_p9 / s1_q7_p9
10 / s1_q1_p10 / s1_q2_p10 / s1_q3_p10 / s1_q4_p10 / s1_q5_p10 / s1_q6_p10 / s1_q7_p10
11 / s1_q1_p11 / s1_q2_p11 / s1_q3_p11 / s1_q4_p11 / s1_q5_p11 / s1_q6_p11 / s1_q7_p11
12 / s1_q1_p12 / s1_q2_p12 / s1_q3_p12 / s1_q4_p12 / s1_q5_p12 / s1_q6_p12 / s1_q7_p12
13 / s1_q1_p13 / s1_q2_p13 / s1_q3_p13 / s1_q4_p13 / s1_q5_p13 / s1_q6_p13 / s1_q7_p13
14 / s1_q1_p14 / s1_q2_p14 / s1_q3_p14 / s1_q4_p14 / s1_q5_p14 / s1_q6_p14 / s1_q7_p14
Relationship codes:
1. Household head
2. Spouse
3. Son / Daughter
4. Son-in-law / Daughter-in-law
5. Grandson / Granddaughter
6. Parent of household head or spouse
7. Brother / sister / brother-in-law / sister-in-law
8. Other relative
9. Unrelated / Education codes:
1. Completed higher education
2. Uncompleted higher education
3. Technical college
4. Technical school
5. High school
6. High school not complete
7. Elementary school
8. Elementary school not complete
9. Pre-school
Activity codes:
1. Works on family farm
2. Hired employee on a different farm
3. Self-employed not in farming
4. Hired employee not in farming
5. Works in the house
6. Student

7. Not working

/ Special social status codes:
1.  Retired
2.  Invalid
3.  Woman eligible for government support due to many children
4.  Other (specify below)

Please report, for each household member over the age of 14, the total number of days spent in each activity during 2002. Note: use the same number of household member as in question 1.

Number of household member
/ 9.
Days of work on the family farm / 10.
Days of work only in the household / 11.
Days of work in non-farm family business / 12.
Days of work for wage as employee on another farm / 13.
Days of work for wage as employee not in farming / 14.
Days spent studying
s1_q8_p1 / s1_q9_p1 / s1_q10_p1 / s1_q11_p1 / s1_q12_p1 / s1_q13_p1 / s1_q14_p1
s1_q8_p2 / s1_q9_p2 / s1_q10_p2 / s1_q11_p2 / s1_q12_p2 / s1_q13_p2 / s1_q14_p2
s1_q8_p3 / s1_q9_p3 / s1_q10_p3 / s1_q11_p3 / s1_q12_p3 / s1_q13_p3 / s1_q14_p3
s1_q8_p4 / s1_q9_p4 / s1_q10_p4 / s1_q11_p4 / s1_q12_p4 / s1_q13_p4 / s1_q14_p4
s1_q8_p5 / s1_q9_p5 / s1_q10_p5 / s1_q11_p5 / s1_q12_p5 / s1_q13_p5 / s1_q14_p5
s1_q8_p6 / s1_q9_p6 / s1_q10_p6 / s1_q11_p6 / s1_q12_p6 / s1_q13_p6 / s1_q14_p6
s1_q8_p7 / s1_q9_p7 / s1_q10_p7 / s1_q11_p7 / s1_q12_p7 / s1_q13_p7 / s1_q14_p7
s1_q8_p8 / s1_q9_p8 / s1_q10_p8 / s1_q11_p8 / s1_q12_p8 / s1_q13_p8 / s1_q14_p8
s1_q8_p9 / s1_q9_p9 / s1_q10_p9 / s1_q11_p9 / s1_q12_p9 / s1_q13_p9 / s1_q14_p9
s1_q8_p10 / s1_q9_p10 / s1_q10_p10 / s1_q11_p10 / s1_q12_p10 / s1_q13_p10 / s1_q14_p10
s1_q8_p11 / s1_q9_p11 / s1_q10_p11 / s1_q11_p11 / s1_q12_p11 / s1_q13_p11 / s1_q14_p11
s1_q8_p12 / s1_q9_p12 / s1_q10_p12 / s1_q11_p12 / s1_q12_p12 / s1_q13_p12 / s1_q14_p12
s1_q8_p13 / s1_q9_p13 / s1_q10_p13 / s1_q11_p13 / s1_q12_p13 / s1_q13_p13 / s1_q14_p13
s1_q8_p14 / s1_q9_p14 / s1_q10_p14 / s1_q11_p14 / s1_q12_p14 / s1_q13_p14 / s1_q14_p14

Please report the income of household members who worked for a wage in 2002. Note: use the same number of household member as in questions 1 and 8.

Number of household member
/ 16.
Wage earned as hired worker on another farm
(lari) / 17.
Wage earned as hired worker not in farming
s1_q15_p1 / s1_q16_p1 / s1_q17_p1
s1_q15_p2 / s1_q16_p2 / s1_q17_p2
s1_q15_p3 / s1_q16_p3 / s1_q17_p3
s1_q15_p4 / s1_q16_p4 / s1_q17_p4
s1_q15_p5 / s1_q16_p5 / s1_q17_p5
s1_q15_p6 / s1_q16_p6 / s1_q17_p6
s1_q15_p7 / s1_q16_p7 / s1_q17_p7
s1_q15_p8 / s1_q16_p8 / s1_q17_p8

18. How long have you lived in a rural area? s1q18

(1)  since birth

(2)  more than 10 years

(3)  6-10 years

(4)  less than 5 years

(5)  I live in an urban area

19. In this particular village? s1q19

(1) since birth

(2)  more than 10 years

(3)  6-10 years

(4)  less than 5 years

(5)  I don’t live

20. Has your farm been registered as a juridical person s1q20

(1) – yes (2) - no

If yes, then when?

21. Year s1q21

22. Month s1q22

23. When did you become an independent farmer? Year s1q23

24. Where did you work before becoming a farmer? s1q24

In a sovhoz or kolhoz located

(11) in this village

(12) in a neighboring village

(13) in a different administrative region (area)

In an industrial or construction enterprise located:

(21) in this village

(22) in a neighboring village

(23) in a village belonging to a different administrative region (area)

(24) in the closest city

(25) in a city belonging to a different administrative region (area)

In a social sphere institution, located:

(31) in this village

(32) in a neighboring village

(33) in a village belonging to a different administrative region (area)

(34) in the closest city

(35) in a city belonging to a different administrative region (area)

In the administration sphere in:

(41) agriculture

(42) industry

(43)  area management


(44)  served in the Army

(45)  was a student

(46)  didn’t work

(47)  other

25. What was your position (dolzhnost) before starting a private farm? s1q25

(1) top manager, a head specialist, (a head agronomist, a head engineer, a head accountant)

(2) middle link specialist ( an engineer, an agronomist, an accounter)

(3) qualified worker

(4) unqualified worker

(5) skilled employee (a typist, a lab assistant)

(6) social sphere employee

Section 2: Land use

Please, answer the following questions with regard to the land you own or rent:

Num-ber / 2.
(hectare) / 3.
2-rented / 4.
From whom received?
(codes) / 5.
Distance from home (km) / Use of land
(codes) / 9.
Quality of land (codes) / 10.
3-in part
6 / 7 / 8
1 / s2_q2_p1 / s2_q3_p1 / s2_q4_p1 / s2_q5_p1 / s2_q6_p1 / s2_q7_p1 / s2_q8_p1 / s2_q9_p1 / s2_q10_p1
2 / s2_q2_p2 / s2_q3_p2 / s2_q4_p2 / s2_q5_p2 / s2_q6_p2 / s2_q7_p2 / s2_q8_p2 / s2_q9_p2 / s2_q10_p2
3 / s2_q2_p3 / s2_q3_p3 / s2_q4_p3 / s2_q5_p3 / s2_q6_p3 / s2_q7_p3 / s2_q8_p3 / s2_q9_p3 / s2_q10_p3
4 / s2_q2_p4 / s2_q3_p4 / s2_q4_p4 / s2_q5_p4 / s2_q6_p4 / s2_q7_p4 / s2_q8_p4 / s2_q9_p4 / s2_q10_p4
5 / s2_q2_p5 / s2_q3_p5 / s2_q4_p5 / s2_q5_p5 / s2_q6_p5 / s2_q7_p5 / s2_q8_p5 / s2_q9_p5 / s2_q10_p5
6 / s2_q2_p6 / s2_q3_p6 / s2_q4_p6 / s2_q5_p6 / s2_q6_p6 / s2_q7_p6 / s2_q8_p6 / s2_q9_p6 / s2_q10_p6
7 / s2_q2_p7 / s2_q3_p7 / s2_q4_p7 / s2_q5_p7 / s2_q6_p7 / s2_q7_p7 / s2_q8_p7 / s2_q9_p7 / s2_q10_p7
8 / s2_q2_p8 / s2_q3_p8 / s2_q4_p8 / s2_q5_p8 / s2_q6_p8 / s2_q7_p8 / s2_q8_p8 / s2_q9_p8 / s2_q10_p8

Codes for receiving the land (question 4)

1 - regional authorities
2 - village authorities
3 - agricultural enterprise where you worked
4 - other organizations
5 - inherited
6 - private person /

Codes for use of land (questions 6-8)

1  - arable land
2  - orchards
3  - vineyards
4  - haymaking land
5  - pasture
6 - other /

Codes for quality of land (question 9)

1 - very good
2 - good
3 - average
4 - poor
5 – very poor
6 – don't know

11. If you use rented land, what is the lease term for the land you rent in? s2q11

1. Up to 1 year

2. 1-3 years

3. 3-5 years

4. 5-10 years

5. Longer than 10 years

12. Do you lease out any of the land that you own? s2q12

(1)-yes, (2)-no

If yes, answer questions 13-15. If not, move to question 16.

13. How many hectares do you lease out? ______ha s2q13

14. How much do you get in rent per year per hectare of leased land? ______lari s2q14

15. What is the lease term? s2q15

1. Up to 1 year

2. 1-3 years

3. 3-5 years

4. 5-10 years

5. Longer than 10 years

16. Would you like to extend your use of land? ______s2q16

(1)-yes, (2)-no, (3) – not sure

17. If yes, then how many additional hectares? ______s2q17

18. How can you get additional land? s2q18

1 Lease from private individual

2 Lease from local authorities or the state

3 Buy from private individual

4 Buy from local authorities or the state

5 Other

19. Are you sure you will keep your land in future? s2q19

(1)-yes, (2)-no, (3) – do not know

20.  Which form of ownership do you prefer? s2q20

1  - full private ownership

2  - permanent use

3  – renting

4  – not sure

21.  Do you possess any official documents for your land (a title, a deed, a certificate, etc.)? s2q21

(1)-yes; (2) – no

22. If you have the documents, have you paid for them? s2q22

(1)-yes; (2) – no

23. If yes, then how much (including a payment to a notary)? s2q23


24. If you don’t have any documents, then what is the reason for this? s2q24

a.  - local authorities’ fault

b.  - didn’t want to pay for them

c.  - don’t know

25. How much are you willing to pay for official title (including a payment to a notary)? s2q25


26. Did you pay any taxes for the use of land in 2002? s2q26

(1)  in full

(2)  partially

(3)  didn’t pay

(4)  didn’t pay by HMA law

27. If you paid land taxes, then how much? ______lari s2q27

28. How did you pay for the rented land? s2q28

(1)  Money (cash)

(2)  A share of the output (barter)

(3)  Partially cash, partially barter

29. How much cash money have you paid for the rented land in 2002? ______lari s2q29

30. Which share of the output have you paid for rent in the form of barter in 2002? ______s2q30

CODES: (1) none; (2) less than 1/4; (3) between 1/4 and 1/2; (4) about 1/2; (5) between 1/2 and 3/4;

(6) more than 3/4; (7) all.

31. What is your feeling about the law that allows buying and selling of land? s2q31

(1) In Favor

(2) More in favor than against

(3) More against than in favor

(4) Against

(5) Difficult to answer

32.  Does your farm participate in any joint activities with other farmers – informally or in cooperatives? ______s2q32

(1)- yes; (2) – no

33. Which activities you perform jointly?

Activity / 1 – yes; 2 – no
33.1 / Production / s2q33p1
33.2 / Processing / s2q33p2
33.3 / Selling of farm products / s2q33p3
33.4 / Sharing equipment and machinery / s2q33p4
33.5 / Purchase of farm inputs / s2q33p5
33.6 / Mutual crediting / s2q33p6
33.7 / Irrigation / s2q33p7
33.8 / Counseling / s2q33p8
33.9 / Other / s2q33p9

34. Would you like to participate in joint activities with other farmers – informally or in cooperatives? s2q34

(1)-yes; (2) – no

35. Which activities would you like to participate in?

Activity / 1 – yes; 2 - no
35.1 / Production / s2q35p1
35.2 / Processing / s2q35p2
35.3 / Selling of farm products / s2q35p3
35.4 / Sharing equipment and machinery / s2q35p4
35.5 / Purchase of farm inputs / s2q35p5
35.6 / Mutual crediting / s2q35p6
35.7 / Irrigation / s2q35p7
35.8 / Counseling / s2q35p8
35.9 / Other / s2q35p9

Section 3. Crop production