european banking authority: final clarifications for the provision of non-Residential Property Consultancy Services – EBA/2011/002/OPS/SER/RT


Question Number: / Question/Comment from the Applicant: / European Banking Authority Reply:
1 / We have continuing queries with Questions 3.1 to 3.10.
We have checked the EU procurement website as requested and used the search tool. We have also then checked various websites such as CRB, Insolvency Service etc but we’re having varying levels of success in identifying how we can obtain these certificates and how long the process will take. We’re also still unsure what constitutes an acceptable certificate for some of your questions.
As such, can you please confirm that Proof C (sworn statement) will suffice for all the questions – 3.1 to 3.10? / We refer you to our answerto questionno. 1 in Clarifications 2 for the Provision of Non Residential Property Consultancy Services.
We have explained that the supporting documents for the responses to 3.1-3.10 in Section 3 of the PQQ are described in the table called “MANDATORY SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION TO BE PROVIDED IN SUPPORT OF ABOVE RESPONSES”. The table provides for three forms of proof/supporting documents namely Proof A, B and C.
There it is mentioned that Proof C namely “a sworn or a solemn statement made by the Applicant before a judicial or administrative authority, a notary or a qualified professional body in the country of origin or provenance” is acceptable in cases “where no such certificates or documents are issued in the country concerned”.
Please note however that it is the responsibility of each applicant to determine whether such certificates or documents i.e. the certificates or documents described as Proof A and B are issued in the country concerned.
Furthermore please note that underneath each of the questions in Section 3 of the PQQ it is stated which of the abovementioned proofs (i.e. A, B or C) is required.
2 / Further to the request of either Proof A or C in Section 3, if our company have not fallen foul please confirm what documents we are able to provide, would a letter of good standing from our bankers be sufficient? / We refer you to our answerto questionno. 1 in Clarifications 2 for the Provision of Non Residential Property Consultancy Services and our answer to question no.1 in these clarifications.
3 / Please could you confirm if paper copies of audited accounts to answer questions 5.1 and 5.4 and5.5 are required, as these will amount to 242 pages. Could these be submitted on the CD Rom only? This would reduce the amount of paper submitted in line with your instructions on page 5. / One original signed paper copy of the PQQ including all supporting documents must be submitted.
In addition one copy of all the documents must be submitted on CD-ROM.
Please note that to reduce the amount of paper submitted it is requested that PQQs are presented in the following way:
always use double-sided printing;
avoid use of unnecessary plastic folders or binders;
avoid inclusion of attachments (brochures, booklets, general publicity material etc) which are not specifically requested by EBA.

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