1. The Renaissance: generalcharacteristics. Social transitions, philosophical trends, and artistic achievements.
  1. European and English Humanism. The Protestant Reformation.
  1. The Tudor age. Political, religious, and literary developments.
  1. Tudor poetry: Sir Thomas Wyatt, Henry Howard, the Earl of Surrey.
  1. The Elizabethan age: political, social, and cultural perspectives.
  1. Elizabethan lyrical poetry. The sonnet sequence: from Sir Philip Sidney to William Shakespeare.
  1. The Elizabethan epic: Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene. Structure, themes, and major characters. Poetic form.
  1. The Elizabethan stage. Public theatres and the courtly stage.Theatrical conventions: actors, acting, audiences.
  1. The University wits.John Lyly and court comedy. Thomas Kyd and revenge tragedy.
  1. Elizabethan heroic tragedy: Christopher Marlowe and the early modern superhero. Marlowe's theatrical form.
  2. The Elizabethan Shakespeare: the early tragedies, the history plays, the romantic comedies.The Sonnets and the Ovidian poems.
  3. TheJacobean age: political and cultural developments. The Mannerist style.
  1. The Jacobean Shakespeare: the great tragedies, the Roman tragedies, theproblem plays, theromances.
  1. Jacobean drama: Ben Jonson. The humour comedies, the city comedies, the tragedies, the masques.
  1. Jacobean drama: genres and conventions. Thomas Middleton, John Webster.
  1. John Donne and the Metaphysical style: themes, imagery, and prosody.
  1. The Metaphysical style: George Herbert, Henry Vaughan, Andrew Marvell, Richard Crashaw.
  1. The Caroline age and the Puritan Revolution. Political characteristics and cultural impact.
  1. The Baroquestyle in literature and the arts. Baroque drama in England: Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher, Philip Massinger, John Ford.
  1. The Baroque epic: John Milton.Paradise Lost. Contexts, interpretations, and poetic style.


(available at the British and American Studies Resource Centre, Sofia University)
Mincoff , Marco / A History of English Literature / SV 820.9 MIN
Loewenstein, David et al. (ed.) / The Cambridge History of Early Modern English Literature / SVR 820.9003 CAM
Ford, Boris (ed.) / The New Pelican Guide to English Literature / SV 820.9 FOR
Bolton, W. F. et al.(eds.) / The Sphere History of English Literature / Professor Mincoff Memorial Library
Sanders, Andrew / The Short Oxford History of English Literature / SVR 820.9 SAN
Head, Dominic / The Cambridge Guide to Literature in English / SVR 820.3
Hollander , John
Kermode , Frank / The Literature of Renaissance England / SV 820.9 HOL
Hattaway , Michael / A Companion to English Renaissance Literature and Culture / SV 820.9003 HAT
(available at the British and American Studies Resource Centre, Sofia University)
Bindoff , S. T. , Stanley Thomas / Tudor England / SV 942.05 BIN
Hamilton, Donna B. (ed.) / A Concise Companion to English Renaissance Literature / SV 820.9003
Hattaway , Michael / Renaissance and Reformations: An Introduction to Early Modern English Literature / SV 820.9003 HAT
Klein, Lisa M. / The Exemplary Sidney and the Elizabethan Sonneteer / SVS 821.321 KLE
Lever, J. W. / The Elizabethan Love Sonnet / Professor Mincoff Memorial Library
McGrath , Alister E. / The Intellectual Origins of the European Reformation / SV 274.06 MCG
Pincombe, Michael / Elizabethan Humanism / SV 820.9003 PIN
Plumb, J. H. / The Italian Renaissance / 3SV 945.05 PLU
Ruggiero, Guido (ed.) / A Companion to the Worlds of the Renaissance / SVR 940.21 COM
Rutherford, Donald / The Cambridge Companion to Early Modern Philosophy
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Barton, Anne. Ben Jonson: Dramatist. Cambridge Paperbacks, 1984.
Bradley, A. C. Shakespearean Tragedy.Renaissance Classics, 2012.
Bradbrook, M. C. Themes and Conventions in Elizabethan Tragedy, 1980.
Bradbrook, M. C. The Growth and Structure of Elizabethan Comedy, 1979.
Braunmuller, A. and M. Hattaway( eds.) The Cambridge Companion to EnglishRenaissance Drama.
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Cave, R.A. Ben Jonson. Palgrave, 1991.
Church, R. W. Spenser. BiblioBazaar, 2009.
Dollimore, J. Radical Tragedy.Duke Univ. Press, 2003.
Ellis-Fermor, U. and K. Muir. Shakespeare's Drama. Routledge, 2010.
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Nelson, W. The Poetry of Edmund Spenser. Columbia Univ. Press, 1966.
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Съставила: проф.д.ф.н. Евгения Панчева