Europe Committee
Minutes of Meeting Held on April 4, 2017, at 11:00 EST
In attendance:
Mattia Colonnelli
Jörg Rehder
Robert Meis
Patrick Del Duca
Tom Stanton
Linda Lowson
Jake Heyka
(We apologize that we were not able to identify all of the participants of the call.)
1)Europe Forum 2017 – Barcelona
Co Chair Jörg Rehder confirmed that the Europe Forum will be held in Barcelona from June 11-13, 2017. He emphasized that there are still opportunities for a sponsorship role. Should you wish to be a sponsor, please contact Jörg Rehder. The Barcelona program promises to be an excellent program (with plenty of CLE credits available). The venue is the The Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos in Barcelona. The final agenda and registrations forms for the conference have been distributed. They are also available online on the ABA website. EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION IS AVAILABLE UNTIL MAY 1. We hope to see a lot of faces in Barcelona.
Book Proposals– No Update
Year In Review - Tom Stanton indicated that the final touches are being put on the Year in Review in terms of editing and it should be available in June
Newsletter- Jörg Rehder stated that Iryna Zaverukha submitted an article on the Ukraine. The Committee is interested in putting together a Newsletter on Eastern Europe including, of course, the Ukraine. If anybody has any expertise in an Eastern European jurisdiction and is interested in preparing a short article (no longer than 2 pages), please contact any of the Committee Co Chairs, Jörg Rehder, Nancy Matos, or Mattia Colonnelli. We believe this is an excellent opportunity to become more involved with the Europe Committee and to get your “name out there” in terms of your expertise.
3)Policy. Rule of Law in Turkey / Ukraine
See No. 2 above.
4)Programming – Whistleblower Program for Fall Conference in Miami
Co Chair Jörg Rehder announced that a proposal submitted by the Europe Committee was accepted for the Fall Meeting to be held in Miami in late October, 2017. There have been many developments in whistleblower laws, not only in the United States, over the last few years, if not only the last few months. For example, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently determined that a company violated SEC rules based on specific language in employment agreements. Jörg Rehder will serve as the Moderator or a Speaker. So far one other speaker has been lined up, Kelly Bunting of Greenburg Traurig in Philadelphia. Kelly is a member of her firm's whistleblower group. We are still looking for speakers from Latin American and or Asia. If you know of anybody that may be interested in serving as a speaker, please contact Jörg Rehder.
5)Other Business
Co Chair Mattia Colonnelli reminded everybody that the Section’s Spring Meeting will be held on April 25-28, 2017, in Washington D.C. On the program is a presentation on Brexit by Co Chairs Nancy Matos and Mattia Colonnelli and on Reliance Letters by Co Chair Jörg Rehder. Mattia also announced that a joint dinner has been arranged between the Europe Committee and the International M&A and JV Committee. The details of the dinner are as follows:
Time: Wednesday, April 26, at 7:30 pm
Venue: Mulebone, 2121 14th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009, Tel. 202-332-9672, (a short, max. 15 minutes, taxi ride from the Newseum, where the Meeting Reception will be held on same day from 5:00pm to 7:00pm). Mulebone is a Southern-style restaurant that features cuisine that is often referred to as “soul food”. It is part of the famous Busboys and Poets organization.
To reserve a place for the dinner, please send an email to Mattia Colonnelli with your full contact details by Wednesday, April 12. THIS WOULD BE AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY TO GET TO KNOW OTHER MEMBERS OF THE EUROPE COMMITTEE IN AN INFORMAL SETTING.
Most appetizers at Mulebone are in the range of ca. $5-$12, and entrees are generally in the range of ca. $15-$25, so the total cost should be reasonable. If we are more than 25 people, we would have to have a 3-course menu where each person can select from 3-4 choices for each of the appetizer, entrée and dessert. The fixed menu would cost ca. $40/person, plus alcoholic drinks (water and soft drinks are included), taxes and tip.
Next meeting: May 2, 2017 at 11:00 am EST/ 5pm CET.