CP Chemistry Unit 1 Calendar 2012

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
intro, goggles, pix
safety orientation and contracts, work on safety reading, turn in friday
Matter Concept Inventory
pre-test / 9
collect documents
examples of change
write descriptions
represent what's happening at micro level
w/b and discuss / 10
mass- property of matter
balance - tool to measure mass
model of matter
lab: investigating mass and change
1-mass steel wool
histograms (reading)
Safety quiz
Labs: 2- precipitate
3- melted ice
4- burned steel wool
collect data, make histograms, diagrams at micro scale, w/b and discuss / 14
5- dissolved sugar
6- dissolved Alka Seltzer
lab report form, checklist for lab
HW: start lab report, do ws 1 / 15
w/b trends 1 - 6
post-lab discussion
Ring of Truth video-mass
Law of Conservation of Mass
HW: finish lab report / 16
mass and change lab due
intro use of Logger Pro to make graphs, set up graph file and save
volume-definition, intro volume lab / 17
Activity - compare units of volume - mL to cm^3
use Logger Pro to plot graph, write equation
meaning of slope, significance of intercept
work ws 2 in class
visit website on measurement to review what you have learned / 21
lab: mass and volume
make graph in Logger Pro using class data
equation of line
5% rule for b
HW: start lab write-up / 22
quiz 1- estimation
review lab, meaning of slope, define density
particle model of matter to accouont for density
work on ws 3-p1 in class
HW: ws 3 - p2 / 23
review ws 3 - p1
intro factor-label method - facts and factors
work through ws 3 - p2
HW: review density graph
finish lab report,
ws 3 / 24
mass-volume lab due
review rest of ws 3
more on facts and factors
review slope, begin ws 4 in class, complete for HW
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
w/b ws 4 - p 2
quiz 2- density
pre-lab: density of a gas / 28
activity: density of a gas
collect, examine class data
compare density to accepted value
particle model of matter to account for differences in density,
movie on solids, liquids and gases / 29
activity-thickness of a thin layer
collect data, do calculations, compare results
estimate upper limit for size of atom
Ring of Truth video-foil
begin unit 1 review / 30
density of gas lab due
review thickness of foil activity
Size of Things website, start ws 5, continue for HW / 31
review ws 5, metric prefixes we use in this course, factor-label to convert from one unit to another
unit 1 review
study for test:

Last modified: 8/08/12

Note: Calendar subject to change by instructors; all changes posted daily in class.