Europe (1450-1750) Review Sheet

Commercial Revolution


William Shakespeare

Niccolò Machiavelli

Protestant Reformation

Johannes Gutenberg

Martin Luther

John Calvin

Henry VIII

Elizabeth I

Catholic Reformation

(or Counter-Reformation)

Council of Trent

Ignatius Loyola

Philip II

Spanish Armada

Charles V

Spanish Inquisition


James I

Oliver Cromwell

English Civil War

(Puritan Revolution)

Glorious Revolution

William & Mary

English Bill of Rights

Dutch Republic

Louis XIV

Edict of Nantes

Ivan III (great)

Ivan IV (terrible)

Peter the Great

Catherine the Great

Balance of Power

30 Year’s War

Treaty of Westphalia

Seven Year’s War



Joint-stock companies

Putting-out system

Russian serfs

Adam Smith

Scientific Revolution


Nicolaus Copernicus

Galileo Galilei

Isaac Newton

Emilie du Chatelet


John Locke

Baron de Montesquieu


Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Thomas Hobbes

Enlightened despot

Frederick the Great

Maria Teresa

Questions for Thought

1.  Discuss CCOT with regard to the political structure of Europe from 1450 to 1750.

2.  How did European countries use mercantilism to increase power?

3.  Discuss how new economic structures disrupted the political/economic power structures of the post-classical era (European gentry & urban entrepreneurs).

4.  Discuss the relationship of religion and government in early modern Europe.

5.  What were the effects of Mongol occupation on Russian civilization?

6.  How did Russian tsars attempt to achieve legitimacy over their people?

7.  Why was Russian serfdom strengthened and how did that affect Russian progress?

8.  How does Renaissance art represent both innovations in art the culture of the time?

9.  How did Russian expansion affect peasant labor?

10.  How did European society change during the early modern period?

11.  How did European rulers use both the arts and religious ideas to display political power and legitimize their rule?

12.  How did European rulers develop military professionals to maintain centralized control?

13.  How did Russia create a land empire?

14.  How did state (country) rivalries provide challenges to state consolidation and expansion?