Curriculum Vitae /
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s) / Ana CALUGARU
Address(es) / 103 Splaiul Independentei, sector 5, Bucharest, Romania
Telephone(s) / 40 21 3069298; 40 21 5287298 / Mobile: / 40 766 468 366
Fax(es) / 40 21 3069298; 40 21 5287298
E-mail /
Nationality / Romanian
Date of birth / 16. 02. 1948
Gender / Female
Desired employment / Occupational field / Research Fellow / Partner responsible
Work experience
Dates / 2000 - present
Occupation or position held / Senior scientist of Immunomodulation Laboratory
Main activities and responsibilities / -  Specific research activities in immunology, celluar immunology,immunochemistry, biochemistry,
- Research on modern strategies approacing the pathogenesis of autoimmune/inflammatory diseases, by modulating pro and anti-inflammatory cytokine network and using natural/synthetic compounds
- Cytotoxicity/viability tests performed on normal and tumoral cell lines
- In vitro studies of needle plasma effects on normal cells or tumoral cell lines (flowcitometry)
- In vitro and in vivo studies for testing the anti-tumoral capacity (melanoma) of natural/synthetic compounds
-  Writing up scientific proposals and papers
-  Project responsible in national projects
-  Participation in scientific national or international meetings
Name and address of employer / “Cantacuzino” National Institute of Research and Development for Microbiology and Immunology (Cantacuzino NIRDMI), 103 Splaiul Independentei, 050096 Bucharest, Romania
Dates / 1991 – 2000
Occupation or position held / Researcher : Senior researcher (3rd degree, 2nd degree), Immunology Department
Main activities and responsibilities / - Research on modern studies of apoptosis on NK and PMN human normal cells
- Studies of Fc gamma receptors on NK cells: cytotoxicity NK, ADCC, etc
-Studies of LPS (Lypopolissacharid) effects on adherent monocites and polimorphonuclear cells to plastic surfaces by Fibronectin .
- Studies by FACScan flow cytometer of lymphocyte subpopulations in the Caucasian population of Romania
- Writing up scientific proposals and papers
Name and address of employer / Center of Immnology, Virology Institute “St.Nicolau”, Sos. Mihai Bravu 285,Bucharest, Romania
Type of business or sector / Research and Development. Management: (a) Strategic management, (b) Research activity management, (c) Research project management.
Dates / 1980- 1991
Occupation or position held / Junior researcher; Senior researcher (3rd degree)
Main activities and responsibilities / -  Studies regarding specificity of anti-albumin autoantibodies in liver diseases
- Purification of human alpha leukocyte interferon in Romania for therapeutic use:Ginterferon
- Immunobiological characterization of the alpha human interferon: efficiency in the treatment of herpetic dermatitis; non –AIDS related Kaposi’Saroma
-  Purification of IL-2 from T lymphocytes phytohaemmaglutinin (PHA) stimulated and associated treatment with alpha human interferon in Kaposi’Sarcoma (non AIDS);
Name and address of employer / Victor Babes Institute, Immunology Departament Spl. Independentei 101, Bucharest, Romania
Type of business or sector / Research activity
Education and training
Dates / 1994 – 1995
Title of qualification awarded / PhD in Biology,
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered / -  Medical Biochemistry
Name and type of organisation providing education and training / “Romanian Academy” Biochemistry Institute, Bucharest, Spl.Independentei 291
“The role of interaction between cytokines and specific receptors on immune response modulation”
Dates / 1974 – 1979
Title of qualification awarded / University degree in Biology
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered / Biology
Name and type of organisation providing education and training / University of Bucharest, Faculty of Biology
Personal skills and competences
Mother tongue(s) / Specify mother tongue Romanian
Other language(s) / English, French,
Self-assessment / Understanding / Speaking / Writing
European level (*) / Listening / Reading / Spoken interaction / Spoken production
English Language / C2 / Proficient / C2 / Proficient / C1 / Proficient / C1 / Proficient / C1 / Proficient
French Language / C2 / Proficient / C2 / Proficient / C2 / Proficient / C2 / Proficient / C2 / Proficient
Social skills and competences / Team work: I have worked in research groups in immunology
Leader work: -
Technical skills and competences / ELISA, immunoblotting, chemiluminometry, fluorimetry, modern colorimetric techniques, cell cultures, cells isolation and stimulation, in vitro cell cytotoxicity/proliferation techniques, Flowcitometry
Completed postgraduated courses with diplomas:
·  1982 – Basic Immunology Course, Bucharest, Romania
·  1988 – IUIS International Immunology Course "The deviated Immune Response", Poiana Brasov, Romania
·  1992 – EFIS- John Humphrey Course “Tumoral Immunology “, Iasi and IUIS Cours “Autoimmunity”, Timisoara, Romania
·  1998- Post/Doc, Linkage NATO, Pittsburgh, University,USA
·  2000 - John Humphrey Course "Self-Tolerance and Self-Recognition", Sinaia, Romania
·  2001 - Posgraduate training “From Cellular & Molecular Biology to XXIst century medicine”, Bucharest, Romania
Other completed training courses with diplomas:
·  2007 - Validation of attempt / analysis methods. Practical aspects and computer tools, FiaTest
Computer skills and competences / Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint, Word); MS Outlook; Adobe Photoshop; Internet; etc
Artistic skills and competences / Photography
Driving licence / -
Additional information / Patents:
Member in scientific organizations:
·  Member of the Romanian Society for Immunology, since 1980
Functions:, treasurer; general secretary (in present)
·  Member of Becton-Dickinson Facs “Users Club”
Teaching activity:
·  Lecturer – Basic Immunology Workshop, organized annually by the Romanian Society for Immunology (2003 - present)
·  Co-ordinate long-term expert in the project “Professional and organizational forming of employees in the immunology laboratories, by initiating efficient technologies and quality management”, financed by the European Social Fund (Human Resources) POSDRU/81/3.2/S/59497 (2010-2013)
Annex / List of published papers


List of published papers

I. ISI Journals:

1. “Ligand binding specificities and signal transduction pathways of Fcγreceptor IIc isoforms: CD32 isoforms expressed by human NK cells”, Diana Metes, Mioara Manciulea, Danilea Petrusca, Hannah Rabinowich, Linda K.Ernst, Iulia Popescu, Ana Calugaru, Andrei Sulica, William H.Chambers, Ronald B.Herberman and Penelope Morel, Eur.J.Immunol.1999. 29:2842-2852

2. “Human NK cells express Fc receptors for IgA which mediate signal transduction and target cell killing”, Gabriela Mota, Mioara Manciulea, Ecaterina Cosma, Iulia Popescu, Mirela Hirt, Erika Jensen –Jarolim, Ana Calugaru, Cecilia Galatiuc, Teodor regalia, Dietmar Tamandi, Andreas Spittler and George Boltz- Nitulescu, Eur.J.Immunol. 2003. 33: 2197-2205

3. “ Interaction of Human immunoglobulin G with CD 16 on Natural Killer Cells: Ligand Clearance, FcγRIIIA Turnover and Effects of Metalloproteinases on FcγRIIIA-Mediated Binding, Signal Transduction and Killing” , G.Mota, I.Moldovan, A.Calugaru, M.Hirt, E.Kozma, C.Galatiuc, L.Brasoveanu et G.Boltz-Nitulescu, Scandinavian journal of Immunology,2003 59, 278-284

4  „Assessment of two synthesized curdlan derivatives as possible antioxidants and/or modulators of human PMN cells respiratory burst”, CREMER L, LUPU A, BADULESCU M, MOCANU G, MIHAI D, CALUGARU A, APETREI N, M MOSCOVICI, G. SZEGLI. Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 15(6): 5718-5728 (2010).

5. „The antioxidant effects of some progressively purified fractions from Helleborus purpurascens”, N.S. APETREI, A.-R. LUPU, A.CALUGARU, F.KEREK, G. SZEGLI, L.CREMER, Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 16(6), (2011)

II. Romanian or International Journals without ISI quotation (2000-2011):

1. "Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drug able to modulate IL-10 in allergic asthma", Lidia Cremer, Ana Calugaru, Diana Avram, G.Szegli, Jeana-Rodica Radu, Aurora Herold, Roum.Arch.Microbiol.Immunol.,60,(1):17-25, (2001).

2. “Hydroalcoholic plant extracts with anti-inflammatory activitay”, Aurora Herold, Lidia Cremer, Ana Calugaru, Viorica Tamas, Florian Ionescu, Stefan Manea, Geza Szegli, Roum.Arch.Microbiol.Immunol., 62, 1-2, 117-129, 2003.

3. “Antioxidant properties of some hydroalcoholic plant extracts with anti-inflammatory activity”, Aurora Herold, Lidia Cremer, Ana Calugaru, Viorica Tamas, Florian Ionescu, Stefan Manea, Geza Szegli, Roum.Arch.Microbiol.Immunol., 62, 3, 217-229, 2003.

4. “Hydroalcoholic plant extracts as modulators of human mononuclear and polymorphonuclear cells apoptosis”, Aurora Herold, Lidia Cremer, Ana Calugaru, Viorica Tamas, Florian Ionescu, Stefan Manea, Geza Szegli, Roum.Arch.Microbiol.Immunol., 62, 2003

5. ”The effect of the plasma needle on tumoral cell lines apoptosis” Ana Calugaru, Lidia Cremer, Aurora Herold, Andreea Lupu, G.Szegli, C.Lungu, Ana Lungu and N.Georgescu, Roum.Arch.Microbiol.Immunol., vol.64, nr.1-4, (2005)

6. „COX-2 inhibitors can down-regulate in vivo antibody response against T-dependent antigens”, Andreea-Roxana Lupu, Lidia Cremer, Steliana Durbaca, Ana Calugaru, Aurora Herold, F. Kerek, G. Szegli si D.L. Radu Roum.Arch.Microbiol.Immunol., vol.65, nr.1-2, (2006)

7. “The novel arthritis drug substance MCS-18 attenuates the antibody production in vivo”, F.Kerek, G.Szegli, Lidia Cremer, Andreea-Roxana Lupu, Steliana Durbaca, Ana Calugaru, Aurora Herold, D.L.Radu, Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica, 55 (1), 15-31, (2008)

8. “Local analgesic drug “MCS-18” provides high survival rates in septic-shock mice”, F.Kerek, A.Babes, Lidia Cremer, Andreea-Roxana Lupu, C.Coman, Ana Calugaru, G.Szegli, Shock, 29 (Supplement 1), 110, (2008)

9. «STUDY OF APOPTOSIS INDUCED BY CYTOSTATICS AND VEGETAL EXTRACTS ON HUMAN ENDOTHELIAL CELL LINE”, Bârzu Natalia Simona, Bădulescu Maria Mihaela, Lupu Andreea Roxana, Cremer Lidia, G. Szegli, F. Kerek, Călugăru Ana, Roum.Arch.Microbiol.Immunol., Vol.67, Nr.1-2, (2008)

10. “The modulation of REACTIVE oxygen SPECIES production from human polymorphonuclear cells by CURDLAN DERIVATES AS Dectin–1 agonists/antagonists”, Maria-Mihaela Bădulescu, Andreea-Roxana Lupu, Lidia Cremer, Ana Călugăru, Natalia Simona Apetrei, M. Moscovici, Georgeta Mocanu, G. Szegli, Roum.Arch.Microbiol.Immunol., Vol.68, Nr.2, pag.5-10, (2009)

11. «THE EFFECTS OF COLD ATMOSPHERIC PLASMA JETS ON b16 AND coLO320 TUMORAL CELLS”, Andreea-Roxana Lupu, N.Georgescu, Ana Calugaru, Lidia Cremer, G.Szegli, F.Kerek, Roum.Arch.Microbiol.Immunol., Vol.68, Nr.3, (2009)

12. «Recognition and MODULATION of Dectin-1 and TLR-2 receptors by Curdlan DERIVATIVES and purified natural extracts”, Ana Calugaru, Lidia Cremer, Andreea Roxana Lupu, Mihaela Maria Badulescu, Natalia Simona Apetrei, M.Moscovici, Georgeta Mocanu, Doina Mihai, F. Kerek, G.Szegli, Roum.Arch.Microbiol.Immunol., Vol.68, Nr.3, pag.22-27, (2009)

13. “Novel antirheumatic drug “MCS-18” involved in TLR signaling”, Andreea-Roxana Lupu, Lidia Cremer, Geza Szegli, Ana Calugaru, Maria-Mihaela Badulescu, Natalia-Simona Barzu, Maria-Luisa Flonta, Franz Kerek, European Journal of Immunology, Vol.39, No.S1, S77, 2009

14. “Recognition and control of Dectin-1 receptors and TLR-2 by Curdlan –like biopolymers and purified natural extracts”, Ana Calugaru, Lidia Cremer, Andreea-Roxana Lupu, Maria-Mihaela Badulescu, Natalia-Simona Barzu, Franz Kerek, Geza Szegli, European Journal of Immunology, Vol.39, No.S1, S77, 2009

15. “Effects of cold plasma on B16 and COLO320 tumoral cells”, Andreea-Roxana Lupu, N. Georgescu, Ana Cãlugãru, Lidia Cremer, G. Szegli, F. Kerek, Proceedings “4th International Congress on Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas: Sources and Applications - CAPPSA 2009”

16. “The role of natural compound D161 in neurogenic inflammation”, Andreea-Roxana Lupu, Lidia Cremer, F Kerek, Ana Calugaru, Natalia-Simona Barzu, C Coman, Maria-Luiza Flonta, G Szegli, European Journal of Pain, Vol 13, Suppl 1, 2009

17. “New natural compound MCS-18, a TLR-2 antagonist able to down-regulate inflammation-related pain” Andreea-Roxana Lupu, Lidia Cremer, F Kerek, Ana Calugaru, Maria-Mihaela Badulescu, Maria-Luiza Flonta, G Szegli, European Journal of Pain, Vol 13, Suppl 1, 2009

18. „The effect of some curdlan derivatives on Dectin-1 expression and cytokine production in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells”, Natalia Simona Apetrei, Ana Calugaru, Maria Mihaela Badulescu, Andreea Roxana Lupu, M. Moscovici, Georgeta Mocanu, Doina Mihai, G. Szegli, Lidia Cremer, Roum.Arch.Microbiol.Immunol., Vol.69, Nr.2, pag.61-66, (2010)

19. „,Effects of Curdlan and its derivatives on sepsis induced in mice”, C.COMAN, E.VLASE, LIDIA CREMER, ANDREEA-ROXANA LUPU, NATALIA SIMONA APETREI, ANA CALUGARU, GEORGETA MOCANU, DOINA MIHAI, M.MOSCOVICI, G.SZEGLI, Revista Romana de Medicina Veterinara, Nr.4, 89-96, (2010)

20. ”Implant microparticles – a new concept for non-invasive cancer therapy”, Carmen Cristina Surdu-Bob, Cristin Coman, Ana Calugaru, Lidia Cremer, Marius Badulescu, Ene Vlase, Roum.Arch.Microbiol.Immunol., Vol.70, Nr.1, pag.37-41, (2011)

21. „A HIGHLY PURIFIED VEGETAL FRACTION ABLE TO MODULATE HMGB1 and to attenuate septic shock in mice”, Natalia Simona Apetrei, Ana Calugaru, F. Kerek, Minerva Panteli, I. Rasit, Lidia Cremer, G. Szegli, Andreea-Roxana Lupu, Roum.Arch.Microbiol.Immunol., Vol.70, Nr.3, 22-31, (2011)

III. National or International Communications

1.  „Analgesic and anti-inflammatory compound MCS -18 provides high survival rates in septic-shock mice”, A-R Lupu, L.Cremer, F.Kerek, A.Calugaru, C.Coman, A.Babes, G.Szegli, Sepsis 2008, 19-22 Nov. 2008, Granada, Spania

2. “Local analgesic drug “MCS-18” provides high survival rates in septic-shock mice”, F.Kerek, A.Babes, L.Cremer,

A-R Lupu, C.Coman, A.Calugaru, G.Szegli, International Shock Congress, 28 Iun – 2 Iul 2008 Cologne, Germania

3. ” Immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory activities of MCS-18, a compound isolated from a total Helleborus purpurascens extract”, A-R Lupu, N.Georgescu, L.Cremer, N.S.Barzu, M.M.Badulescu, A.Calugaru, C.Coman, E.Vlase, G.Szegli, F.Kerek, 8th EFIS Tatra Immunology Conference, Iunie 2008, Strbske Pleso, Slovacia

4. „ MCS-18 and D161 – TLR antagonists or negative regulators of TLR intracellular signaling”?, A-R Lupu, L.Cremer, F.Kerek, A.Calugaru, M.M.Badulescu, M-L Flonta, G.Szegli , TRIPR Conference „Innate immunity and the pathogenesis of rheumatic diseases”, 6-8 Mai 2009, Genova, Italia

5. „The modulation of free oxygen radicals production from human polymorphonuclear cells by Dectin-1 and TLRs agonists/antagonists”, M.M. Badulescu, A-R Lupu, L.Cremer, A.Calugaru, N.S.Barzu, M.Moscovici, G.Szegli , TRIPR Conference „Innate immunity and the pathogenesis of rheumatic diseases”, 6-8 Mai 2009, Genova, Italia

6. “The modulation of IL-10 and TNF-alpha released by activated human PBMC in the presence of natural and derived beta-glucans”, N.S.Apetrei, L.Cremer, M.M.Badulescu, A-R Lupu, A.Calugaru, M.Moscovici, G.Szegli, TRIPR Conference „Innate immunity and the pathogenesis of rheumatic diseases”, 6-8 Mai 2009, Genova, Italia

7. „Novel antirheumatic drug MCS-18 involved in TLR signaling, A-R Lupu, L.Cremer, G.Szegli, A.Calugaru, M.M.Badulescu, N.S.Barzu, M-L Flonta, F.Kerek”, The 2nd European Congress of Immunology, Sept. 2009, Berlin, Germania

8.” Recognition and control of Dectin-1 receptors and TLR-2 by Curdlan–like biopolymers and purified natural extracts”, The 2nd European Congress of Immunology, A.Calugaru, L.Cremer, A-R Lupu, M.M.Badulescu, N.S.Barzu, F.Kerek, G.Szegli Sept. 2009, Berlin, Germania

9. „ The role of natural compound D161 in neurogenic inflammation”, A-R Lupu, L.Cremer, F.Kerek, A.Calugaru, N.S.Barzu, C.Coman, M-L Flonta, G.Szegli, Pain in Europe VI, 6th Congress of the European Federation of IASP®, Chapters (EFIC), Sept. 2009, Lisabona, Portugalia

10.” New natural compound MCS-18, a TLR-2 antagonist able to down-regulate inflammation-related pain”, A-R Lupu, L.Cremer, F.Kerek, A.Calugaru, M.M.Badulescu, M-L Flonta, G.Szegli, Pain in Europe VI, 6th Congress of the European Federation of IASP®, Chapters (EFIC), Sept. 2009, Lisabona, Portugalia

11. “Studies regarding the efficacy of “Natural SOD” and its fractions on PMN cells of patients with rheumatic diseases”, A-R Lupu, L.Cremer, A.Herold, M.Cristea, MM.Badulescu, N.S.Barzu, A.Calugaru, G.Szegli, TRIPR Conference „Biological Agents and Emerging Treatments in the Management of Rheumatic Diseases” 6-8 Mai 2009, Genova, Italia