Kapitel 10 ÜbungssätzeJannach’s German for Reading Knowledge, Sixth Edition: pp. 102-103
1. The museum is known worldwide for the quality and variety of its exhibited works.
2. The museum's collection grew rapidly from its original donation of eight prints and a drawing to more than 10,000 paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints, photographs, and architectural designs.
3. The original mission of the activist group was the rescue of the endangered and threatened panda bears.
4. Their work is not always crowned with success. (Their work does not always achieve success.)
5. Besides light, warmth, air and water, plants also need nutrients to flourish.
6. Solid particles penetrate plants only in dissolved form.
7. Plants are composed of cells.
8. Sweden was the first country in the European Union to prohibit the use of DDT. Today it is forbidden in the entire EU.
9. The Christian "Old Testament" is written to a large extent in Hebrew. It is the Bible of the Jews. The Christian Church adopted it and combined it with the writings of the New Testament in the Christian Bible.
10. The candidate repeated his assertion more than once: "The solution of this far reaching problem makes an increase in the standard of living possible."
11. The nearly uninterrupted northern daylight in Alaska accelerates the rate of growth and compresses blossoming and maturation into (just) a few months.
12. The results presented above are reproduced in Illustration 5 on page 67.
13. That which is discussed is also confirmed by the experiments described below.
14. Maintaining peace requires ongoing agreement of all the parties involved.
15. Marshall Trivulzio said to Ludwig XII. of France: "Three things are necessary to wage war: money, money, money."
16. In the English-speaking world Beethoven's piano concerto number 5 in E-flat major became popular as the "Emperor's Concerto." The moment of inspiration for the piece was Beethoven's admiration of Napoleon.
17. Like the university as a whole, so, too, does the individual professor in Germany enjoy complete freedom of thought, instruction, and action.
18. Following the disturbances in the winter and spring of 1968, the German student movement demonstrated a surprisingly rapid development.
19. The gas cells of the dirigible were filled with combustible hydrogen. Filling them went relatively rapidly.
20. The air ship is named after its inventor, "Count Zeppelin."
Jannach’s German for Reading Knowledge, Sixth Edition / ©2009
Richard Alan Korb