Eunsoo Kim, p. 1/5
Eunsoo Kim, Ph.D.
Division of Invertebrate Zoology
American Museum of Natural History
Central Park West at 79th Street
New York, NY 10024, USA
- American Museum of Natural History (New York, NY, USA), Assistant Curator and Assistant Professor, Division of Invertebrate Zoology, 03/2012–Present
- Dalhousie University (Halifax, NS, Canada), Postdoctoral Fellow, 03/2007–02/2012
Advisor: Prof. John Archibald
- University of Wisconsin-Madison (Madison, WI, USA), Ph.D., Botany, 08/2001–08/2006
Dissertation: “Molecular Phylogenetics and Ultrastructure of Pivotal Protist Flagellates”
Thesis committee: Profs. Linda Graham (co-advisor), Tom Sharkey (co-advisor), David Baum, Andrea
Gargas, David Hanson, Bret Larget
- Seoul National University (Seoul, South Korea), B.S., Biology, 03/1996–08/2000
- Topics: Origin of eukaryotic photosynthesis, microbial symbioses, novel microbial diversity, deep evolutionary divergence in eukaryotic tree of life
- Approaches: Single cell isolation and culture, fluorescence and electron microscopy, phylogenetics, comparative genomics and transcriptomics, environmental sequencing
Heger TJ, Edgcomb VP, Kim E, Lukes J, Leander BS, Yubuki N. A resurgence in field research is essential to better understand the diversity, ecology and evolution of microbial eukaryotes. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology (in press)
Maruyama S, Kim E. 2013. A modern descendant of early green algal phagotrophs. Current Biology23: 1081–1084.
Fulneckova J, Sevcikova T, Fajkus J, Lukesova A, Lukes M, Vlcek C, Lang BF, Kim E, Elias M, Sykorova E. 2013. A broad phylogenetic survey unveils the diversity and evolution of telomeres in eukaryotes Genome Biology and Evolution 5: 468–483.
Kim E, Archibald JM. 2013. Ultrastructure and molecular phylogeny of the cryptomonad Goniomonas avonlea sp. nov. Protist 164: 160–182.
Curtis BA, Tanifuji G, Burki F, Gruber A, Irimia M, Maruyama S, Arias MC, Ball SG, Gile GH, Hirakawa Y, Hopkins JF, Kuo A, Rensing SA, Schmutz J, Symeonidi A, Elias M, Eveleigh RJ, Herman EK, Klute MJ, Nakayama T, Oborník M, Reyes-Prieto A, Armbrust EV, Aves SJ, Beiko RG, Coutinho P, Dacks JB, Durnford DG, Fast NM, Green BR, Grisdale CJ, Hempel F, Henrissat B, Höppner MP, Ishida K, Kim E, Kořený L, Kroth PG, Liu Y, Malik SB, Maier UG, McRose D, Mock T, Neilson JA, Onodera NT, Poole AM, Pritham EJ, Richards TA, Rocap G, Roy SW, Sarai C, Schaack S, Shirato S, Slamovits CH, Spencer DF, Suzuki S, Worden AZ, Zauner S, Barry K, Bell C, Bharti AK, Crow JA, Grimwood J, Kramer R, Lindquist E, Lucas S, Salamov A, McFadden GI, Lane CE, Keeling PJ, Gray MW, Grigoriev IV, Archibald JM. 2012. Algal genomes reveal evolutionary mosaicism and the fate of nucleomorphs. Nature 492: 59–65.
Takishita K, Chikaraishi Y, Leger MM, Kim E, Yabuki A, Ohkouchi N, Roger AJ. 2012. Lateral transfer of tetrahymanol-synthesizing genes has allowed multiple diverse eukaryote lineages to independently adapt to environments without oxygen. Biology Direct 7: 5.
Tanifuji G*, Kim E*, Onodera NT*, Gibeault R, Dlutek M, Cawthorn RJ, Fiala I, Lukeš J, Greenwood SJ, Archibald JM. 2011. Genomic characterization of Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis (Amoebozoa) and its kinetoplastid endosymbiont. Eukaryotic Cell 10: 1143–1146. (*co-first authors)
Kerney R, Kim E, Hangarter R, Heiss A, Bishop C, Hall B. 2011. Intracellular invasion of green algae in a salamander host. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 108: 6497–6502.
Kim E*, Harrison JW*, Sudek S*, Jones MDM, Wilcox HM, Richards TA, Worden AZ, Archibald JM. 2011. Newly identified and diverse plastid-bearing branch on the eukaryotic tree of life. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 108: 1496–1500. (*co-first authors)
Graham LE, Kim E, Arancibia-Avila P, Graham JM, Wilcox LE. 2010. Evolutionary and ecophysiological significance of sugar utilization by the peatmoss Sphagnum compactum (Sphagnaceae) and the common charophycean associates Cylindrocystis brebissonii and Mougeotia sp. (Zygnemataceae). American Journal of Botany 97: 1–7.
Kim E, Archibald JM. 2010. Plastid evolution: Gene transfer and the maintenance of ‘stolen’ organelles. BMC Biology 8: 73.
Kim E, Park JS, Simpson AGB, Matsunaga S, Watanabe M, Murakami A, Sommerfeld K, Onodera NT, Archibald JM*. 2010. Complex array of endobionts in Petalomonas sphagnophila, a large heterotrophic euglenid protist from Sphagnum-dominated peatlands. The ISME Journal 4: 1108–1120.
Kim E*, Yubuki N*, Leander BS, Graham LE. 2010. Ultrastructure and 18S rDNA phylogeny of Apoikia lindahlii comb. nov. (Chrysophyceae) and its epibiontic protists, Filos agilis gen. et sp. nov. (Bicosoecida) and Nanos amicus gen. et sp. nov. (Bicosoecida). Protist 161: 177–196. (*co-first authors)
Bae Y, Kim E, L’Hernault SW, Barr MM. 2009. The CIL-1 PI 5-phosphatase localizes TRP polycystins to cilia and activates sperm in C. elegans. Current Biology 19: 1599–1607.
Kim E, Archibald JM. 2009. Diversity and evolution of plastids and their genomes. In: The Chloroplast: Interactions with the Environment. Sandelius AS and Aronsson H (eds) Springer-Verlag: Berlin, pp 1–39.
Kim E, Graham LE. 2008. EEF2 analysis challenges the monophyly of Archaeplastida and Chromalveolata. PLoS ONE 3: e2621.
Cuvelier ML, Ortiz A, Kim E, Moehlig H, Richardson DE, Heidelberg JF, Archibald JM, Worden AZ. 2008. Widespread distribution of a unique marine protistan lineage. Environmental Microbiology 10: 1621–1634.
Kim E, Lane CE, Curtis BA, Kozera C, Bowman S, Archibald JM. 2008. Complete sequence and analysis of the mitochondrial genome of Hemiselmis andersenii CCMP644 (Cryptophyceae). BMC Genomics 9: 215.
Kim E, Simpson AGB, Graham LE. 2006. Evolutionary relationships of apusomonads inferred from taxon-rich analyses of 6 nuclear encoded genes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 23: 2455–2466.
Kim E, Wilcox LW, Fawley MW, Graham LE. 2006. Phylogenetic position of the green flagellate Mesostigma viride based on -tubulin and -tubulin gene sequences. International Journal of Plant Sciences 167: 873–883.
Kim E, Wilcox LW, Graham LE, Graham JM. 2004. Genetically distinct populations of the dinoflagellate Peridinium limbatum in neighboring Northern Wisconsin lakes. Microbial Ecology 48: 521–527.
- Comparative Biology Seminar Series, Richard Gilder Graduate School at AMNH, Spring 2014
Guest Lecturer
- Next Generation Sequencing, Richard Gilder Graduate School at AMNH, 04/2013
- Evolution, Richard Gilder Graduate School at AMNH, 04/2013
- Bio 221: Symbiosis, Gettysburg College, 02/2013
- Algae, University of Connecticut, 12/2013
- KoreanAdvancedInstituteofScienceandTechnology,Daejeon,SouthKorea,12/2013
- ChungnamNationalUniversity,Daejeon,SouthKorea,12/2013
- PohangUniversityofScienceandTechnology,Pohang,SouthKorea,12/2013
- SeoulNationalUniversity,Seoul,SouthKorea,12/2013
- Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, Oregon, USA, 11/2013
- New York Center for Astrobiology Seminar, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York, USA, 10/2013
- CUNY-Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, New York, USA, 04/2013
- Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades, New York, USA, 03/2013
- University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, USA, 12/2012
- New York University, New York, USA, 10/2012
- Protist 2012 (ISEP & ISOP), Oslo, Norway, 08/2012
- American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA, 05/2011
- Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Moss Landing, California, USA, 07/2009
- Chloroplast Workshop, Gothenburg, Sweden, 06/2009
- International Symposium on Protistology, Tsukuba, Japan, 11/2008
- 12th International Colloquium on Endocytobiology and Symbiosis, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 08/2013
- Symbiosis Workshop 2013, Yosemite, California, USA, 05/2013
- Joint Genome Institute (JGI) jamboree meeting, Walnut Creek, California, USA, 09/2011
- Integrated Microbial Biodiversity (IMB), Seattle, Washington, USA, 08/2010
- Protist 2008 (ISEP & ISOP), Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 07/2008
- Phycological Society of America (PSA), Providence, Rhode Island, USA, 08/2007
- Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE), Tempe, Arizona, USA, 05/2006
- International Society for Evolutionary Protistology (ISEP), Melbourne, Australia, 02/2005
- NSF EAGER Collaborative Research – Mechanism of Establishing and Maintaining an Algal Endosymbiont in a Vertebrate Host, 03/2014–02/2016 ($176,582)
- KIMAX New Lab Startup Grant, 04/2012
- Member: International Society for Evolutionary Protistology (ISEP), International Society of Microbial Ecology (ISME), International Society of Protistologists (ISOP), Phycological Society of America (PSA), Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE)
- NSF review panel (2013)
- Ad-hoc reviewer for NSF proposals and scientific journals in my field of expertise
- North American Councilor for the International Society for Evolutionary Protistology (2012–2014)
Tereza Sevcikova, Visiting Graduate Student, 01/2014
John Burns, Postdoctoral Researcher, 09/2013–Present
Amber Paasch, RGGS Graduate Student, 08/2013–Present
Allison Liberato, REU Intern, Summer 2013
Ben Sprung, Volunteer Scientist, 04/2013–Present
Dr. Mann-Kyun Shin (Ulsan University, South Korea), Visiting Scientist, 12/2012–06/2013
Arnold Fleisher, Volunteer Scientist, 05/2012–Present
Dr. Saul Scheinbach, Volunteer Scientist, 06/2012–Present
Dr. Michael Levandowsky, Visiting Scientist, 06/2012–Present
Ashley Yang, Lab Assistant, 05/2012–Present
Lili Blumenberg, REU Intern, Summer 2012