Course / ME 46900 – Advanced Mechanics of Materials
Type of Course / Elective (Group 1) for ME program
Catalog Description / Studies of stress and strain in three-dimensional problems. Theories of failure and energy methods. Unsymmetrical bending, curved beans, cross stress, shear center, torsion of thin-walled noncircular sections, thick-wall cylinders. Introduction to fracture mechanics, plates, and contract stresses.
Credits / 3
Contact Hours / 3
Prerequisite Courses / ME 25200 and ME 30300
Corequisite Courses / None
Prerequisites by Topics / Analysis of stress: concepts and definitions
Analysis of strain: concepts and definitions
Material properties and stress-strain relationships
Axial Loading applications and thin-pressure vessels
Torsional loading of circular shafts
Stresses in beams
Beam deflections
Combined loading and yield theories of failure
Statically Indeterminate members
Thermal stress and strain
Textbook / Advanced Mechanics of Materials, Arthur P. Boresi and Richard J. Schmidt,John Wiley & Sons, current edition.
Course Objectives / To further develop the students’ ability to analyze and design structural systems through the use of mechanics of materials methods.
Course Outcomes / Students who successfully complete this course will have demonstrated an ability to:
  1. Understand concepts of three-dimensional stress and strain at a point as well as the stress-strain relationships for homogenous, isotropic materials.(a, e, 1, 2)
  2. Calculate the stresses and strains in axially loaded members, torsion of noncircular cross section members, and members subject to nonsymmetrical flexural loading. (a, e, 1, 2)
  3. Calculate the stresses and strains associated with thick-wall cylindrical pressure vessels and rotating disks. (a, e, 1, 2)
  4. Determine the stresses resulting from bending of curved beams and flat plates.(a, e, 1, 2)
  5. Apply the theories of strength and fracture.(a, e, 1, 2)
  6. Apply energy methods for the determination of the deflections and rotations. (a, e, 1, 2)
  7. Design beams, cylinders and shafts for allowable stresses and loads.(c, g, k, 4, 8, 6)

Lecture Topics /
  1. Plane stress and three-dimensional state of stress
  2. Plane strain and three-dimensional state of strain
  3. Linear stress-strain relationships
  4. Theories of failure
  5. Energy methods
  6. Indeterminate structures
  7. Torsion of non-circular sections
  8. Non-symmetrical bending
  9. Shear center for thin-walled beams
  10. Curved beams
  11. Thick-walled pressure vessels
  12. Stresses in rotating disks
  13. Flat plates
  14. Introduction to fracture mechanics
  15. Contact stresses
  16. Elastic and inelastic stability

Computer Usage / Low
Laboratory Experience / None
Design Experience / Medium
Coordinator / N. T. Younis, Ph.D.
Date / 30 September 2015

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