Type of Course / Elective (Group 1) for ME program
Catalog Description / Studies of stress and strain in three-dimensional problems. Theories of failure and energy methods. Unsymmetrical bending, curved beans, cross stress, shear center, torsion of thin-walled noncircular sections, thick-wall cylinders. Introduction to fracture mechanics, plates, and contract stresses.
Credits / 3
Contact Hours / 3
Prerequisite Courses / ME 25200 and ME 30300
Corequisite Courses / None
Prerequisites by Topics / Analysis of stress: concepts and definitions
Analysis of strain: concepts and definitions
Material properties and stress-strain relationships
Axial Loading applications and thin-pressure vessels
Torsional loading of circular shafts
Stresses in beams
Beam deflections
Combined loading and yield theories of failure
Statically Indeterminate members
Thermal stress and strain
Textbook / Advanced Mechanics of Materials, Arthur P. Boresi and Richard J. Schmidt,John Wiley & Sons, current edition.
Course Objectives / To further develop the students’ ability to analyze and design structural systems through the use of mechanics of materials methods.
Course Outcomes / Students who successfully complete this course will have demonstrated an ability to:
- Understand concepts of three-dimensional stress and strain at a point as well as the stress-strain relationships for homogenous, isotropic materials.(a, e, 1, 2)
- Calculate the stresses and strains in axially loaded members, torsion of noncircular cross section members, and members subject to nonsymmetrical flexural loading. (a, e, 1, 2)
- Calculate the stresses and strains associated with thick-wall cylindrical pressure vessels and rotating disks. (a, e, 1, 2)
- Determine the stresses resulting from bending of curved beams and flat plates.(a, e, 1, 2)
- Apply the theories of strength and fracture.(a, e, 1, 2)
- Apply energy methods for the determination of the deflections and rotations. (a, e, 1, 2)
- Design beams, cylinders and shafts for allowable stresses and loads.(c, g, k, 4, 8, 6)
Lecture Topics /
- Plane stress and three-dimensional state of stress
- Plane strain and three-dimensional state of strain
- Linear stress-strain relationships
- Theories of failure
- Energy methods
- Indeterminate structures
- Torsion of non-circular sections
- Non-symmetrical bending
- Shear center for thin-walled beams
- Curved beams
- Thick-walled pressure vessels
- Stresses in rotating disks
- Flat plates
- Introduction to fracture mechanics
- Contact stresses
- Elastic and inelastic stability
Computer Usage / Low
Laboratory Experience / None
Design Experience / Medium
Coordinator / N. T. Younis, Ph.D.
Date / 30 September 2015
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