24 May 2006
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GRID03r1 GRID Project Discussion 24 May 2006.doc
ETSI, European Telecommunication Standards Institute,
Open ETSI GRID-WORKSHOP Standardization meeting
Wednesday 24 May 2006, at ETSI in Sophia Antipolis France
Moderated by BT/Mike Fisher Alcatel/Bela Berde and Patrick Guillemin/ETSI
Agenda 09:00 - 12:00 13:30 - 17:00, Coffee Breaks, Lunch at France Telecom Cantine
1) Introduction, Karl Heinz Rosenbrock ETSI Director General (GRID06)
Tour de table, Participant List (GRID01a1)
Agenda revision (GRID01r1) and presentation planning (GRID03r1)
2) EC support in GRID standardization, IST Projects and European Technology platform NESSI
GRID STF, 3 GRID new work item, Plan or 2007 (GRID04)
GSCG here on 24 May
NextGRID Mike Fischer (BT)
Akogrimo Julian Gallop, CCLRC (co-chair)
CoreGRID Wolfgang Ziegler, Fraunhofer SCAI
DataMiningGrid Vlado Stankovski
InteliGrid Matevz Dolenc
UniGrids Daniel Mallmann
Rigo Wenning W3C/ERCIM, COPRAS contact
GSCG not here on 24 May 2006
GridCoord Roman Tirler, University of Pisa
HPC4U Rolf Welde Skeie, Scali
K-Wf Grid Marian Bubak, CYFRONET
OntoGrid Sean Bechhofer, University of Manchester
Provenance Luc Moreau, University of Southampton
SIMDAT Jamil Appa, BEA
David De Roure University of Southampton, GGF/W3C liaison
3) ETSI GRID Starter Group and its ETSI Members supporters
Chairman appointment (GRID08),
Draft GRID ToR (GRID09) => agenda item 7)
Next GRID-SG contribution to ETSI Board (GRID10) => agenda item 7)
4) Existing GRID activities in SDOs and Fora
(GGF SCRM, Wiki + ETSI & GGF collaboration in Plugtests)
5) Participant’s presentations on GRID view and activities
INRIA, CoreGRID, GRIDCoord, GRIDComp, Françoise BAUDE
Akogrimo, Dr. Martin Hafner
NorduGRID Balazs Konya
Alcatel Bela Berde
NextGRID Mike Fischer (BT) ?NESSI
Akogrimo Julian Gallop, CCLRC (co-chair)
CoreGRID Wolfgang Ziegler, Fraunhofer SCAI
DataMiningGrid Vlado Stankovski
InteliGrid Matevz Dolenc
UniGrids Daniel Mallmann
6) Work programme of ETSI in GRID standardization, role of ETSI Services (Standards
Production Area (SPA), PlugtestsTM and PTCC)
Plugtests, PTCC (GRID07)
7 Panel discussion on GRID standardization work programme
21-22 June Board contribution (GRID10)
GRID-SG kick-off
ETSI GRID Project – for discussion on 24 May 2006 GRID-WORKSHOP
A GRID definition is given in annex, to make it short we can say:
Like the word Web (or WWW), the GRID will be the new name of the Internet.
The potential benefits of ICT GRID technologyare:
- Democratize GRID applications and services (SME, government, education, healthcare etc)
- increase productivity by reducing Total Cost of Ownership (both CAPEX and OPEX)
- offers any-type, anywhere, anytime services by/for all (utility service vision)
- offers dynamic virtual infrastructure for building variable sized virtual organisations
- extensibility, since based on a converged infrastructure, including the next generation Internet services backbone and NGN
ETSI GRID initial work project is to address, in general, the IT-Telecom (Information Technology and Telecommunications) convergence and, in particular, the lack of interoperable GRID solutions built by IT in conjunction with the Telecom industry. This is called ICT GRID. The project pushes the emphasis on GRID applications and services based on global standards and their associated validation tools. The goal is to enlarge the sphere of, actively support, and involve GRID stakeholders in the standardization of GRID (test specifications first) in the IT-Telecom converged world.
ETSI will consider a broad context of interoperable GRID standards at extended levels:
- resource and service access, protocol, middleware, security, service, application with a large panel of GRID actors in the GRID value chain
- standardization bodies, FORA and organizations in conjunction with relevant industrial stakeholders, research and innovation actors considering broad convergence in:
- Information Technology (IT) and Web Services
- Electronic communication (Telecom) and IT
- Fixed and Mobile Communications – such as electronic communication manufacturers (Telecom), network operators, service providers, end resource equipment manufacturers, and various IT actors
- Mobile standards, broadband communications, and ubiquitous services
ETSI will not address alone the entire GRID issues that may be identified but, from networking the involved standardization bodies to produce consensus based technical specifications and reports. ETSI will propose a roadmap to interoperable ICT GRID standards
GGF SCRM-WG initiated a GRID Landscape Wiki referencing existing GRID standards: This is a repository of relevant standards from work by leading industry bodies including the Global Grid Forum (GGF), the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF), the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS), the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA), the Tele Management Forum (TMF), the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the International Telecommunication Union – Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T), and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
AT least, ETSI MTS, PTCC, Plugtests and GRID-SG should be added in this Landscape.
There is still a need to consolidate this Landscape with the White Paper produced by GSCG (*) and proceed to a neutral, consensus based analysis of the situation.
(*) GSCG: The IST FP6 Grid projects Collaboration Task ‘Co-ordination of Standardisation Efforts’ is fostered and managed by the GRID Standards Co-ordination Group, a forum which comprises representatives from all IST FP6 GRID projects and external experts in GRID standardization.
The number of GRID developments from diverse industry segments is rapidly growing. The uptake of the resulting products by scientific and industrial users is significantly increasing. At present the number of existing GRID solutions combined with the lack of proper testing and verification procedures limit the interoperability of GRID solutions and the generation of standards driven by interoperability requirements.
ETSI GRID standardization objective is to reduce its complexity, while empowering individuals and organizations to create, provide access to and use a variety of services, anywhere, anytime, in a transparent and cost-effective way, realizing the vision of a knowledge-based and ubiquitous utility.
Using “Making Better Standards” Methodology (mbs)
The proposed approach could follow and the following approach applied to GRID: Inventory, Agreed Problems Identification, Consensus Based Requirements Specification, Architectures Requirement Specifications and only after, Protocol Requirements (interfaces, interoperability, QoS, Security, testing and validation) used to define consensus based and technology neutral ETSI GRID standards (TS, TR)
How to work with ETSI in this open ETSI GRID Project?
GRID Starter Group history
- ETSI PlugtestsTM has already organized 2 GRID Plugtests (interoperability events) in 2004 and 2005 (eEurope, FP6 Research Projects UniGrids, CoreGRID, NextGRID, GridCoord, Sponsored by Microsoft, IBM, SUN, Universities and research bodies INRIA…). The last GRID Plugtests event, Grids@Work, was very successful with 240 participants:
- EC presentedDG INFSO GRID Service Oriented Knowledge Utility on 7-8 September 2005 (Lisbon) to ETSI Board#53 and invited ETSI to work on GRID interoperability, DG INFSO F2 GRID Unit Vision of the Role of ETSI:
- European Strategy and RoadmapBuilding on EU strengths
- Bring together the IT/traditional Grid world with the Telco world: Interoperability / Convergence ?
- Conformity / compliance testing - Open test platform / validation toolkit for Grid and Utility Services Standards
- (Open source) reference implementations + repository
- Migration of Grid standards/ MW from IPv4 to IPv6 – « mobile» Grids
- Link / collaboration with
- Other standardisation bodies
- NESSI (European Technology Platform)
- European Research Area project GridCoord
- IST Projects Grid Standards Collaboration Group
- National and European OMII-type initiatives
- ETSI GRID Workshop organized on 30 September 2005
- INGRID SSA working proposal (finally not accepted by DG INFSO evaluators)
- Identification of all ETSI Members involved in GRID, GRID momentum, Early Contributors to ETSI GRID project
- GRID activities and ETSI Members report
- Both GRID Technology and Interoperability are strategic for EC and ETSI.
It was decided at ETSI GA#46 that GRID and Interoperability Testing are two of the six major strategic topics for ETSI in 2006 (GRID, NGN, EMTEL, Interop&Testing, Security and Radio Spectrum usage). - Strategic Topics for 2006
- Next Generation Networks (NGN)
- Emergency Telecommunications
- Interoperability and Testing
- Information Security
- Radio Spectrum usage
- 28 February – 1st March Board#56, first ETSI GRID Strategic Topic presentation and initial GRID-SG ToR
- 5 April meeting between NESSI ETP, NESSI-GRID SSA, DG INFSO, DG ENTR and ETSI
The ETP (European Technology Platform) NESSI (Networked European Software and Services Initiative) - DG INSFO F2 GRID UNIT support to ETSI GRID Project + DG ENTR
- GGF17 Tokyo + ETSI collaboration facilitated
- NESSI-GRID SSA Partners present involvement BT, Siemens, IBM, HP, Nokia, ObjectWeb, Telecom Italia, Telefonica, Thales…
- 25 April 2006, ETSI had submitted an SSA called GO4GRID(*) about EU and China collaboration with three GRID Middleware(**) and two GRID + IPv6 interoperability test events. The GO4GRID SSA proposal is linked to running GO4IT Project (TTCN, IPv6 Open Development Platform).
ETSI will synchronize this GRID Project with GO4GRID SSA if it is accepted.
(*) GO4GRID consortium with ETSI for GRID roadmap to standardization, testing forces (CETECOM, CATR), research and development in GRID technologies organizations (INRIA, TsinghuaUniversity, Huazhong University of Science and Technology), communications networks (BUPT) and exploitation of innovation (Inno Group)
(**) The middleware of CNGrid (China National Grid) is GOS (Grid Operation System). The CNgrid interoperability with EGEE has already started with the EUCHINAGRID project.
The middleware of ChinaGRID (China Education and Research Grid) is CGSP (ChinaGrid Support Platform). Regarding the ChinaGRID initiative, interoperability between the CGSP middleware and Globus (GGF, Globus Alliance) have already be proven
The middleware of NSFGrid (Grid of National Science Foundation of China) is CROWN.
- ETSI GRID BoF presented at GGF17 Tokyo on 12 May 2006
- 31 May GRID STF submission to EC DG ENTR in answer to 2006 ICT Standardization Action Plan
- 3 New Work Item proposal used in 2006 ICT Standardization Action Plan (GRID STF planned Q1 2007)
- ETSI TR “Study of ICT GRID interoperability gaps”
- Part1: Inventory of ICT Stakeholders
- Part2: List of identified Gaps
- ETSI TR “ICT GRID Interoperability Testing Framework”
- 24 May 2006 GRID Workshop
- Introduction
- EC support in GRID standardization, IST Projects and European Technology platform NESSI
- ETSI GRID Starter Group and its ETSI Members supporters
- Existing GRID activities in SDOs and Fora
- Participant’s presentations on GRID view and activities
- Work programme of ETSI in GRID standardization, role of ETSI Services (Standards Production Area (SPA), PlugtestsTM and PTCC)
- Panel discussion on GRID standardization work programme
- 21-22 June Board#57, ETSI GRID-SG Progress report
- ETSI GRID SWOT Analysis, GRID-SG Chair
- GRID-SG Progress Report + STF GRID Proposal + GGF17 discussions
- ETSI Members expression of support and proposal for Work Program
ETSI Resources
In addition to ETSI GRID-SG, 2 GRID Workshops, 2 GRID Plugtests events, PTCC (experts in testing with great experience in IPv6, SIP, VoIP….) , SPA(Standards Production Area) Department, we have:
- ETSI Technical Body TISPAN/NGN
TISPAN architecture, security and QoS control can be extended to link GRID with telecom networks. Also: STQ, BRAN, TM, AT etc. - ETSI MTS Technical Committee and PTCC Service providing expertise and resources in GRID Validation and Interoperability Testing already involved in IPv6 and NGN.
- 60 ETSI Cooperation agreements + GGF17 discussions:
- ETSI GRID BoF to link ETSI Interop service with GGF WG
GGF working groups and chairs at GGF#17 in Tokyo discussedETSI GRID Standardization collaboration - ETSI is already in IST Projects COPRAS and actively contributes to maintain the roadmap to standardization required by the IST Projects to capitalize the research effort into standards.
- ETSI cooperates with GSCG.
- ETSI Portal public and ETSI restricted GRID area
- Open GRID standardization distribution list with on line web archives
- To subscribe to this open list, send a mail to with the command SUB GRID (your_firstname your_lastname)
in the body of the message
Who’ Who in ETSI GRID Project ?
ETSI Members involved or associated to this projectare:
- British Telecom : Mike Fisher (Keith Dickerson, Frank Falcon), Full ETSI Member, partner of NESSI and partner of NextGRID (NGG)
- Alcatel : Bela Berde (Alistair Urie), , Full ETSI Member involved in NESSI
- Siemens : Karlo Nemeth, Full ETSI Member partner of NESSI
- MINEFI/ARCEP : Laurent Rojey (Didier Chauveau Jean-Pierre Henninot), («Ministère des Finances du gouvernement français» and Regulator)
- INRIA : Denis Caromel, Françoise Baude. INRIA, Full ETSI Member is partner in GRIDCoord, CoreGRID, GRID@Asia, ObjectWeb, andGridComp.
- France Telecom ()
- IBM, Jean-Pierre Prost, Jay Unger
Parlay Group (API, WebServices), collaborating with ETSI and already involved in Web Services PlugtestsTM
Alcatel and BT are the two leaders of GRID Strategic Topic at ETSI.
Siemens, MINEFI, EADS and INRIA already confirmed their full support to the proposal.
During the ETSI GRID Workshop organized on 30 September 2005 (*), the following actors were in favour to take part in ETSI GRID Standardization from the beginning
- BT, France Telecom, Alcatel, Telefonica
- Federal Ministry of Economics and Labor (about ITU-T Regulation)
- INRIA, Inno, EADS, Fraunhofer SIT/TeleTrust, HITACHI
- GRIDCOORD, Universität Stuttgart - High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS)
- Research Centre Juelich (FZJ)
ETSI GRID Workshop organized on 30 September 2005,
The following ETSI Members and organization are already ready to collaborate with ETSI GRID actions
- EADS : Guillaume ALLEON (Walter Legrand), Full ETSI Member
- IBM Jean-Pierre Prost, Jay Unger
- France Telecom involved in GRID4ALL (and GGF Telco-CG like BT)
- FUJITSU (Jacques Durand) already in past ebXML Plugetsts and FUJITSUDr David Snelling (Vice Chair of Standards at GGF)
- Telenor (involved in AKOGRIMOAkogrimo)
- HITACHI present in Sophia Antipolis
- HP, NESSI Partner
- ORACLE (David Pearson representing EGA)
- ObjectWeb withINRIA/ProActive Middleware, ObjectWeb is NESSI Partner
- W3C (COPRAS) and common activities on XML Electronic Signatures
- EGEE (Grids@Work, Bob Jones)
ObjectWeb (Proactive GRID Middleware supported by INRIA) supported two ETSI GRIDPlugtests in 2004 and 2005.
At the time this proposal is written, contact with experts from the following companies has been established to take part in ICT ETSI GRID project:
- GGF17 Steve Crumb, Joel Replogle, David Snelling
- Intel (Hans-Christian Hoppe – GGF17)
- Fujitsu (Hiro Kisimoto SCRM-WG, David Snelling)
- Cisco (Horst Dimcke – GGF17)
- France Telecom (Sukesh Garg – GGF17 and Parlay Group)
- Oracle (Christopher A. Kantarjiev GGF17 SCRM-WG EGA representative)
- IBM (David E. Martin, Jay Unger GGF17 SCRM-WG)
- Fraunhofer , FhG SCAI (Wolfgang Ziegler GGF17, CoreGRID)
- NextGRID/GSCG (Philipp Wieder)
- Parlay Group (API, WebServices), collaborating with ETSI and already involved in Web Services PlugtestsTM (FT/GARG Sukesh)
- Akogrimo (University of Hohenheim /Martin Hafner)
- NorduGRID (Balazs. Konya)
- NORTEL (GGF Telco-CG Franco Travostino , John Philipps ETSI)
- Eurolabs/ULB (Paul Van Binst, Rosette Vandenbroucke)
- OASIS & WS-I (Fujitsu/Jacques Durand)
- HP (Frederic.Gittler/NESSI)
- OMII University of Southampton
- SNIA HITACHI/ Vincent Franceschini , Chairman, SNIA Strategic Alliances Committee & Grid Taskforce
Next to be contacted
- Nokia
- Ericsson
- Philips (Herman Leenders)
- NEC (with Fujitsu and Hitachi in OASIS Open Source Standards WS-Reliability)
- Deutsch Telecom
- T-Systems
- Telecom Italia
- Microsoft
- Thales (Serge Druais NESSI)
- SAP (Dr Wolgang Gerteis NESSI)
In the past at ETSI, during the preparation of Plugtests events (Web Services, ebXML, ESI) or Cooperation Agreement negotiations, we contacted:
- WS-I (Jacques Durand/Fujitsu)
- OASIS (Jacques Durand/Fujitsu, Patrick Gannon/OASIS)
- TMF already cooperation with ETSI TISPAN
- Parlay Group, OSA, (ETSI Cooperation Agreement)
- IETF (SIP, IPv6, NGI) ETSI PTCC produces these protocols test suite
- ITU-T NGN (full cooperation, standard partner)
- IEEE (802.11, 802.16 HiperMAN/WiMAX test protocols, PLC)
- ISO/IEC (ETSI Cooperation Agreement)
In this GRID Project, ETSI needs to maintain contactwith:
- GGF Telco-CG and SCRM-WG (GGF#17)
- GGF SCRM-WG involves the following Standards Development Organizations: DMTF, GGF, IETF, ITU, OASIS, SNIA, TMF and W3C and focus on “management of networked resources”
- EGA (GGF#17) and GGF are merging)
- Globus Alliance: (Ian Foster)
- SNIA Storage Networking Industry Association (Alliance with EGA)
- OMA (ETSI Cooperation Agreement)
- The Open Group (ETSI COPRAS)
- ECMA (TC32, cooperation agreement)
- … See more at
EC Research Project and initiatives to be associated:
- GRID is already in the scope of the IST Project COPRAS and its Roadmap to Standardization (CEN, CENELEC, W3C, Open Group and ETSI)
- NESSI : European Technology Platform Partners: BT, Siemens, IBM, HP, Nokia, ObjectWeb, Telecom Italia, Telefonica, Thales.
- GRID Infrastructures: EGEE, China National Grid, Grid5000, NORDUGRID and DEISA
- GRID Middleware: gLite, ProActive (ObjectWeb), LCG, UNICORE (*)
- NextGRID, CoreGRID, GRIDCoord (*); UniGrids (**)
- CoreGRID NoE (Coordinated by ERCIM & INRIA)
- GSCG : ‘Grid Standards Coordination Group’ (Call2 FP6 Grid Projects) with Proactive goal to identify common requirements and to draw a plan to influence and orientate standardisation mainly in GGF .Capitalize with the white paper on “Standards Needs identified by GSCG“. We are in contact with GSCG via Philipp Wieder NextGRID/FZJ
- OMII University of Southampton, UK eScience collaboration and implication. We are in contact with David De Roure
- List of the members of the GSCG to refer to:
Akogrimo Julian Gallop, CCLRC (co-chair)
CoreGRID Wolfgang Ziegler, Fraunhofer SCAI
DataMiningGrid Vlado Stankovski, Ljubljana University
GridCoord Roman Tirler, University of Pisa
HPC4U Rolf Welde Skeie, Scali
InteliGrid Matevz Dolenc, Ljubljana University
K-Wf Grid Marian Bubak, CYFRONET
NextGRID Philipp Wieder, Research Centre Jülich (chair); Joris Claessens, EMIC
OntoGrid Sean Bechhofer, University of Manchester
Provenance Luc Moreau, University of Southampton
SIMDAT Jamil Appa, BEA
UniGrids Daniel Mallmann, Research Centre Jülich
David De Roure University of Southampton, GGF/W3C liaison
Rigo Wenning W3C/ERCIM, COPRAS contact
Three new work item for ETSI GRID STF proposal
Title / ScopeDraft TR Inventory part of “Study report of ICT GRIDinteroperability gaps” / ETSI TR “Study of ICT GRID interoperability gaps”
Part 1: Inventory of ICT Stakeholders
Scope: In direct correspondence with the following ICT Standardization Action: Identification of interoperability gaps in existing and emerging international/European Grid standards: an inventory and analysis shall be made across the range of involved standards - making bodies with a view to determining the shortcomings; overlaps and loopholes in current and proposed de facto Grid standards at all levels of the middleware/protocol stack (network to application interfaces).
Draft TR “Study report of ICT GRID interoperability gaps” / ETSI TR “Study of ICT GRID interoperability gaps”
Part 2: List of identified Gaps
Scope: Select and propose solutions for the identified interoperability gaps in terms of approach and methods: depending on the size of the interoperability problems as identified, a series of practical recommendations on how to address and resolve them shall be made in the form of appropriate actions ranging from application best practices compilation, profiles definition, operational use guidelines, (open source) reference implementations, conformity - compliance test suite specifications, up to testing tools development, standards validation benchmarking environment or other requirements for parallel or additional new standards regarding for instance the networking infrastructure (including e.g. IPv6).
Draft TR Deliverable GRID Interoperability Testing Framework / ETSI TR “ICT GRID Interoperability Testing Framework”
Scope: Define a GRID testing working framework (tests and validation methodologies, approach and tools to be used. By example, propose to re-use the tools developed by MTS-IPT to create easily a “Requirement Catalogue” able to transform existing ICT GRID specifications into tests requirements standards corresponding to selected GRID interoperability case studies. In both the IT sectors and in the Telecom world, produce the best practices to obtain ICT Interoperability. List and compile existing GRID interoperability solutions including in particular: interoperability events, state of the Art papers, guidelines, interoperability profiles, reference implementations, use cases, test suites, test beds, testing tools, benchmarking existing in ICT including NGN, IPv6 and open source developments.
What is an ICT GRID Plugtests ?
AnICT GRID interoperability test events can be associated with workshops (like Grids @ Work in 2005).