Dot James, President
(and Acting CFO)
Earl Dodson, Vice-President
JoAnn Keen, Secretary
Raymond Kirk, Director
& Maintenance Supervisor
Ann Hutson, Director
Dean Morrison, Director
Margie Standard, Director
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Closed Wed & Sun
Rose Alvarado, Office Clerk
Tami Prefling, Bookkeeper
Dot James, Editor
TOCA Oak Leaf
M&C Association Management Services, Inc.
Tasha Elrod,
M&C Representative to The Oaks
Direct line = 209/644-4918
and Jackie Gomez,
M&C Representative’s Assistant
Direct line = 209/644-4929
Progress Report
(Continued from page 1)
Indeed, Tony Albano, alarmed at our moving away from his company for our WC policy, called me and remarked, “We’ve carried The Oaks for a long time.”
Yeah, Tony. You & others whom M&C has woven into a web around us have gotten fat and complacent. Our other insurance policies fall due on July 1; you can bet that we will be getting bids from local agencies! We may find ourselves savings a couple thousand dollars a year by changing brokers, who knows?
Massive reduction in payroll costs: Our two Mar. pay periods cost us $10,847.16 in gross payroll, $1,189.59 in benefits, and $80 in processing fees, for a total of $11,113.75. Remember how the previous board, in its Apr. 2010 newsletter wrote that the former president and treasurer were “completely satisfied” with what M&C was charging? Had M&C processed our Mar. 2011 payroll, the cost would have been $13,786.03, $2,672.28 more than what we paid. So, credit the Reform Coalition for contracting with a new, local payroll provider, ARM in Volcano, andsaving the Assn about $35K each year that we can instead use to hire on-site employees.
What else has the Reform Coalition done? Let’s see. (1) Hired a bookkeeper (to replace M&C) who will be on-site every morning M-F to answer your billing concerns. (2) Advertised for a Park Administrator (to replace M&C) who will be on-site every day M-F to supervise employees; take care of problems as they arise; assist the board in carrying out its policy decisions; ensure all codes, regs, and governing document provisions are followed; assist homeowners with concerns, etc. (3) Got rid of Morada Patrol (as of May 9) which has been an expensive, $63,600/year boondoggle. (4) Is sponsoring an Apr. 14 meeting with the Sheriff’s Office to see if homeowners want to kick-start our moribund Neighborhood Watch program.
Not bad for a couple of months, huh!
Hit Piece
All homeowners received a mailer on Mar. 5 which was an ad hominem attack on the president of the Assn (primarily) and one of its new employees.
This mailer, entitled “Fact versus Fiction,” illegally used the corporation’s address as its return address.
The authors, even though they are as cowardly as the rats that inhabit the darkness of the NYC sewers, think that their anonymity shields them from prosecution for what is at best a civil, at worst a criminal, offense.
Be warned: We know who you are. Just like the aforementioned rats, you’ve left your scat behind you as a trail to your identity. For example, the only person in the park who could reproduce the labels using M&C’s proprietary software is a disgruntled former employee. (She also had access to the Assn president’s confidential file.) If any of you cowards send another piece of mail using the corporation’s address, we will file a complaint with the countyDA against that woman for this March mailer.
Regarding the mailer’s content: The better title would have been “Opinionand Fiction.” As Daniel Patrick Moynihan once famously said, “Everyone is entitled to his own opinions, but not his own facts.”
Neighborhood Watch
Sgt. Patrick Weart of the Sheriff’s Office will facilitate a meeting on Thursday, Apr. 14, at 7:00 pm at the clubhouse. He will be giving us some instruction about how to go about reviving our Neighborhood Watch program which has fallen into disuse.
About a dozen homeowners at the Mar. board meeting indicated an interest, so we certainly hope all of you turn up and that you bring your neighbors along as well! There can’t be an NW program unless a reasonable number of us are willing to volunteer our time and participate.
Auto Registration
Board Secretary JoAnn Keen reminds us that all vehicles must be registered, per CC&R 4.17(g).