Estimating the financial costs of freshwater invasive species in Great Britain: A standardized approach to invasive species costing
Biological Invasions
Matthew P. J. Oreska ()1, David C. Aldridge () 1
1Affiliation Address:
Aquatic Ecology Group
Department of Zoology
University of Cambridge
Downing Street
United Kingdom
(0044) 122-333-6617
Online Resource 4. Survey responses
Online Resource 3.a. Survey responses: Managed lakes (entries are chronological, total sample size = 8)Species / Stakeholder / Action described / Location / Scale / Time / Cost (GBP) / Notes
E. canadensis / National Water Sports Centre / Chemical control / Nottinghamshire / 2 km long lake / per year (2009) / 16k / Regatta Lake
E. canadensis and E. nuttallii / Middle Nene Sailing Club / Dichlobenil control / Thrapston, Northamptonshire / 140 acre lake / ex ante / Approx.30k / Deemed too costly
E. canadensis and E. nuttallii / Middle Nene Sailing Club / Grass carp biocontrol / Thrapston, Northamptonshire / 140 acre lake / ex ante / 200k / Deemed too costly
D. polymorpha / Cardiff Bay / Powerwashing fish passes, removal, disposal / Cardiff Bay, Wales / 200 ha lake / per year / 10k / Mostly disposal
E. canadensis and E. nuttallii / Cardiff Bay / Equipment purchase: Water Witch weed cutter / Cardiff Bay, Wales / 200 ha lake / 1x / 500k
E. canadensis and E. nuttallii / Cardiff Bay / Equipment purchase: Truxor weed cutter / Cardiff Bay, Wales / 200 ha lake / 1x / 250k
E. canadensis and E. nuttallii / Cardiff Bay / Management staff time / Cardiff Bay, Wales / 200 ha lake / per year / 10k
Online Resource 3.b. Survey responses: Ornamental lakes (entries are chronological, total sample size =5)
Species / Stakeholder / Action described / Location / Scale / Time / Cost (GBP) / Notes
E. canadensis / "1 small lake" / Chemical control: granular herbicide / Gloucestershire / 1 acre / per yr (2009) / 400-500
C. helmsii / "4 small lakes" / Chemical control: Diquat / Gloucestershire / 8 acres / 1999-2000 / 870 / Excludes VAT
Online Resource 3.c. Survey responses: Boat yards/marinas (entries are chronological, total sample size =20)
Species / Stakeholder / Action described / Location / Scale / Time / Cost (GBP) / Notes
H. ranunculoides / Barge Walk Ltd. / Manual removal, lost revenue / River Thames, Surrey / - / 2009 / 760 / 38/hour for 20 hours
D. polymorpha / St. Ives Marina / Hull cleaning:
pressure washing / Cambridgeshire / per boat / per yr (2009) / 50
D. polymorpha / St. Ives Marina / Hull cleaning:
pressure washing / Cambridgeshire / For 75 boats / per yr (2009) / 3750 / 50% affected
D. polymorpha / St. Ives Marina / Prevention:
anti-fouling coating / Cambridgeshire / For 150 boats / per yr (2009) / 45k / Avg. 300/boat
D. polymorpha / St. Ives Marina / Prevention:
anti-fouling coating / Cambridgeshire / For 1 boat / per yr (2009) / 200-400
D. polymorpha / St. Ives Marina / narrowboat increased fuel consumption / Cambridgeshire / For 1 boat / per yr (2009) / 25-50% loss
D. polymorpha / St. Ives Marina / Damage: engine outdrive leg repair / Cambridgeshire / Per outdrive leg / per yr (2009) / 200-500 / Often 2 legs per boat
D. polymorpha / St. Ives Marina / Damage: engine outdrive leg repair / Cambridgeshire / 10 boats
(2 legs) / per yr (2009) / 2k-5k
D. polymorpha / St. Ives Marina / Damage: engine outdrive leg repair / Cambridgeshire / 10 boats
(1 leg) / per yr (2009) / 4k-10k
D. polymorpha / St. Ives Marina / Mechanical removal of weed growth caused by mussel cleared water / Cambridgeshire / - / per yr (2009) / 2k-3k
D. polymorpha / St. Ives Marina / Fuel efficiency loss from fouling / Cambridgeshire / per boat / 2009 / 25-50% / Increased drag
D. polymorpha / Kate Boats / Regular boat "blacking" (includes mussel removal) / Grand Union Canal, Warwick / per boat / per effort (2009) / 500
D. polymorpha / Bates Boatyard and Moorings / Added cost of mussel removal to regular boat cleaning / Grand Union Canal, Aylesbury Arm, Puttenham, Herts / per boat / 2009 / 200-300 / Only 3-4 boats in past 20 years
D. polymorpha / Uxbridge Boat Centre / Boat cleaning (out of water) / Grand Union Canal, North London / per boat / 2009 / 280
D. polymorpha / Uxbridge Boat Centre / Hull cleaning: pressure washing / Grand Union Canal, North London / per boat / 2009 / 56
Online Resource 3.d. Survey responses: Aquaculture (entries are chronological, total sample size = 29)
Species / Stakeholder / Action described / Location / Scale / Time / Cost (GBP) / Notes
A. filiculoides / Portack / Stenopelmus rufinasus biocontrol / NorthumberlandTyne & Wear / - / Aug-08 / 1k
E. canadensis / Hollies Trout Farm / Electric weed cutter / Sheldon, Devon / - / - / 2k
P. leniusculus / Belhaven Trout Company / Monitoring: trap cost / Dunbar, East Lothian / 1 trap / 2009 / 20
P. leniusculus / Wilmington Trout Farm / Lost profit from fish sale moratorium / Honiton, Devon / 4.5 tons of fish unsold / 2009 / 3.5k
P. leniusculus / Exe Valley Fishery / Lost profit from fish sale moratorium / Dulverton, Somerset / - / per yr (2009) / 5k-10k
E. canadensis / Exe Valley Fishery / Mechanical removal / Dulverton, Somerset / 1 acre / per yr (2009) / 1k-2k
Online Resource 3.e. Survey responses: Recreational fisheries (entries are chronological, total sample size = 11)
Species / Stakeholder / Action described / Location / Scale / Time / Cost (GBP) / Notes
P. parva / Norfolk City Council / Damage impacts to recreational fisheries / England and Wales / - / per year / 3b / EA est.
E. canadensis / Furnace Lakes Fishery / Mechanical removal, boat cutting contract cost / Horsham, West Sussex / - / 2008 / 1.2k / 20 tons removed
M. aquaticum / Manor Farm Fishery / Removal: handraking / Biggleswade, Bedfordshire / 5 acre lake / per yr (1994-1997) / - / 2-3 days man
E. canadensis / Passies Pond / Manual removal / Lancing, West Sussex / - / per yr (2009) / 2560 / labor at £8/hr
H. ranunculoides / Patshull Park Fishery / Mechanical removal, cutting / Puttingham, Shropshire / 75 acres / per yr (2009) / 40 / labor at £8/hr
Online Resource 3.f. Survey responses: Municipal water suppliers* (entries are chronological, total sample size = 54)
Species / Stakeholder / Action described / Location / Scale / Time / Cost (GBP) / Notes
D. polymorpha / Thames Water Utilities Ltd. / Mussel removal from RGF Trough / Coppermills WTW / - / per year / 15k
D. polymorpha / Thames Water Utilities Ltd. / RGF mussel removal and media replacement / Coppermills WTW / - / 2007 / 20k / 100t removed
D. polymorpha / Thames Water Utilities Ltd. / Fouled pipe replacement / Coppermills WTW / - / per effort / 1k
D. polymorpha / Thames Water Utilities Ltd. / Fouled RGF media replacement / Coppermills WTW / per ton / per effort / 80 / 120t/RGF bed
D. polymorpha / Thames Water Utilities Ltd. / RGF mussel removal and media replacement / Coppermills WTW RGF Bed 7 / - / 2008 / 5k-7k
D. polymorpha / Thames Water Utilities Ltd. / Vacuum culverts / Coppermills WTW / - / - / 10k
D. polymorpha / Thames Water Utilities Ltd. / Total spent on management / Coppermills WTW / - / 2007 / 20k / 12k allocated
D. polymorpha / Thames Water Utilities Ltd. / Efficiency loss / Ashford Common WTW / - / - / -
D. polymorpha / Thames Water Utilities Ltd. / Efficiency loss / Walton-on-Thames WTW / - / - / -
D. polymorpha / Thames Water Utilities Ltd. / Mussel removal / Coppermills Spine Tunnel / - / 2005 / - / 774t removed
D. polymorpha / Thames Water Utilities Ltd. / Mussel removal / Ashford Common WTW / - / - / - / 635t removed
D. polymorpha / Thames Water Utilities Ltd. / Mussel removal / Thames-Lee Transfer Tunnel / - / 2006 / 250k / 335t removed
D. polymorpha / Thames Water Utilities Ltd. / Mussel removal / Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir Tunnel / - / - / - / 150t removed
D. polymorpha / Yorkshire Water Services Ltd. / Capital Monitoring Scheme / Mormonkton-Huby Pipeline / - / 2004-2008 / 20k
D. polymorpha / Yorkshire Water Services Ltd. / Capital Monitoring Scheme / Eccup-Headingly Pipeline / - / 2004-2008 / 20k
D. polymorpha / Yorkshire Water Services Ltd. / Routine monitoring / Yorkshire wide / - / per year (2003-2009) / 1k / £6k total over period
D. polymorpha / Yorkshire Water Services Ltd. / First research and development expenditure / Yorkshire wide / - / 2003-2005 / 40k
D. polymorpha / Yorkshire Water Services Ltd. / Research expenditures / Yorkshire wide / - / per year (2005-present) / 3k / £12k total over period
D. polymorpha / Yorkshire Water Services Ltd. / Efficiency loss / Loftsome Bridge WTW / - / 2008-present / -
D. polymorpha / Severn Trent Water Ltd. / Efficiency loss / Church Wilne / - / - / -
D. polymorpha / Severn Trent Water Ltd. / Efficiency loss / Ogston (old) WTW / - / 2007-present / -
D. polymorpha / Severn Trent Water Ltd. / Efficiency loss / Melbourne WTW / - / - / -
D. polymorpha / Severn Trent Water Ltd. / Efficiency loss / Champion Hills WTW / - / - / -
D. polymorpha / Severn Trent Water Ltd. / Cleaning/replacing screens for raw water pumps / Melbourne WTW / - / as needed / -
D. polymorpha / Severn Trent Water Ltd. / Cleaning Foremeark Reservoirlarge mains / Melbourne WTW / - / as needed / -
D. polymorpha / Severn Trent Water Ltd. / Jetting mussels from small water pipes / Melbourne WTW / - / 2-12x/year / -
D. polymorpha / Severn Trent Water Ltd. / Removal of mussels from flocculator / Melbourne WTW / - / 1-2x/year / -
D. polymorpha / Northumbrian Water Ltd. / Microfilter and screen cleaning / Langford WTW / - / 2006 / 2k / 1.5t removed
D. polymorpha / Northumbrian Water Ltd. / Microfilter and screen cleaning / Langford WTW / - / 2007 / 2k / 2t removed
D. polymorpha / Northumbrian Water Ltd. / Microfilter and screen cleaning / Langford WTW / - / 2008 / 2.2k / Est. 2.5t removed
D. polymorpha / Northumbrian Water Ltd. / Cleaning primary filter beds and inlets / Langford WTW / - / 2008 / 2.2k / Est. 1t removed
D. polymorpha / Northumbrian Water Ltd. / Cleaning pre-ozonation units / Langford WTW / - / 2006 / 3.5k / 1.5t removed
D. polymorpha / Northumbrian Water Ltd. / Cleaning pre-ozonation units (Labor) / Langford WTW / - / 2008 / 4480 / Est. 3t removed
D. polymorpha / Northumbrian Water Ltd. / Repairing/replacing pre-ozonation units / Langford WTW / - / 2006 / 4k
D. polymorpha / Northumbrian Water Ltd. / Repairing/replacing pre-ozonation units / Langford WTW / - / 2008 / 4.5k
D. polymorpha / Northumbrian Water Ltd. / Cleaning post-ozone tanks / Langford WTW / - / 2008 / 2.2k / Est. 0.5t removed
D. polymorpha / Northumbrian Water Ltd. / Repairing/replacing post-ozone tanks / Langford WTW / - / 2008 / 4.8k
D. polymorpha / Northumbrian Water Ltd. / Cleaning raw water pumps / Langford WTW / - / 2008 / 2.5k / Est. 2t removed
D. polymorpha / Thames Water Utilities Ltd. / RGF bed mussel clearance / Coppermills WTW / - / per year / 60k
D. polymorpha / (Thames Water Utilities Ltd.) / Project related staff time / General Water Company / - / 2009-2011 / 77217 / (for 3 years)
D. polymorpha / (Anglian Water Services Ltd.) / Project related staff time / General Water Company / - / 2009-2011 / 44526 / (for 3 years)
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Pre-ozone refurbishment (nozzles relocated) / “WTW A” / 40 TCMD / 2002 / 100k
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Microstrainer mussel removal / “WTW B” / 66 TCMD / 2003 / - / 4-5t removed
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Pre-ozone cleaning and mussel removal / “WTW B” / 66 TCMD / 2003 / - / 12-15t removed
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Bell mouth mussel removal / “WTW C” (pipe from Rutland Water) / 20-25 mile pipe; 20 TCMD / per visit (2003) / 1.7k-2.4k / 2-4x/yr
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Pre-ozone cleaning and mussel removal / “WTW D” / 15 days / 2009 / - / 450t removed
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Microstrainer cleaning, mussel removal / “WTW E” / 204 TCMD / 2001 / 8.5k / 120t removed
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Microstrainer, mussel removal / “WTW E” / 204 TCMD / 2002 / 8.5k / 120t removed
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Microstrainer, mussel removal / “WTW E” / 204 TCMD / 2003 / 8.5k / 120t removed
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Microstrainer, mussel removal / “WTW E” / 204 TCMD / 2001-present / 76.5k / £8.5k/yr for 9 yrs
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Strainer bay cleaning / “WTW F” / 16.3 TCMD / per year / - / 120 days staff time
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Pre-ozone cleaning and mussel removal / “WTW F” / 16.3 TCMD / 2005 / - / 2.5t removed
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Cleaning draw off tower / “WTW A” / - / 4/7/2001 / 885
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Cleaning intake valve / “WTW A” / - / 3/10/2001 / 1680
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Cleaning mussels from tank / (“WTW A”?) / - / 23/1/03 / 4576
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Removal of mussels / (“WTW A”?) / - / 21/3/09 / 4529
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Clearing of inlet / (“WTW A”?) / - / 23/3/09 / 2415
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Clearance of mussels / (“WTW A”?) / - / 4/12/2003 / 1758
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Removal of pipework deposits / (“WTW A”?) / - / 1/3/2004 / 5860
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Not specified / “WTW A” / - / 8/7/2004 / 1.2k
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Mussel removal / “WTW B” / - / 6/12/2007 / 797.49
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Mussel disposal / “WTW B” / - / 6/12/2007 / 1k
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / - / - / 5 days, 1 skip / 30/1/08 / 5496
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Cleaning tank / “WTW A” / - / 28/5/08 / 30792
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Total management expenditures / Company wide? / - / 2001-2008 / 60988
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Efficiency loss from increased power costs / (“WTW A”?) / 42 TCMD / per year (2009) / 21295 / 2.1 km pipe
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Efficiency loss from increased power costs / (“WTW B”?) / 66 TCMD / per year (2009) / 58858 / 12.316 km pipe
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Efficiency loss from increased power costs / (“WTW C”?) / 20 TCMD / per year (2009) / 1.34m / 28.389 km pipe
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Efficiency loss from increased power costs / (“WTW D”?; “WTW E”?) / 65.5 TCMD / per year (2009) / 51117 / 3.946 km pipe
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Efficiency loss from increased power costs / “WTW E?” / 51 TCMD / per year (2009) / 76425 / 7.4 km pipe
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Efficiency loss from increased power costs / (“WTW F”?) / 16.3 TCMD / per year (2009) / 527 / 0.4 km pipe
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Efficiency loss from increased power costs / (“WTW G”?) / 50 TCMD / per year (2009) / 28027 / 7.4 km pipe
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / Efficiency loss from increased power costs / Company wide / 310.8 TCMD / per year (2009) / 1.58m / Estimate
D. polymorpha / Anglian Water Services Ltd. / WTW cleaning regime / “WTW C” / per year (2005) / 30k / (Cited Elliott 2005)
D. polymorpha / Thames Water Utilities Ltd. / Culvert cleaning / Coppermills WTW / 1997 / 300k / (Cited Elliott 2005)
Online Resource 3.g. Survey responses: Public sector localities* (entries are chronological, total sample size = 86)
Species / Stakeholder / Action described / Location / Scale / Time / Cost (GBP) / Notes
C. helmsii / GB NNSS / Control / UK / - / - / 3m / Estimate
M. aquaticum / Broads Authority / Manual removal and treatment / Norfolk / - / 2008 / 3150 / 360 hrs. (£70/day)
H. ranunculoides / Broads Authority / Manual removal (staff) / Norfolk / - / 2008 / 4410 / 504 hrs. (£70/day)
C. helmsii / Broads Authority / Manual removal (volunteers) / Norfolk / - / 2008 / 52.5 / 6 hrs. (£70/day labor)
C. helmsii / Broads Authority / Chemical control / Norfolk / - / 2008 / 270
H. ranunculoides / Environment Agency / (could include advice, control, monitoring, or regulation) / Chelmer River, E. Anglian / - / 2005-2006 / 13.5k / 1x
H. ranunculoides / Environment Agency / (could include advice, control, monitoring, or regulation) / Exminster Marshes, Devon / - / per year (2005-2006) / 15k
P. leniusculus / Environment Agency / (could include advice, control, monitoring, or regulation) / River Gwash, N. Anglian / - / 2005-2006 / 12k / 1x
P. leniusculus / Environment Agency / (could include advice, control, monitoring, or regulation) / Upper Trent, Midlands / - / per year (2005-2006) / 2k
P. leniusculus / Environment Agency / (could include advice, control, monitoring, or regulation) / Buck Gill Beck, Central North West / - / 2005-2006 / 13k / 1x
P. leniusculus / Environment Agency / (could include advice, control, monitoring, or regulation) / Glenderamackin, North, North West / - / 2005-2006 / 1.5k / 1x
P. leniusculus / Environment Agency / (could include advice, control, monitoring, or regulation) / Hampshire, Hants&IOW, Southern / - / per year (2005-2006) / 10k
P. leniusculus / Environment Agency / (could include advice, control, monitoring, or regulation) / Rother FAP, Sussex, Southern / - / 2005-2006 / 1k / 1x
P. leniusculus / Environment Agency / (could include advice, control, monitoring, or regulation) / River Creedy, Devon, South West / - / per year (2005-2006) / 7k
P. leniusculus / Environment Agency / (could include advice, control, monitoring, or regulation) / Fronthill Brook, South Wessex, South West / - / per year (2005-2006) / 6.5k
P. parva / Environment Agency / (could include advice, control, monitoring, or regulation) / Ratherheath Tarn, North, North West / - / 2005-2006 / 12k / 1x
P. parva / Environment Agency / (could include advice, control, monitoring, or regulation) / Hants&IOW, Southern / - / per year (2005-2006) / 1k
P. parva / Environment Agency / Rotenone eradication / Sylen Lakes, Fiveroads, Llanelli, Wales / 16000 m2 / ex ante / 32k / Cost at £2/m2
P. parva / Environment Agency / Rotenone eradication / Wildwoods Lake, Thames / 20670 m2 / ex ante / 41340 / Cost at £2/m2
P. parva / Environment Agency / Rotenone eradication / Shamley Green, Thames / 2000 m2 / ex ante / 4k / Cost at £2/m2
P. parva / Environment Agency / Rotenone eradication / Coppice Lane Pools, Midlands / 2000 m2 / ex ante / 4k / Cost at £2/m2
P. parva / Environment Agency / Rotenone eradication / Abshot Ponds, Hampshire / 4050 m2 / ex ante / 8.1k / Cost at £2/m2
P. parva / Environment Agency / Rotenone eradication / Any / per m2 / - / 2 / Without econ.Of scale
P. parva / Environment Agency / Rotenone eradication / Any / per m2 / - / 0.24 / With econ.of scale
P. parva / Environment Agency / Rotenone eradication / Any / 20 l drum / - / 500
Online Resource 3.h. Survey responses: Non-profit localities (entries are chronological, total sample size = 5)
Species / Stakeholder / Action described / Location / Scale / Time / Cost (GBP) / Notes
E. nuttallii / British Waterways / Mechanical removal by boat / Stainforth and Keadby canal / 8km / 2009 / 5k / 2 week removal
A. filiculoides / British Waterways / Biocontrol / - / 10m2 / - / 90 / Lasts a few years
C. helmsii / British Waterways / Control / - / - / - / 1000s / when necessary
H. ranunculoides / British Waterways / Mechanical removal and herbicide / - / per occurrence / - / 10000s
H. ranunculoides / British Waterways, EA, City of Leicester / Removal and chemical control / River Soar and Grand Union Canal, Leicestershire / - / 2008 / 100k / (Cost from literature)
Online Resource 3.i. Survey responses: AIS benefits(entries are chronological)
Species / Stakeholder / Action described / Location / Scale / Time / Value (GBP) / Notes
P. leniusculus / Dunnington Trout Farm / Sale of removed crayfish / London restaurant / 150g / 2009 / 1875 / at £12.50/kg
P. leniusculus / Dunnington Trout Farm / Sale of removed crayfish / London restaurant / per kg / 2009 / 16
E. sinensis / Natural History Museum / Retail value / China and Japan / per crab / - / USD 40
E. sinensis / Natural History Museum / Retail value of imported Dutch E. sinensis / London restaurant / per kg / - / 14 / London Chinese market
Online Resource 3.j. Contractor control costs(entries are chronological)
Species / Stakeholder / Action described / Location / Scale / Time / Cost (GBP) / Notes
L. major / Aquaclear Water Management / Mechanical control / Any / 1 ha / per day / 750 / Removes 15-16 wet t
E. canadensis and E. nuttallii / Aquaclear Water Management / Mechanical control / Any / 1 ha / per day / 750 / Removes 15-16 wet t
A. filiculoides / Kingcombe Aquacare / Weed harvesting boat control / Any / clears one acre / per day / 650 / Very costly
C. helmsii / Kingcombe Aquacare / Diquat control / 1 site ("75 miles away") / 800 m2 / requires 6-7 days control? / 700 / Includes 2 person labor, travel costs
C. helmsii / Kingcombe Aquacare / Diquat control / 1 site ("75 miles away") / 800 m2 / requires 6-7 days control? / 600 / Includes 2 person labor cost
C. helmsii / Kingcombe Aquacare / Submerged control (Diquat) / Any / 100 m2 / - / 29.8
C. helmsii / Kingcombe Aquacare / Terrestrial control (Glyphosate) / Any / 100 m2 / - / 1.21
C. helmsii / Kingcombe Aquacare / Dredging with long reach equipment / Any / 100-150 m (linear) / per day / 775 / Estimate
E. canadensis and E. nuttallii / Kingcombe Aquacare / Mechanical control / Any / 1 acre / per day / 600 / Excludes VAT and expenses
L. major / Kingcombe Aquacare / Mechanical control / Any / 1 acre / per day / 600 / Excludes VAT and expenses
L. major / Kingcombe Aquacare / Dichlobenil control / Any / 1 ha / - / 1110 / 50 kg/ha;£110/5 kg
H. ranunculoides / Kingcombe Aquacare / Topfilm additive / Any / 1 pot sufficient / - / 9 / per 500 ml pot
H. ranunculoides / Kingcombe Aquacare / 2, 4-D Amine / Any / 2 ha / - / 180 / per 10 l container
H. ranunculoides / Kingcombe Aquacare / Chemical control application costs / Any / - / per day / 500 / Includes labor cost only for 2 workers
M. aquaticum / Kingcombe Aquacare / Chemical control application costs / Any / - / per day / 500 / Includes labor cost only for 2 workers
M. aquaticum / Kingcombe Aquacare / Topfilm + 2, 4-D Amine / Any / 2 ha / - / 189
L. grandiflora / Kingcombe Aquacare / Round up application / Any / 1 ha / - / 60 / 6 l/ha; £50/5 l can
L. grandiflora / Kingcombe Aquacare / Chemical control example / 2 adjacent sites / 200 m2 / - / 909 / £99 for material; £750 for labor; £60 for capital repair
*Some figures withheld due to confidentiality requests