Adopted: 7/9/08
Updated: 06/21/17
The material covered within this document is offered as a method of acquainting you with, and/or as a method of disseminating information to you regarding the subject matter presented.
As such, the material contained herein is not intended to either enlarge or diminish any Board policy, procedure or negotiated agreement; and is, therefore, superseded by such policy, procedure or agreement.
Any information contained in this document is subject to unilateral revision, change, or elimination from time to time and without notice.
No information contained in this document shall be viewed as an offer, expressed or implied, or a guarantee of any employment, or condition of employment of any duration.
It is our sincere desire that the material offered will be beneficial in acquainting you with important information pertaining to the Athletic Program.
Estacada School District does not discriminate against an individual’s race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status, age, or disability.
Introduction 5
Athletic Department Philosophy5
General Guidelines for the Interscholastic Program7
Desirable Characteristics for Coaches 8
- NFHS Code of Ethics
Areas of Management9
- Insurance, Physicals, Training Rules, Disciplinary Violation
- Suspension Violation, Athletic Clearance Card, Athlete's Grace Period
- Eligibility Requirements
- Athletic Equipment
- Worn Out, Selling, and Purchasing Equipment
- Letter Awards
- Conduct of Traveling Squads
Hazardous Techniques21
Practice Limitations22
Team Selection/Playing Time23
Open Gym/Weight Room/Fields24
Emergency Medical Treatment25
Hall of Fame27
Coach’s Resources28
Guide for Developing Teamwork
Parent Meeting Suggestions
Coach’s Checklist
Parent/Coach Communication
Expectations of Parents
Job Descriptions:
Head Coach - District Responsibilities, Team Responsibilities
Assistant Coaches
Volunteer Coaches
Coaches Evaluation
Activity Report
Extra Curricular Activities Emergency Procedure Card
Athletic Clearance Card (Sample)
Activity Participation Handout
Athletic Participation Contract
Clearance Card Procedure
Activity Fee/Guidelines
Academic Status - Grades 6-8
Compliance Statement
This handbook is an effort to establish in written form guidelines to serve those who have responsibilities in connection with the administration of any phase of Estacada School District athletic programs.
These policies and procedures have been formulated by the Athletic Department in conjunction with the administration and school board.
The rules and regulations of policy and procedure incorporated into this athletic policy handbook are designed to assist each member of the athletic staff in the performance of his/her duties in keeping with continued school growth and services attendant to that growth. They are not intended to restrain the staff member in the performance of his/her duties or inhibit the Athletic Department in fulfilling its function in the total school program.
Rules and regulations are designed to be followed. If they are to serve the purposes for which they are intended, there should be no exceptions. However, if a need for change or amendment to a policy or procedure arises, it will be accomplished through the actions of the athletic staff, administration, and/or Board of Directors.
(From district policy IGDJ)
We believe that the program of interscholastic athletics is an integral part of the total education structure. We believe that all students should have freedom of choice in selecting activities.
With the infinite number of individual differences in students’ abilities and interests, the athletic program is to be broad and comprehensive. Competitive athletics are to be selected on the basis of the needs, interests, and basic abilities of students, applicability to lifelong value, and be organized appropriate to the student’s physical and emotional maturity. In an educational setting, every effort must be made to provide athletic opportunities in schools as can be adequately coached, managed, and supported, including adequate scheduling of events.
In addition, we recognize that competition at the varsity level may necessitate a selection process. The head coach, in conjunction with the athletic director and school administrator, shall establish criteria for selection of teams at the varsity level. The head coaches will decide playing time based on their judgment of combinations that will make the team as competitive as possible. At the sub-varsity levels, there will be a somewhat greater focus on player development, although playing time may still not be equal for all participants. The head coach will be responsible for properly communicating these criteria to parents, players, and staff.
We believe that the coach or advisor of an athletic activity must assume a major role in molding our student-athletes. Estacada High School coaches and student-athletes shall project an image of class, as competitors, who embrace challenge, enjoy the process, win with humility, handle defeat with dignity, advocate for their sport, and are positive role models. The coaches should, with sensitivity and compassion, develop leadership, foster cooperation, and exhibit outstanding sportsmanship for emulation by students engaged in activities as a participant or a spectator. Coaches must insist upon ethical behavior and good citizenship.
We believe that interscholastic athletics, when properly administered, will provide concepts and experiences that are directly applicable to situations students will face through life. Teamwork, establishing and meeting individual and group goals, developing perseverance, confidence, physical fitness, emotional control, leadership and self esteem, as well as a motivation for continued scholastic endeavors are all imparted via athletics and other competitive activities. While we will strive to make our teams as competitive as possible, our primary objective is to help our student-athletes acquire important skills that will help them to be successful in their adult lives. It is recognized that striving to win is a part of the American way of life and is one of the measures of success in any endeavor. The coach and athletes strive to win every contest, but not at “any cost.” Our efforts as coaches will be focused on teaching our athletes how to win and not just on winning. Through positive reinforcement and intentional teaching, we will show our athletes how to succeed with humility and persevere through setbacks in a productive manner.
Sportsmanship and maximum personal effort on the part of the participants are more indicative of a successful game, match, or season than are “win-loss” records.
When circumstance or interests indicate the possible addition of sports activities or the reduction of existing sport activities, decisions will be made by the EHS Administration, in concert with the District’s administrators and/or the Board of Directors.
Our coaches will strive to be positive role models who display in-depth knowledge of their activity, an ability to teach, strong leadership skills, ethical behavior, and a deep interest in the holistic development of their athletes. Winning of championships should happen as an outgrowth of ethical coaching and healthy competition. The desired outcome for participants in our athletic program is that they will attain the following traits:
Ability to set and achieve goalsAbility to deal with adversity
Competitiveness Pride
TeamworkAbility to communicate
Respect for self and othersWork ethic
CommitmentAcademic achievement
LeadershipHigh self-image
Self-disciplineDignity & Class
We also hope that, during their high school athletic experience, our student-athletes will have fun and build fulfilling relationships. Our programs will strive to provide an opportunity for our students to release stress in a healthy manner and instill “fitness for life” as a core value. The product of our investment in athletics will be a healthy adult who contributes to their community in a positive manner.
The interscholastic athletic program of the Estacada School District is an accepted and significant phase of modern education. It is to be administered in accord with the best practices employed in a modern system of education and incorporate the many ramifications of recent equal opportunity legislation (Title IX). The interscholastic athletic program is designed for, and should contribute to, the participants’ physical growth and development, good physical condition, healthful habits, efficient teamwork, proper standards of conduct, desirable citizenship, and favorable social behavior.
The athletic program is only one of many school activities and, therefore, is under the same administration and controls as other school programs. The students taking part in the program are expected to conduct themselves in an exemplary manner.
Athletic contests are to be the culmination of ethical and educationally sound instructional methods employed by the coaches and demonstrated by the team members.
The health and welfare of the participants is a primary consideration in conducting the athletic program. Adequate physical examination and supervision of recovery time from illness or accident must be provided. Length of practice sessions, number of practices, number of games, and strenuous trips should be carefully planned with due consideration of the age of the pupils and the physical, emotional, and academic demands upon the participants.
Coaches will be judged not wholly on the basis of wins and losses, but on the effects and contributions coaches make to the lives of the young men and women they have coached.
From its definition we learn that coaching is primarily teaching. The type of teaching differs from the classroom only in the nature of the subject matter, the type of laboratory, and the uniqueness of the teaching aids.
It is expected that all coaches at Estacada will possess the following:
1.A thorough knowledge of the sport or subject matter.
2.Personal and moral character which will properly influence those he/she coaches.
3.The motivation to teach.
4.Skills and adeptness in teaching - every coach should be a competent teacher with the ability to understand the nature of each student-athlete.
5.An efficient sense of organization.
6.Leadership ability to motivate others.
- Ability to relate well with young adults in a variety of settings.
- A willingness to abide by the National Federation of State High School (NFHS) Coach’s Code of Ethics.
The function of a coach is to educate students through participation in interscholastic competition. An inter-scholastic program should be designed to enhance academic achievement and should never interfere with opportunities for academic success. All student-athletes should be treated as though they are the coach's own, and their welfare should be uppermost at all times. Accordingly, the following guidelines for coaches have been adopted by the NFCA Board of Directors:
Coaches shall be aware that they have a tremendous influence, either good or bad, on the education of their student-athletes and, thus, shall never place the value of winning above the value of instilling the highest ideals of character.
The coach shall uphold the honor and dignity of the profession. In all personal contact with their student athlete, officials, Athletic Directors, school administrators, the state high school athletic association, the media, and the public, the coach shall strive to set an example of the highest ethical and moral conduct.
The coach shall take an active role in the prevention of drug, alcohol, and tobacco abuse.
The coach shall avoid the use of alcohol and tobacco products when in contact with players.
The coach shall promote the entire interscholastic program of the school and direct his or her program in harmony with the total co-curricular school program.
The coach shall master the contest rules and shall teach these rules to team members. The coach shall not seek an advantage by circumvention of the spirit or letter of the rules.
The coach shall exert personal influence to enhance sportsmanship by spectators both directly and by working closely with cheerleaders, booster clubs, and administrators.
The coach shall respect and support the contest officials. The coach shall not indulge in conduct which will incite players or spectators against the officials. Public criticism of officials or players is unethical.
Before and after contests, coaches of competing teams should meet and exchange cordial greetings to set the correct tone for the event.
A coach shall not exert pressure on faculty members to give student-athletes special consideration.
A coach shall not scout opponents by any means other than those adopted by league and/or State High School Athletic Associations.
Athletic insurance coverage is provided in the plan, which all students may elect at the time of payment of school fees. Exceptions to this may be made in cases of the participant being covered by a comparable health and accident policy; in which case the parents and/or guardians must fill out the name of the company and policy number, as part of the eligibility form. Coaches must familiarize themselves with school insurance and its limits and fully explain the coverage, limitations, and operation of the plan to all squad members and parents.
Physicals (Grades 9-12)
The family doctor who is familiar with the athlete and can take more time than that given in a mass setting should give physicals.
Athletes are required to have a physical every two years.
Each year the student must have parent permission to continue in athletics.
Training Rules
It is believed that being an extracurricular participant in OSAA-sponsored events is a privilege and, with the extra returns realized by the participant, go certain responsibilities. The goal of our training and conduct standards is two-fold:
- No participant will ever present himself or conduct himself in a manner, which will bring discredit upon herself/himself, the team, or the school.
- All participants will strive to continually improve themselves by attaining standards higher than those asked of the general student.
In order to attain these goals the following minimum standards will be in effect for all EHS athletes and other participants in co-curricular activities. A participant will be defined as any student who has turned out for an interscholastic team or co-curricular activity.
The privilege to participate in athletics and other co-curricular activities is available to any student. The following regulations govern participation, Grades 9-12:
- The participant must meet scholastic eligibility requirements.
- The participant must adhere to the training and citizenship rules as established by the Athletic Department and the school administration.
- The participant must meet physical requirements and is required to possess some type of insurance, which covers him/her for athletic injuries.
- A participant who is dropped from a squad for disciplinary reasons will not be allowed to become a member of any squad during that season. The athletic director may grant exceptions.
- To participate in practices, contests, and/or activities, THE STUDENT MUST ATTEND EVERY SCHEDULED CLASS the day of each contest. If the contest/practice falls on a non-school day (including weekends), the student must attend every scheduled class THE SCHOOL DAY PRIOR to the contest/practice. If students must be absent from school during their sports season, they must complete and turn in a pre-arranged absences paper to the attendance office prior to the date of their absence. If a pre-arranged absence form cannot be obtained prior to the absence, documentation from the doctor/dentist with the date and time of the appointment will be accepted. This same procedure applies to court dates. Skip days are unexcused absences. As such, students may not practice or participate in an interscholastic contest the day of a skip, or participate in a contest the day of a skip or the next day.
- The athletic participation contract will apply to all athletic participants: rally squads, dance line performers, student managers, and choir and band competition participants. The participant accepts the responsibilities listed below at the time he/she submits an athletic clearance card to the coach/advisor of the activity, and will remain in effect until he/she has turned in all school equipment at the completion of that sport or competition. If equipment is lost, the individual participant is financially responsible for reimbursing the appropriate department for the replacement cost of the equipment. The acceptance of the responsibilities demands a full-time commitment, not only to these rules, but also to specific activity requirements set forth by the coach.
Disciplinary Violation
- Disregard for attendance requirements.
- Insubordination, or open defiance of school authority.
- Assaults, fights, abusive or disruptive conduct.
- The unauthorized possession of equipment belonging to Estacada School District, other schools, or any individual.
- The possession, use, consumption, or sale of illegal substances.
- The possession and/or use of weapons.
When a student participant commits a disciplinary violation in the activity setting, the coach in charge is primarily responsible for student consequences; these take the following forms:
- Counseling
- Work details
- Disciplinary suspension from practice or contests
4.Additional time commitments
If a student participant repeats a disciplinary violation, he/she will face additional consequences.
Suspension Violation
First offense for:
- Commission of a criminal act
- The possession, use or sale of alcohol or non-pharmaceutical prescribed drugs during the season or duration of the extra-curricular season.
- The possession or use of tobacco in any form.
When a participant has violated one of the above areas of misconduct, he/she will be placed on a suspension for a minimum of two weeks up to a suspension for the rest of the school year.
- The first week will involve a complete suspension from all activity participation.
- The second week will involve practice but no participation in scheduled events.
- A second violation of any area or misconduct will result in suspension from further activity participation (practice and competition for a period of two months OR THE REMAINDER OF THE SCHOOL YEAR), depending on the severity of the violation.
- A third offense will result in suspension from all extra-curricular participation for the remainder of the school year.