SEN and Children with Additional Needs
Schools, Children and Families
County Hall
Essex CM1 1LD
/ Our ref: GB
26 April 2011
Dear Colleague,
Essex Provision Management Tool
Thank you to those of you who expressed an interest in continuing to subscribe to the Provision Management Tool at a cost of £250 per financial year, whilst those expressing definite interest verbally was sufficient to convince Target Tracker Team to work with me to develop a web based solution (which I believe will help take all school provision mapping and management to a different level) the number of schools who actually put pen to paper and completed the sign up form was not sufficient for the Target Tracker Team to commence work writing the system.
The purpose of this note is to jog the memory of all those schools who told me they would definitely sign up but never got round to filling in the form and those schools who said they would probably sign up once they knew if their budget would allow it. If you are interested in using the Provision Management Tool in future then please sign up, once we have sufficient interest we can begin developing the web based system. I appreciate I am asking you to sign up to something that you haven’t seen but my initial discussions with the Target Tracker Team have left me confident that they will make the tool do everything it does now and more and reduce the administrative workload by interfacing with Schools Management Systems and make maintaining a history of provision management information much simpler.
That said it is unlikely that the system can be written, tested and rolled out until September 2011/possibly January 2012 therefore for those schools signing up for the 2011-12 financial year a new improved spreadsheet will be available until the new web based system is written.
For those schools who have already ‘signed up’ I will be sending the new spreadsheet at the beginning of May 2011, if you need any support setting the new spreadsheet up then let me know. There will be no additional charge for this support in the Summer Term as this will be covered by the £250 annual subscription. With regard to ‘Plan B’, should it not be possible to gain sufficient confirmed interest from schools to develop the All School Provision Management Tool in partnership with Target Tracker Team I will be happy to discuss arrangements with individual school for continuing to support and develop the Excel spreadsheet.
If you have any queries or concerns regarding this note please do not hesitate to contact me on 01245436840 or . Please email any sign up forms to me at the same address.
Best Wishes,
Gary BloomManager SEN Provision Development
. 01245436840