Essentials of Firefighting (4th Edition)
Chapter 1-Implementing IMS
FF 2 Test Review
The following statements come from the Firefighter II material found on pages 14-20 of this chapter.
- The first person to arrive on scene should initiate IMS.
- Questions to ask when evaluating a scene on arrival include: What occurred?, status of the emergency?, anyone injured or trapped?, can resources on scene or en route handle it?, and are individuals trained to the level of experience required for the incident?.
- An IAP's first priority is ensuring personnel safety and survival.
- Unified Command should be used when an incident involves a multi-jurisdictional response.
- The IMS organization should be set up so that all resources are used to achieve the IAP.
- Command may not be passed to someone who is not on scene.
- When transferring command, the status report should be repeated back to the previous commander to ensure transfer report was understood.
- Situation status reports should include what has happened, what resources are on scene and en route along with what functions they are assuming, and whether current resources are adequate.
- Upon arrival of a senior officer at a scene, they will decide whether command should be transferred.
- When transferring command, the person relinquishing command shall announce that command has been transferred.
- The organization set up by the IMS should be the smallest that allows for the incident to be handled safely and effectively.
- Resource tracking at an incident should include: companies assigned/not assigned to functions, their locations, and whether they are needed or can return to service.
- Demobilization plans aid in recovering loaned equipment and identify/document lost or damaged equipment.
Essentials of Firefighting (4th Edition)
Chapter 3-Construction Materials & Building Collapse
FF 2 Test Review
The following statements come from the Firefighter II material found on pages 67-71, 73, & 74 of this chapter.
- Composite building materials such as plywood, particle board, fiberboard, and paneling, are highly combustible, produce significant toxic gases, and deteriorate rapidly under fire conditions.
- Size and moisture content plays a vital role in the reaction of wood to fire.
- Gypsum or drywall may be used to protect wood by increasing their resistance to heat or fire.
- Green wood (high moisture content) tends to burn the slowest.
- Fire retardants do not always reduce fire spread.
- Gypsum is used to protect steel and wood members, however, it gradually breaks down during fire conditions.
- Veneer walls are most commonly made of brick and stone.
- When exposed to high temperatures, masonry products may spall and crack.
- The failure point of steel members is about 1,000oF, however, this may change due to factors such as loads supported, composition of the member, and size of the member.
- Mortar used with masonry products deteriorates more rapidly than the masonry itself.
- Bolts or other connections used to hold up cast iron sections, commonly used on older buildings, may fail and create a falling debris hazard for firefighters.
- Steel reinforcing rods or mesh is used internally to construct reinforced concrete.
- Steel members tend to elongate when exposure to high temperatures and may push out on exterior walls, causing collapse (as much as 4 inches on a 50 foot beam).
- The steel used in reinforced concrete loses its tensile strength when exposed to high temperatures and the concrete tends to spall.
- Water can be applied to heated steel structural members to reduces chances of failure.
- Heated glass can crack or shatter when hit by a fire stream.
- Materials used to bind fiberglass insulation may ignite and is difficult to extinguish.
- Gyspum is considered an inorganic product and is used to make plasterboard and plaster.
- Unsafe building conditions should be monitored by the on scene safety officer and all other crew members and reported immediately.
- Gypsum tends to resist heat because of its high moisture content.
- Indicators of potential building collapse include: unusual creaks, cracking noises, deteriorated mortar, separations in walls, floors, or ceilings, and primary collapse.
- Application of water to a burning wooden member will stop the loss of a member's strength by stopping the charring process.
- Reinforced concrete has the tensile strength of steel and the compressive strength of concrete.
- Collapse zones should extend 1 1/2 times the height of the building.
- Dangerous building conditions, such as increased loads (personnel and water) on the building, may create collapse hazards.
Essentials of Firefighting (4th Edition)
Chapter 7-Rescue/Extrication Tools, Vehicle Extrication & Special Rescue
FF 2 Test Review
The following statements come from the Firefighter II material found on pages 186-214 of this chapter.
- An inverter is used to change a vehicle's 12 or 24 volt DC current into 110 or 220 volt AC current.
- Inverters have a limited power supply and limited mobility from the vehicle.
- Air chisels are used for puncturing, cutting, and driving.
- Generators are the most common power source used by emergency services and are available in portable and vehicle-mounted models.
- Hydraulic spreaders are used for pushing and pulling, but may be equipped with shears which allow cutting as well.
- The main function of fixed lighting systems is to provide overall illumination of a scene.
- Portable lights range from 300 to 1,000 watts and are used in areas that fixed lighting systems are inadequate or not possible.
- Power cables for auxiliary electrical equipment should be waterproof, explosion proof, have adequate insulation, and have twist-lock receptacles for secure connections.
- All electrical outlets should have Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) and conform to NFPA 70E standards.
- Electrical adapters should be carried on apparatus to allow use of different plug connection types (i.e.-use of mutual aid equipment with different connections).
- Weekly testing of power plants should include: run once a week while testing outlets, check gas and oil, inspect electrical cords, inspect spark plug/plug wires, and inspect carburetor.
- When changing a quartz bulb that is energized, oil on hands can cause the bulb to explode.
- Spare gasoline for power plants should be changed every 3 weeks.
- Hydraulic spreaders are capable of spreading as much as 32 inches apart with up to 22,000 psi of force.
- Hydraulic shears can open up to 7 inches and close with nearly 30,000 psi of cutting force.
- Combination spreader/shears are slightly less effective that individual "one-purpose" units.
- Extension rams can open up to 63 inches with a force of about 15,000 psi and may also be used for pulling operations, yet the force is about 1/2 that of the pushing force.
- Jacks should always be used in conjunction with cribbing.
- Ratchet-lever jacks are the least stable of all jack types.
- Screw jacks should be inspected for readiness after each use.
- Porta-Power tools systems can be advantageous in a variety of applications and in narrow places, however, the assembly of complex combinations of accessories makes it time-consuming.
- The footplate of a screw jack is the portion which holds or touches the object being stabilized.
- Bar Screw jacks are ONLY used to hold an object in place, not to move it.
- Trench Screw jacks can be used as cross-members in a trench shoring system and should not be longer than 6 feet.
- Only the ends of cribbing blocks should be painted for length identification.
- Wedges should be used to shim up spaces when cribbing an object.
- Compressed oxygen should NEVER be used as a source of power for pneumatic tools.
- Pneumatic nailers can be used to assemble wooden shoring assemblies quickly.
- Air chisels generally require 100 to 150 psi, though higher pressures may be needed for heavier cutting operations.
- Tripods create an anchor point for rescue operations over utility or other openings.
- Winches should be attached as close to a load as possible.
- The danger zone for winch operations is a radius around the winch equal to the length of the extended winch cable.
- Come-alongs are described as a manually-ratcheted tool used for pulling or lifting (common sizes 1 to 10 tons).
- Only alloy steel chains should be used during rescue operations.
- The lower the pressure rating of an air bag, the larger the bag.
- Air bags should never be stacked more than 2 bags high and with the smaller of the bags on top (inflated last).
- Air bags contacting materials hotter than 220oF may result in failure of the bag.
- Block and Tackle assemblies are useful in lifting or pulling heavy loads with excellent mechanical advantage.
- At a multi-vehicle accident, 1 rescuer should be assigned to survey each car, if possible.
- Apparatus should be placed so that it provides a barrier for the scene, adequate access to equipment, and does not interfere with other responding vehicles.
- One rescuer should be assigned to check a large area around a vehicle accident to search for other victims, possible hazards, or other safety issues.
- Removal order for victims should include those not trapped and most seriously injured.
- Packaging (splinting, immobilization, etc.) is done prior to removal of a victim.
- Setting a parking brakes or putting a car in gear should not be solely relied upon for stabilization of a vehicle.
- V-Shaped collapses have good chances of habitable voids near walls on both sides of the collapse.
- Pancake collapse patterns are the least likely to contain voids with viable victims.
- After size up of a vehicle accident, the car should be stabilized and scene made safe.
- Bunker gear is not recommended for Water and Ice rescues, instead a PFD and rescue helmet should be used.
- The last resort for a water rescue is to GO (swim) to the victim.
- Wheels of vehicles on level ground should be chocked both in front of and behind the wheels.
- Use of at least 2 air bags should occur when stabilizing a vehicle from vertical movement.
- At least 1 step-block, preferrably 2, should be used on both sides of a car when using that method to stabilize a car.
- When beginning vehicle extrication, always check doors to see if they will open.
- Exit ladders for trenches should extend at least 3 feet above the lip of the trench.
- With conscious victims in a ice rescue, a rope should be thrown and rescuers should stay as far from the opening as possible.
- When breaking glass to enter a vehicle, always break the glass farthest from the victim.
- A lean-to collapse is most likely to contain a void with viable victims.
- The A-Post of a vehicle is the front post area where the front door is connected to the body.
- When breaking a tempered glass window, the glass can be controlled by applying tape or similar materials to keep the glass from flying.
- Reserve power supplies can keep a vehicle's air bag active even after the battery connection has been cut for up to 10 minutes.
- Laminated glass can most commonly be found in rear windows and/or windshields and remains attached to laminate when broken, allowing removal as a unit.
- The disentanglement of a victim from a vehicle should include removing the vehicle from around the victim, not the victim from the vehicle.
- Laminated glass is made of 2 sheets of glass bonded to a sheet of plastic sandwiched in between them which shatters into long, pointed shards with sharp edges when broken.
- Tempered glass is used in most side windows and some rear windows and when broken, it shatters into small, crumbly pieces.
- A center punch used to break a tempered glass window should be held by one hand and steadied by the other to prevent putting hand through window.
- A step-block should be placed under the B-Post of a vehicle before removing the roof.
- To displace a dashboard, the roof must be removed, the A-Posts must be cut, and the windshield removed.
- Rescues from building collapses should start with the surface or lightly trapped victims.
- Secondary collapse and unstable/jagged debris are examples of physical hazards, while toxic environments and temperature extremes are termed environmental hazards.
- Tools such as air chisels, axes, reciprocating saws, and handsaws may be used to remove laminated glass windshields.
- Shoring is the process of stabilizing unstable structures or parts of structures.
- The C-Post of a vehicle is the rear vertical post to which the rear window attaches.
- Tunneling is the removal of small debris to create a path to a victim. Commonly used in conjunction with shoring.
- Rescuers should stay away from downed power lines a distance of 1 span between poles and should not perform rescues until power company shuts down power.
- Cantilever collapses have the best chances for habitable voids under supported ends of the floor but are the most vulnerable to secondary collapse.
- Experts such as plant personnel may be required during industrial extrication operations.
- Unless there is a medical emergency or danger to occupants, stranded elevator victims should simply be reassured while an elevator mechanic responds to the location.
- Escalators should be stopped if performing a rescue or advancing hoselines over them.
Essentials of Firefighting (4th Edition)
Chapter 11-Hydrant Flow & Operability
FF 2 Test Review
The following statements come from the Firefighter II material found on pages 385-389 of this chapter.
- Pressure can be defined as the force of water per unit of area.
- Pressure is measured in pounds per square inch (psi) or kilopascals (kPa).
- Static pressure can be defined as the stored potential energy that is available to force water through pipe, fittings, fire hose, and adapters.
- Residual pressure is defined as the part of total available pressure that is not used to overcome friction or elevation loss while forcing water through pipe, fittings, fire hose, and adapters.
- Normal operating pressure is defined as the pressure found in a water system during periods of normal consumption.
- Flow pressure is defined as the forward velocity pressure at a discharge opening while water is flowing.
- Hydrant water flow can be affected by sedimentation, mineral deposits, the size of the main connecting the hydrant, and the proximity of feeder mains.
- Hydrants should be placed no more than 300 feet apart in high-value districts.
- A Class C hydrant would be painted Red and would provide a flow of less than 500 gpm.
- A Class B hydrant would be painted Orange and would provide a flow of 500 to 999 gpm.
- A Class A hydrant would be painted Green and would provide a flow of 1,000 to 1,499 gpm.
- A Class AA hydrant would be painted Light Blue and would provide a flow of more than 1,500 gpm.
- NFPA hydrant color codes are not used by all communities.
- Class C hydrants provide the lowest available water flow.
Essentials of Firefighting (4th Edition)
Chapter 12-Fire Hose
FF 2 Test Review
The following statements come from the Firefighter II material found on pages 406-413, 437, & 438 of this chapter.
- Hose appliances include valves (ball, gate, butterfly, clapper), valve devices (wyes, siameses, water thiefs, LDH, hydrant), fittings (adapters, hose caps/plugs, elbows), and intake devices (suction hose strainers).
- Hose tools consist of items such as hose rollers, spanner wrenches, hose straps, hose clamps, ramps, and blocks.
- Clapper valves consist of a flat disk hinged on 1 side that swings like a door and allows only 1 intake hose to be connected and charged before the addition of more hoses.
- A wye allows the division of 1 line into 2 or more lines and often is gated to control flow.
- Siamese devices combine 2 or more lines into 1 main line and are commonly used to overcome friction loss problems in long lays.
- Hydrant valves may be used with a forward lay.
- Double male and double female adapters are commonly used when an apparatus set up for a forward lay has to make a reverse lay or vice versa.
- An elbow fitting simply changes the direction of flow.
- A hose roller (also called hose hoist), can be used to protect hose when dragged over rough or sharp edges.
- Hose jackets are available in 2 1/2 and 3 inch diameters.
- Hose clamps should be applied at least 20 feet behind an apparatus and approximately 5 feet from the coupling on the incoming water side.
- Hose clamps, valves, and other devices which stop or start the flow of water should be opened/closed slowly to prevent water hammer.
- Strainers attached to hard suction hose should only be allowed to touch the bottom of a body of water when it it hard and clean, such as in a swimming pool.
- The primary purpose of spanner wrenches is loosening and tightening couplings, although some have the capability to open/close gas utilities, pull nails, hammer, and pry.
- Rubber mallets should be used to strike the extended lugs of intake hose to loosen or tighten the connection.
- Chafing blocks used between intake hose and the pavement can prevent abrasion to hose from vibration.
- Hose rope/chain tools may be used to secure hose to ladders/objects, carry/pull fire hose, and secure pressurized hose while applying water.
- NFPA 1962 states that hose should be tested annually, whenever repaired, or whenever it has been run over by a vehicle.
- Acceptance testing is performed by the manufacturer prior to shipment, while service testing is performed by the user.
- A hose test gate valve consists of a valve with a 1/4 inch hole in the center of the gate to allow hose to be pressurized but does not allow water to surge the hose if it fails.
- Hose test lengths should not exceed 300 feet due to difficulty in purging air.
- The hose test area should be kept free of water to detect leaks in the test length.
- Hose test lengths should be attached to the side opposite the pump panel if apparatus is used to test hose.
- All personnel around the hose test area should wear a helmet at a minimum as protection.
Essentials of Firefighting (4th Edition)
Chapter 13-Foam Fire Streams
FF 2 Test Review
The following statements come from the Firefighter II material found on pages 498-517 of this chapter.