Essential information for teachers and group leaders

planning a visit or attendingworkshop at the Treasure House.

What to see and do

At the Treasure House visitors can enjoy the ‘Treasures of the East Riding’ exhibition in the Museum, which traces the history of the East Riding, through our museum, archives and local studies collections. Four interactive activities accompany the exhibition providing a hands-on learning experience for groups and families, along with a variety exhibition-linked activity sheets in the children’s area.

There is a rolling programme of local history exhibitions next to the cafe. BeverleyArtGalleryexhibits artwork from its collection, as well as a programme of contemporary art, craft and touring exhibitions. There is a creative hands-on activity and alarge table-top puzzlefor children or families in the gallery.

On the top floor the observation tower provides panoramic, roof-top views across Beverley, and a stunning view of Beverley Minster. Binoculars can e borrowed for spotting activities and close up views of the decorative stonework of the Minster.Beverley Library and the Archives and Local Studies Research Room are on the ground.

All group visitorsshould go to the first floor reception on arrival.

Contact 01482 392780 with any problems on the day.

Self-directed visits

  • All group visits must be booked in advance to avoid group booking clashes.
  • Primary school groups and other educational groups of children up to the age of 11 must be accompanied by adults in the ratio of 1 adult per 8 children.
  • Secondary school and other educational groups should follow the policy of their organisation regarding the number of accompanying adults.
  • Visiting groupsare welcome for any length of time, depending on other group visits booked that day. Please state your intended length of visit when booking.
  • There is no limit on the size of group, depending only on other groups visiting that day and the building capacity.
  • Groups are welcome to prepare their own activities to do at the Treasure House. Only dry art materials, pens and pencils may be used for activities by primary groups in the exhibition spaces. The use of wet materials by older children or adult groups should be negotiated when booking your visit.
  • We can store coats and bags, if you mention this when booking your visit. Please note that belongings are not stored in a secure area.

Gallery activities and resources for group visits

  • There are four hands-on interactives and a variety of activity sheets in the Museum, and there is always a creative activity in BeverleyArtGallery.
  • A set of 4 children’s binoculars are available for use in the observation tower. Please ask to borrow these at the first floor reception.
  • For Early Years there is an interactive shapes and objects trail in the Museum and a large table-top puzzle in the ArtGallery.
  • There is resource information for teachers and group leaders about looking at paintings and sculptures in the information stand, in BeverleyArtGallery. It is aimed at KS2, but the language can be adapted for both younger and older groups to support group discussions about the artworks on display.


  • Workshops must be booked in advance.
  • Workshops begin anytime between 9.30am and 10.00am in the morningor in the afternoon between 12.30pm and 1.00pm. Please state your preference when booking.
  • ‘Exploring the Treasure House’ is suitable for Y3-6 pupils and ‘World War II in the East Riding’ is most suitable for Y5-6 pupils, but a selection of the activities work for Y3 upwards.
  • Workshops last 2 hours.
  • Primary school groups and other educational groups of children up to the age of 11 must be accompanied by adults in the ratio of 1 adult per 8 children.
  • Primary groups are advised to bring the pupils’ water bottles for a brief drink break during the 2 hour workshops.
  • For workshop groups, coats and personal belongings are kept in the Education Room for the duration of the workshop.
  • Workshop groups are welcome to extend their time at the Treasure House by independently using the galleries and other facilities after the session. Please tell us if you intend to do so when booking your workshop. Packed lunches can be eaten in the Education room before or after the workshop.
  • Payment for workshops should be made on the day by cheque only. Cheques should be made payable to East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

Emergency Evacuation

  • Group leaders should carry a full list of the group at all times.
  • In the event of an emergency evacuation of the building, Treasure House staff will escort visitors from the building to the assembly point on the paved area in front of the main entrance to the Treasure House.
  • The group leader is responsible for checking that all members of their group are present at the assembly point. Let a member of Treasure House staff know if anyone is missing.

Risk Assessment

  • Visiting groups are responsible for carrying out their own risk assessment according to their school’s/organisation’s policy.
  • It is recommended that a preparatory site visit is made.
  • The table below provides information to helpyou complete your general group visit risk assessment.It identifies the hazards specific to the Treasure House site and how risk is reduced.
  • Please note that some of the methods of control, which reduce risk, involve action by the group supervisors. These are in bold in the table below.

Hazard / Method of control / Action required by group leaders / Level of risk
Slips, trips and falls
a)in galleries, education room
b)in observation tower (falling/jumping down stairs, climbing over barriers / Spillages cleared up by Treasure House staff.
Trip hazards stowed away by Treasure House staff.
Visiting group leaders are requested to supervise children.The required adult to child ratio is 1:8 for groups of children up to the age of 11.
It is requested that no more than 8 children at a time should visit the observation tower, supervised by an adult. / LOW
Injury from items being dropped
a)on fingers and toes from museum and archive objects being handled during workshops, and Roman armour costume
b)small items being dropped from a height e.g. pencils from the observation tower on members of the general public below / Schools are requested to supervise object and archive handling, overseen by the Workshop Leader who will provide appropriate health and safety guidance. Object handling is conducted on a table surface.
Pencils/pens must be attached to clipboards or hung around necks for use in the observation tower. The use of such educational materials must be supervised at all times. / LOW
Using electrical equipment/sockets
a)electrical interactive in the Treasures of the East Riding exhibition
b)electrical sockets in the galleries / All electrical equipment is PAT tested annually. Attendants regularly check the working order of electrical gallery interactives.
Child safe socket covers fitted.
Schools are requested to prevent children playing with electrical sockets in the gallery. / LOW
Burns and scolds
a)from hot liquids in café area / The café area is not part of the usual school visit route. Group leader are requested to supervise pupils to avoid them straying into the café area. / LOW

Public Liability Insurance

The Treasure House has Public Liability Insurance. More information is available upon request.

Child Protection

Workshop Leaders and Museum Attendants have Criminal Records Bureau disclosures carried out.


  • It may be possible to use the Education Room during your visit, for activities devised by you. A charge applies. Please discuss your needs when booking your visit.
  • If available, the Education Room can be used for packed lunches. Please ask when booking.
  • The Champney Coffee Lounge serves hot and cold drinks, delicious cakes, snacks and sandwiches. Small groups can be catered for by pre-arrangement. Please ask when booking your visit.
  • Toilet facilities including an accessible toilet and baby changing room are located on the ground floor. The number of cubicles is generous making them practical for group visits.
  • Small groups of secondary, college or adult visitors may wish to use the lockers on the ground floor.
  • Larger self-directedgroups can leave coats and non-valuable belongings on hooks at their own risk on the first floor. Please request this facility when booking your visit.
  • A wheelchair is available for use within the building. Please ask for this at reception.


Photography is permitted for educational purposes or to document a visit. Please sign in at reception when you arrive, if you intend to take photographs.

Treasure House public opening times

Monday 9.30am to 5.00pm Thursday 9.30am to 8.00pm

Tuesday9.30am to 8.00pm Friday9.30am to 5.00pm

Wednesday9.30am to 5.00pm Saturday 9.00am to 4.00pm

Open Bank Holiday Mondays Closed Sundays

Restricted opening times over Easter and Christmas

Enjoy your visit to the Treasure House!

Enquiries and bookings contact:

Sarah Hammond Treasure House Education Officer

01482 392733(Mon- Wed 9.00am – 5.00pm)

For more information about Treasure House education services please visit at the Educational Visits section underPlaces to Stay and Visit,or click on this link: