Common Core Essential Curriculum English Language Arts – 5th Grade

1st Quarter

Reading Literature

RL 1.a. I can identify evidence from the text to support my answers.

RL 3. I can compare and contrast story elements in a text.

RL 4.a. I can determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text.

RL 6. I can evaluate how a narrator’s or speaker’s point of view influences events in a story.

RL 10.b. I can read and comprehend a variety of literature independently.

Reading Informational Text

RI 2.a. I can determine 2 or more main ideas of a text.

RI 2.b. I can explain how key ideas support the main idea.

RI 2.c. I can summarize the text.

RI 4. I can demonstrate my knowledge of grade level vocabulary words.

Reading Foundational Skills – Phonics, Word Recognition & Fluency

RF 4c. I can use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.

RF 3. I can decode words using grade level phonics and word analysis strategies.


RW 2.a. I can introduce my topic clearly, establish a focus, and group my information in like paragraphs including multimedia

elements to aid understanding (i.e. headings, illustrations, etc.).

RW 3.b. I can incorporate narrative techniques such as dialogue, description, and pacing, to develop experiences and events or

show the responses of characters to situations.

RW 3.c. I can use a variety of transitional words, phrases, and clauses to manage the sequence of events. RW 2.d. I can use precise language to inform about or explain the topic.

RW 3.a. I can write an introduction to orient the reader by establishing the setting, characters, sequence of events, and situation

of the story.

RW 3.e. I can provide a conclusion that follows from the narrated experiences or events.

Speaking & Listening

SL 1.a. I can come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material.

SL 1.b. I can follow agreed-upon rules for discussions and carry out assigned roles.

Convention for Standard English (Grammar) & Language

L 1.b. I can form and use the perfect (e.g., I had walked; I have walked; I will have walked) verb tenses.

L 1.c. I can use verb tense to convey various times, sequences, states, and conditions.

L 1.d. I can recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense.

L 2.a. I can use punctuation to separate items in a series.

L 2.b. I can use a comma to separate an introductory element from the rest of the sentence.

L 2.c. I can use a comma to set off the words yes and no (e.g., Yes, thank you), to set off a tag question from the rest of the sentence

(e.g., It’s true, isn’t it?), and to indicate direct address (e.g., Is that you, Steve?).

L 2.d. I can use underlining, quotation marks, or italics to indicate title of works.

L 4.a. I can use context (e.g., cause/effect relationships and comparisons in text) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.

L 4.c. I can consult reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation

and determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases.

2nd Quarter

Reading Literature

RL 1.b. I can analyze evidence from the text to make inferences.

RL 2.a. I can determine the theme of multiple genres using details from the text.

RL 2.b. I can evaluate how a character will respond to challenges in a text.

RL 2.d. I can summarize a text.

RL 9. I can compare and contrast topics and story elements from 2 or more books of the same genre.

RL 10. d. I can increasingly recognize a wider range of context clues to help make connections.

Reading Informational Text

RI 1. I can evaluate evidence from the text to support my answers and make inferences.

RI 3.a. I can describe the connections between 2 or more people, events, or ideas within historical, scientific, and technical texts.

RI 3.b. I can analyze specific information in the text to support the connections between 2 or morepeople, events or ideas.

RI 5. I can compare and contrast structure of the text.


RW 1.a. I can introduce my topic clearly, state my opinion and write my ideas in a logical order to support my purpose.

RW 1.b. I can provide logically ordered reasons that supported by facts and details.

RW 2.b. I can develop the topic with facts, definitions, concrete details/examples, quotations, or other information and examplerelated to the topic.

RW 3.d. I can use concrete words and phrases and sensory details to convey experiences and events precisely.

RW 4. I can write clearly and understandably for given task, purpose, and audience.

RW 7. I can do short research projects using several sources to investigate different aspects of my defined topic.

Speaking & Listening

SL 1.c. I can pose and respond to specific questions by making comments that contribute to the discussion and elaborate on theremarks of others.

SL 1.d. I can review the key ideas expressed and draw conclusions in light of information and knowledge gained from thediscussions.

SL 2.a. I can summarize a written text that is read aloud.

Conventions for Standard English (Grammar) & Language

L 1.a. I can explain the functions of conjunctions, prepositions, and interjections independently and within sentences.

L 1.e. I can use correlative conjunctions (such as either/or, neither/nor).

L 3.a. I can expand, combine, and reduce sentences for meaning, reader/listener interest, and style.

L 4.b. I can use Greek and Latin root (base) words and affixes (prefixes, suffixes) to determine word meaning or phrases.

L 5.c. I can use word relationships to better understand each word individually

3rd Quarter

Reading Literature

RL 2.c. I can analyze how a speaker in a poem reflects on a topic.

RL 4.b. I can interpret similes and metaphors within a text.

RL 5. I can determine relationships between the parts of a text to the passage as a whole.

RL 10 a. I can independently distinguish between types of literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry.

Reading Informational Text

RI 6. I can compare and contrast different points of view of the same event or topic.

RI 7. I can interpret multimedia text to answer questions and solve problems.

Reading Foundational Skills – Phonics, Word Recognition & Fluency

RF 4b. I can read grade level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression.


RW 1.c. I can link my opinion and reasons using words, phrases, and clauses (i.e. consequently, specifically, therefore, etc.).

RW 1.d. I can provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented. RW 2.c. I can use key words, phrases, and clauses to link ideas within my writing.

RW 2.e. I can provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented.

RW 6. I can use a variety of technology to create and publish my writing.

Speaking & Listening

SL 3. I can summarize a speaker’s viewpoint and evaluate with reasoning and evidence.

SL 4. I can speak clearly and logically using details when giving a report or expressing my opinion.

SL 6. I can adapt, change, or alter my speech for different purposes or audiences.

Conventions for Standard English (Grammar) & Language

L 3.b. I can compare and contrast the varieties of English (dialects, registers, etc.) used in stories, dramas and poems.

L 5.a. I can interpret meanings of figurative language (similes and metaphors) in context.

L 5.b. I can recognize and explain meanings of common idioms, adages, and proverbs.

L 6. I can identify and use grade appropriate words correctly.

4th Quarter

Reading Literature

RL 7. I can investigate how multimedia components (parts: i.e. pictures, sounds, graphic sources, and other multimedia) help me

understand and appreciate the text.

RL 10 c. I can read independently and comprehend challenging texts at the higher end of grade level by the Reading standards.

RL 10 e. I can comprehend what I’ve read at my level with little explanation or assistance.

Reading Informational Text

RI 8. I can give explanations about how an author uses proof to support a point.

RI 9. I can combine different sources about the same topic and write and speak about the topic.

RI 10. I can independently and successfully read and comprehend a wide range of grade level text.

Reading Foundational Skills – Phonics, Word Recognition & Fluency

RF 4. I can read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.

RF 4a. I can read grade level text with purpose and understanding.


RW 5. I can use multiple strategies to develop high quality writing.

RW 8. I can use my own experience, print, and digital sources to gather and synthesize my information for a written work.

RW 9.a. I can analyze the different components of a story to support my analysis and reflection.

RW 9.b. I can analyze the author’s craft (words, phrases, multimedia, etc.) in informational texts to support my analysis reflections and research.

RW 10. I can create numerous pieces of writing over various time frames.

Speaking and Listening

SL 2.b. I can summarize information presented from diverse media formats that include visuals, graphs, charts, oral presentations.

SL 5. I can include multimedia components to enhance my presentations.

Conventions for Standard English (Grammar) & Language

L 2.e. I can spell grade appropriate words correctly, consulting references as needed.

Essential Curriculum – English Language Arts Second Semester

5th Grade

Goal 1: Applying skills to read and write

I can increase the number of words I know and understand through:

  1. wide reading.
  2. examining the word study.
  3. word reference materials.
  4. the writing process.
  5. writing as a tool.
  6. examining the authors’ craft (word choice and style). 1.03

Goal 2: Applying strategies to comprehend text that is read, heard or viewed

I can use reading strategies to help check my comprehension. 2.01

I can infer, conclude and make generalizations by locating the clues in the text. 2.05

I can analyze the purpose of what I read. 2.06

I can understand and explain relationships.

  1. I can distinguish between cause and effect.
  2. I can identify relationships that follow a specific order.
  3. I can explain the connections between characters and themes within the text.
  4. I can recognize problem-solution relationships in the text. 2.08

Goal 3:Making connections through use of written and oral language, media and technology

I can classify and explain the differences among genres. 3.01e

I can examine the relationships between characters in the text. 3.01f

I can make inferences and evaluation information about the characters, events, and themes in the text. 3.01g

I can make text to text connections. 3.02

I can use evidence in the text to evaluate characters and events. 3.03

I can combine the use of a variety of resources in order to further understand a topic. 3.05

Goal 4: Applying strategies to create oral, written and visual texts

I can write a draft that shows the main idea, demonstrates the purpose, and stays on topic. 4.06

Goal 5: Applying grammar and language conventions to communicate

I can edit my writing for correct grammar, conventions, and format. 5.07

Important Objectives: English Language Arts

5th Grade

I can select a book and read independently to help me improve my fluency, knowledge, and vocabulary. 1.05

I can listen actively and respond critically to what I hear.

  1. I can listen and ask questions.
  2. I can participate in deeper discussions about the topic.
  3. I can elaborate on the information and ideas presented.
  4. I can evaluate information and ideas.
  5. I can make inferences and draw conclusions.
  6. I can make judgments from listening. 2.09

I can make a product to show my reaction and understanding of what I have read. 3.01c

I can make judgments about bias, propaganda, stereotyping, and techniques used by media. 3.07

I can fluentlyread aloud and comprehend grade appropriate text. 4.01

I can choose and use the right vocabulary to express and support my ideas through speaking and writing. 4.03

I can select a strategy to plan and organize my writing. 4.05

I can choose andwrite in many different formats. 4.07

I can produce works that follow assigned or self-selected genre. 4.09

I can use technology to help me improve and/or publish my writing. 4.10

I can use correct subject-verb agreement and pronouns when I speak and write. 5.02

I can use prepositional phrases, transitions, and appropriate conjunctions when I speak and write. 5.03

I can use the appropriate words to help me express my ideas in a way that impacts the reader or listener. 5.04

I can spell commonly used words using a variety of strategies. 5.05

I can edit my writingfor correct spelling. 5.06

Maintenance a & Nice to Know Objective – English Language Arts

5th Grade

I can choose and use important words to help me understand what I’m reading. 1.02

I can decide whether a text is useful to me or other readers. 2.07

I can make informed judgments about various types of media. 3.04

I can research different sources to help me complete a project. 3.06

I can choose a writing composition to publish. 4.04

I can write neatly, so others may read my work. 5.08