Essay Scaffold
Subject : Stage 4 – Technology Mandatory Syllabus
Topic : Control Systems - Robotics
Syllabus Outcome : / 4.4.1 : explains the impact of innovation and emerging technologies on society and the environmentEssay Question :Hollywood robots will never be real : discuss
Introduction / State what the essay is about by- Define what a robot is
- Describe real robots today (include a picture)
- Describe Hollywood robots (include a picture)
Body / Analyze and develop arguments in support of your position by : Reasoning, Explaining, Giving examples
Try to come up with at least three pieces of evidence or ideas to support your position (start a new paragraph for each piece of evidence)
- Compare and contrast real robots with Hollywood robots – how are they the same, how are they different ? How does this support your position ?
- Discuss the progress made in robotics over the years – how does this support your position ?
- Imagine the changes to people and society (good and bad) that robots can bring – How does this support your argument?
Examine at least one argument against your point of view.
Argue against the opposing view and discuss why you think the opposing view is wrong (or at least partially wrong)
Conclusion / Summarize or re-state your position and your support.
Conclude with a strong sentence that states your case.
Evaluation Rubric : Robotics Essay
Category / 4 : Excellent / 3 : Satisfactory / 2 : Can do better / 1 : Poor / ScoreDefinitions and Descriptions / Demonstrates a clear understanding of the essay topic with concise definitions and examples / Demonstrates an understanding of the essay topic with definitions and/ or examples / Demonstrates some understanding of the essay topic by does not have definitions or examples / Does not appear to understand the essay topic.
Attention Grabber/Position Statement / The introductory paragraph has a strong hook that makes clear the author’s position: Could be a strong statement, a quotation, or a question addressed to the reader / The opening paragraph has a hook, but it is weak, rambling or not clear as to the author’s position / The author has an interesting opening paragraph, but the connection to the topic is not clear, or the position is not stated / The opening statement is not clear and is not interesting
Support for Position / Includes 3 or more pieces of evidence that support the position. Evidence is presented as separate paragraphs and links the evidence back to the topic question.
Paragraphs are linked so that a cohesive argument is developed. / Includes 3 or more pieces of evidence, but the evidence is not clearly stated or not linked back to the question. / Includes only or 2 pieces of evidence and/ or the evidence is not clearly linked back to the question / There is no evidence provided to support the author’s position
Argument Against / At least one counter-argument is presented. The counter-argument is argued against to suppor the authors initial position / At least one counter argument is given, but it is poorly argued against / At least one counter-argument is give, but no attempt to argue against this is made / No counter arguments for the author’s position are given
Conclusion / The conclusion re-states the author’s position summarizes why the reasoning for the position. A strong final sentence is made to complete the essay. / The author restates their position and a weak final statement is made. / The author restates their positon without support or final statement. / No conclusion is made