The Essa Public Library will make freely available, to all, the record of thoughts and ideas and the expression of the creative imagination.


Under the authority of the Ontario Public Library Act and the Township of Essa, the Library provides free library service for the residents of Essa Township and free in-library use of materials and internet access for visitors.

VISION: Building community for tomorrow

The Library will provide progressive, effective, equitable, and barrier-free services that further the intellectual, educational, cultural, creative, social, environmental, and economic development of individuals and the community.

The Library will be

·  Environmentally responsible

·  A safe haven for children, youth, and adults

·  A respectful provider of equal opportunities for persons with disabilities

·  A community gathering place

·  A supporter of pre-literacy and literacy skills

·  A supporter of skills development and lifelong learning

·  A partner in building a strong, vital community


The policies, operations, and services of the Library shall reflect and support these values:

√ freedom from barriers √ lifelong learning √ confidentiality

√ intellectual freedom √ culture √ courtesy

√ fiscal responsibility √ individuality √ integrity

√ customer-driven service √ development of potential √ accuracy

√ cooperation √ ingenuity √ timeliness

√ community √ security


Essa Public Library defines the level of service by branch to maximize the use of resources to best meet the needs and local interests of the communities it serves. These service definitions will guide the level of staffing; programming; and the acquisition, retention, transfer, and removal of materials in the collections.

Community Branch

§  Staffing during open hours will always consist of a minimum of 2 staff. At least 1 staff person on duty will be a Public Service Clerk or higher level.

§  Programming for children will be provided at an optimal level to meet the needs and demands of the community. Adult programming will be provided as the need and opportunity arises, with a preference for co-sponsored programs.

§  The Collection provides popular, recreational, and general informational materials in print and audiovisual formats. There is a basic print reference collection which meets Ontario Public Library Guidelines and is supplemented with online resources. There is special emphasis placed on children’s fiction and nonfiction collections, popular current fiction and nonfiction for adults, and recreational video/DVD for all ages. Materials from the Central Branch will be available as requested through inter-branch courier. Large type and audio collections will primarily consist of rotating collections, with largetype and audiovisual collections supplemented by rotating collections from the County of Simcoe Library Cooperative.

Central Branch

§  Staffing during open hours will always consist of a minimum of 2 staff with a preference for 3 (including the CEO). At least 1 staff person on duty will be a Coordinator or the CEO or, in special circumstances, a Technical Services Clerk.

§  Programming for children will be provided at an optimal level to meet the needs and demands of the community. Adult programming will be provided as the need and opportunity arises, with a preference for co-sponsored programs.

§  The Collection builds on that of the Community Branch but with expanded nonfiction and reference materials. A retrospective collection of adult fiction will also be maintained. Large type and audio collections will be developed and held at the Branch, with largetype and audiovisual collections supplemented by rotating collections from the County of Simcoe Library Cooperative.