Roll Number: 20430N
Dear Parents/Guardians
On behalf of the school community, I would like to welcome you to Portobello Educate Together National School. I hope that you find this booklet useful as you prepare to send your child to our school. It is intended to provide you with an introduction to aspects of school life in Portobello ETNS.
We hope to get to know you, our parents, as well as we get to know your children. We as a staff intend to work very closely with you, our new parent body, over these first exciting years of our school. Together we hope to develop a warm, friendly and inclusive atmosphere and a vibrant school community with the joint aim of providing the best possible education for all the children in the school.
A high level of parental involvement is a feature of Educate Together Schools and is something we aspire to. This of course requires a commitment from you as a parent to become involved in the life of the school. We know that once you become involved here, you will realise the value of this for yourself, your child and our school. Be assured that you will always be welcome.
I look forward to getting to know you all further and working towards an open positive relationship.
Yours sincerely,
Dermot Stanley.
School Principal
- The school day starts at 08.30. Parents should make sure that the children are in their lines by that time. Classes will start promptly once the teacher has settled the class.
- Junior infants and Senior Infants will finish at 13.10 and the remaining classes will finish at 14.10.
- First dayto Friday 6th September 8.30am to 11.00
- Monday 9th to Friday 13th September 8.30am to 11.45
- Monday 16th September onwards 8.30am to 13.10
- Physical education is[HM1]usually held twice a week.
- Regular attendance and punctuality are very important. Pupils wishing to leave for any reason during the day must have a written request by the parent/guardian and must be collected and signed out by an adult.
- If a child is absent they must bring in a note on their return.
- If a child is sick or has been injured, it is school policy to send for the parent, guardian or a minder.
- The child will participate in the following lessons – Maths, English, Gaeilge, SESE (History, Geography & Science), Social Personal and Health Education[HM2][ds3], Art, Drama, Music and Ethics.
We have no formal school uniform in Portobello Educate. We ask that you dress your child comfortably and appropriately. For I[HM4]nfants in particular we ask that you teach your child to take off/on his/her coat and how to open and close zips, buttons, buckles and laces. Zips are preferable to buttons and elasticated clothing is ideal. We would ask that your child be provided with lace-less shoes.We also advise that Junior Infant should have a spare set of clothes in your child’s bag in the event of accidents[HM5].
Enclosed in this Welcome Pack[HM6] is a book list which outlines the books[HM7]that your child will need for September.
The materials bill outlines how much you have to pay to the school for arts and crafts, photocopying, insurance, ET membership, resources, IT, Aistear equipment and assessment[HM8].Most of the parents will pay this fee in their deposit to the school. Please make your payment to the class teacher in the first week of September if you have not already paid this fee.Should you have any difficulty in paying the materials money, please contact the office.
Educate Together is a national organisation of the Educate Together multi-denominational schools in the Republic of Ireland. There are now over 65Educate Together schools in the country and this figure is growing. The schools are fully recognised by the Department of Education and Science. They are non fee-paying and they operate under the same rulesapplying to all national schools.
The name ‘Educate Together' was carefully chosen by the national organisation to reflect the coming together of children and families of different faiths and beliefs, from different social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Educate Together schools are open to all children on a ‘first-come-first-served’ basis.
Portobello Educate Together NS, like all multi-denominational schools in the Republic of Ireland, is founded on four core principles:
- Multi-denominational –All children have equal right of access to Educate Together Schools. Children of all social and cultural groups and of all religious and non-religious backgrounds are equally respected.
- Co-educational – All children are encouraged to fulfil their potential in a school setting that is committed to equal opportunities for girls and boys.
- Child-centred - the school aims to establish an environment which encourages, nurtures and facilitates each child so that they will explore their full range of abilities and work towards realising their highest potential.
- Democratic - the schools patron and boards are committed to work in such a way as to embrace the input of parents, teachers, supporters and children and to enable the highest level of participation and partnership.
The primary school curriculum allocates 30 minutes per day for religious instruction 'typically'. Educate Together schools are multidenominational, and we use the Learn Together Curriculum which is an Ethical Education Curriculum developed by Educate Together.
This programme has four strands -
- Moral and Spiritual - The general aim of the strand is to help develop in children a critically knowledge, understanding and awareness of right and wrong and a heightened awareness of social and moral standards through reflecting on the meaning and purpose of life. The child will be empowered to make informed moral decisions.
- Equality and Justice - The general aim of this strand is to develop in children a critical knowledge, understanding and awareness of issues relating to human rights, equality, culture and diversity, social justice and social inclusiveness and to empower them to make a difference.
- Belief Systems - The general aim of this strand is to develop in children a critical knowledge, understanding and awareness of the teachings of religious and non-theistic belief systems and how these systems relate to our shared human experience.Children will be encouraged to develop an understanding of the right to hold and practice differing beliefs and what it means to live in a world of diverse beliefs.
- Ethics and the Environment – The aim in this strans is to develop in children a knowledge, appreciation and respect for their environment and to empower them to take active role in its stewardship.
School ethos is an atmosphere that emerges from the interaction of different aspects of school life, including our teaching and learning, Educate Together as the patron body, management and leadership, rituals and practices as well as goals and expectations.
Portobello Educate Together was founded by active parents who wanted a choice in their children’s education. As schools ethos is the result of many influencing factors in the school community, thankfully our active parent group will contribute to this greatly.
These first years of our school’s life[HM9]will be very special ones, and will be hugely important in developing our ethos. This school will be truly child centred offering activities for all interests. We will endeavour to make the children critical thinkers and encourage them to activate their views. This is your school, so become involved and let’s create an atmosphere and an ethos we can be proud of.
PortobelloEducate Together School will operate under the Rules for National Schools which are drawn up by the Minister for Education ( The Department of Education and Science (DES) provides a percentage of funding and pays teachers' salaries. The DES Inspectors monitor the implementation of the curriculum in the school.
National schools are managed by a Board of Management which is set up according to Departmental guidelines with elected parent and teacher representatives, nominees of the Patron and members from the wider community. In the case of PortobelloETNS our first Board of Management was appointed in December 2007. The Board is responsible for the appointment of teachers and other staff and for the day-to-day management of the school including heating, cleaning and maintenance of the building. The Board is also responsible for ensuring that the finances necessary for running the school are available. We in the school[HM10]will rely on creative ways of using the school facilities to bridge some of the gap between DES funding and actual running cost of this school. We also look forward to working with the Parents Association in devising imaginative ways to make up the shortfall.
The enrolment policy of PortobelloEducate Together School is first-come, first-served. This provides for equality of access and participation in the school for all children whatever their social, religious,cultural backgrounds.
Children must be four years old on or before June 1st in the year that they are due to start school.
Entry to Junior Infants can be deferred for one year only.
Where entry is deferred, the child's name is inserted onto the pre-enrolment list.
This does not guarantee an offer of a place for Junior Infants the following year.
Deferred names are placed on the pre-enrolment list according to original enrolment date.
Offers of places will continue until the maximum number that is permitted and has been decided on is reached.
We do not have a sibling policy. lf you have other children, including babies, please ensure that you enrol them as soon as possible in order to give them a good chance of obtaining a place in this school.
- All absences must be explained to the class teacher in writing or through direct communication with the class teacher.
- As a school we abide by the Education and Welfare Act 2000. Under this act if a child is absent for more than twenty days a report must be sent by the school to the National Education and Welfare Board.
- We urge parents not to book holidays or trips abroad during term time. This practice has a negative effect on the education and well-being of your child in school and is very disruptive of your child's learning.
- lt is important for you as parents, for your child and for us at PortobelloEducate Together to have good communication with each other. If you have any queries, problems or concerns regarding your child please contact your child's teacher to make an appointment to meet him/her. lt is not always possible for a class teacher to meet you ‘on the spot’ so in order for both teacher and parent to get the most out of such a meeting please contact the school in advance so arrangements can be made to free up the teacher to meet you and give you the attention and the privacy you may need.
- When making an appointment please indicate the nature of your concern so that the teacher can be prepared to deal accurately with the issue.
- Should you have a change in home circumstance (illness, separation or anything that you feel may affect your child) please let your child’s teacher know. We assure you of our utmost sensitivity and confidentiality in the matter.
- If your child has had any intervention prior to starting school e.g. speech therapy, occupational therapy, an ‘assessment of need’ with the H.S.E. or is awaiting an assessment of any kind, it is very important that you inform us before your child begins school. This is to ensure that if any extra support/resources are required we can apply for these as soon as possible. Resources are becoming more difficult to access and the process of application is taking longer. Therefore, it is vital that you inform us as soon as your child is enrolled. Once again, please be assured of our confidentiality & sensitivity in such matters.
The curriculum of Portobello Educate Together School, like that of all Primary Schools in the Republic of Ireland, is laid down by the Department of Education and Science.
PortobelloEducate Together School aims to create a warm and stimulating environment so that each child may work towards realising his/her highest potential. Parents,children and teachers are on first name terms, which aim to create a relaxed and informal atmosphere for everyone. In co-operation with parents, the school will work to instil feelings of self-confidence, self-awareness and self-respect in the children.
Within the parameters of the Primary School Curriculum, the objectives are as follows:
- The achievement of academic excellence for each child according to his/her individual potential.
- The promotion of cultural enrichment.
- There are 12 subjects in the curriculum that are taught at every level in the school. All subjects are taught in this school.
-History, Geography Science (SESE)
-Physical Education
-Social, Personal and Health Education.
-Ethics (Learn Together Curriculum Programme)
All subjects are taught at all levels, and copies of the Primary School Curriculum are available on and in public libraries.
- Aistear is a programme that is now being used in infant classes. It is a framework to provide experiences and challenges to help children learn from the world around them. It is a play based programme. It is based on twelve principals [HM11]– eg uniqueness of each child, play, importance of parents and language. Aistear offers ideas to nurture learning in curiosity, independence, attitudes and care for environment. It builds knowledge and understanding of the world, learning how things work, and for example that words have meaning.
Parents have a range of talents, abilities and skills that have the potential to enrich and extend the educational opportunities provided for the children. In line with the principles of multi-denominational education, parents may participate in and make a valuable contribution to the school at every level, including:
- Going forward for election to the Board of Management
- Becoming a member of other committees e.g., a Parents Association, or some School Community Development committee
- Fundraising
- Participating in working groups
- Giving time to share a hobby, skill or interest during school hours in association with class teachers and the Principal
- Helping the Principal and Teachers with extracurricular activities, school outings, art, library etc. whenever possible.
- Gardening
- Suggesting and getting involved in interesting projects for the children.
If you wish to become involved in any of the above, or have ides of your own, please return the ‘skills’ form, or make yourself known to the principal, the class teacher or any member of the Board of Management or the Parents’ Association.
The Code of Behaviour at PortobelloEducate Together has as its basic tenet, a respect for each child as an individual; it aims to foster a positive atmosphere in which every child can learn, develop and reach his/her full potential. The Code of Behaviour enables teachers and pupils to work in a well organised environment where acceptable patterns of behaviour are followed and where self-discipline, based on tolerance and respect for everyone, is fostered. Please refer to our website in the coming weeks for this policy.
Please refer to our website in the coming weeks for our Anti-bullying Policy.
Like most other primary schools, PortobelloEducate Together School is under the administration of the Health Service Executive. Childhood vaccinations and screening tests for sight, hearing and dental problems may be offered to your child whilst attending the school. You will be asked to sign a consent form before any health test or intervention. If your child has a particular problem in any of these areas, they can be referred to the Health Centre for treatment.
- HEAD LICE - No matter how careful you are about your child's hair, there is still a chance that it can become infested with head-lice if he/she comes in contact with other children. It is part of school life.Please check your child's hair regularly. lt is very important that you inform your child’s teacher immediately if you find head-lice, as they are highly contagious. We will immediately notify all parents to check their children's hair. If your child has long hair, please ensure that it’s tied up.
- HEALTHY EATING -We at Portobello ETNS encourage healthy eating among pupils.Parents are asked when choosing lunches to avoid the following items - popcorn, crisps, sweets, fizzy drinks, glass bottles, sugary products. The range of foods which we regard as suitable for lunch boxes are: set yogurts, fruit, sandwiches, crackers, juices, milk, soup, raw vegetables, cheese, raisins etc.
- HEAD INJURIES / ACCIDENTS - Should your child bang his/her head in school, it is school policy to ring you.
- NUT ALLERGY – Given that nut allergies are becoming more common, we have made the decision to ban nuts or nut products from the school.
- HEALTH PROBLEMS - lf your child has a particular health problem such as allergies, asthma, diabetes etc., you should advise the school. The school should be made aware of the name and address of your family doctor.If your child needs medication on a regular basis you may need to make special arrangements for this. As a general rule teachers should not be involved in the administration of medication to pupils. However, where a teacher must become involved the following procedure must be adhered to:-
-The Parent(s) should write to the school management requesting permission for the teacher to administer the medication enclosing details of the procedure and indemnifying the teacher for same. This request must be in writing for school records.