Emergency Homeless AssistancePolicy Review Checklist
Service ProviderThese policies and procedures are required from all shelters:
Client Eligibility for Services
- Consistent with the definition of homelessness and recordkeeping requirements at
- Include that the age of any child under 18 will not be used to deny admission to any family.
- State whether the shelter will use shelter diversion, and if so, how it will be determined
Motel Voucher
- Include how you determine if an appropriate shelter bed is available and the maximum length of the motel voucher.
Referral and Coordination of Services
Include the following programs & note whether they are available in the community.
- Programs targeting homelessness
- S+C, SHP, SRO, Healthcare for the Homeless, Grants for Benefit of Homeless Individuals, PATH, Services in Supportive Housing, EFSP,
- Programs for veterans
- VA Grant and Per Diem, Health Care for Homeless Veterans, Homeless Veterans Dental Program, Supportive Services for Veteran Families, Veteran Justice Outreach
- Programs for children and youth
- Education for Homeless Children and Youth, Programs for Runaway and Homeless Youth
- Programs for domestic violence and sexual assault
- Transitional Housing Assistance for Victims of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking Program
- Mainstream programs
- Public housing, Section 8/Housing Choice Voucher, Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities, HOME, TANF, Health Center Program, SCHIP, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Block Grants, Workforce Investment Act
- State circumstances that would result in requiring someone to leave shelter
Length of Stay
- Maximum is 4 months
Safeguards for Safety and Shelter Needs
- Include safeguards to meet the safety and shelter needs of special populations (e.g., victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking) and individuals and families who have the highest barriers to housing and are likely to be homeless the longest
These policies and procedures are required from all shelters that will use MFA funds for Essential Services:
- Needs for essential services related to shelter must be assessed within 7 days of entry
- State how needs for essential services will be prioritized, given multiple needs of a specific individual/family and the needs of multiple individuals/families
- Needs for essential services related to shelter must be reassessed at least every 30 days