Prepared by:Gombosky Public Affairs / Friday, March 13, 2015
Bill Tracking Summary
High Priority Bills / Sponsor / Position / Status
2S5252 / Creating a program to implement regional safety and security centers. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 2ND SUBSTITUTE) / Dammeier / Support / H, Education
ES5748 / Clarifying the teacher and principal evaluation process with the intent of strengthening the process. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE) / Litzow / Support / H, Education
6079 / Revising funding provisions for basic education. / Baumgartner / Oppose / S, EL/K-12
6080 / Financing public school facilities necessary to support state-funded all-day kindergarten and class size reduction in kindergarten through third grade. / Dammeier / Support / S, Ways & Means
Priority TBD Bills
S1105 / Making 2015 supplemental operating appropriations. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE) / Hunter / Monitor / C, 3 L 151142 / Modifying school district authority with respect to student parking. / Wilcox / Monitor / S, EL/K-12
1345 / Adopting a definition and standards of professional learning. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE) / Lytton / Monitor / S, EL/K-12
1770 / Changing explicit alternative routes to teacher certification program requirements to expectations for program outcomes. / Bergquist / Monitor / S, EL/K-12
1804 / Concerning the confidentiality of educator professional growth plans. / Springer / Monitor / S, EL/K-12
1863 / Modifying collective bargaining law related to providing additional compensation for academic employees at community and technical colleges. / Reykdal / Monitor / S, Commerce and La
2009 / Concerning exemptions from immunizations for school-age children. / Robinson / Monitor / H, 2nd Reading
2023 / Changing the deadline for notices of nonrenewal of contracts for certificated school employees. / Parker / Monitor / S, EL/K-12
2117 / Reevaluating the duties of the state board of education. / Pollet / Monitor / H, Education
2161 / Concerning the school construction assistance program. / Pollet / Monitor / H, Cap Budget
5077 / Making 2015-2017 operating appropriations. / Hill / Monitor / S, Ways & Means
S5163 / Providing for educational data on students from military families. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE) / Hobbs / Monitor / H, Education
E2S5179 / Concerning paraeducators. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 2ND SUBSTITUTE) / Hill / Monitor / H, Education
S5202 / Regarding the financial education public-private partnership. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE) / Mullet / Monitor / H, Education
5227 / Creating the international commercial arbitration act. / Baumgartner / Monitor / H, Judiciary
5229 / Addressing technology literacy. / Litzow / Monitor / S, Ways & Means
S5294 / Concerning school library and technology programs. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE) / McAuliffe / Monitor / H, Education
S5303 / Creating the Washington academic, innovation, and mentoring (AIM) program. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE) / Litzow / Monitor / S, 2nd Reading
5312 / Creating flexibility for the educator retooling conditional scholarship program. / Litzow / Monitor / H, Education
S5315 / Aligning functions of the consolidated technology services agency, office of the chief information officer, and department of enterprise services. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE) / Roach / Monitor / S, Ways & Means
ES5316 / Concerning privacy and security of personally identifiable student information. (AS OF SENATE 2ND READING 3/04/15) / Dammeier / Monitor / H, Education
5392 / Eliminating the quality education council. / Litzow / Monitor / S, Rules 2
E5419 / Enacting the student user privacy in education rights act. / Litzow / Monitor / H, Education
5526 / Preventing harassment, intimidation, and bullying in public schools. / Liias / Monitor / S, 2nd Reading
5545 / Concerning postretirement employment. / McAuliffe / Monitor / S, Ways & Means
5559 / Concerning tuition waivers for state and educational employees. / Billig / Monitor / S, 2nd Reading
5745 / Implementing Becca task force truancy reform recommendations. / Hargrove / Monitor / S, Rules 2
2S5851 / Concerning recommendations of the college bound scholarship program work group. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 2ND SUBSTITUTE) / Frockt / Monitor / H, Hi Ed
5856 / Creating a competitive grant program for high-quality, evidence-based outreach programs that improve high school graduation rates for college bound scholarship students. / Frockt / Monitor / S, Ways & Means
S5907 / Creating a sales and use tax exemption for technology sold to, or used in, public schools. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE) / McAuliffe / Monitor / S, Ways & Means
5928 / Relating to education. / Dammeier / Monitor / S, Ways & Means
5941 / Concerning certification of adjunct faculty as common school substitute teachers. / Rivers / Monitor / H, Education
5975 / Authorizing parent taught driver training education courses. / Benton / Monitor / S, Rules 2
S5976 / Establishing a consolidated purchasing system for public school employees. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE) / Litzow / Monitor / S, 2nd Reading
Dead Bills
1001 / Funding education first. / MacEwen / Monitor / H, AppropsS1031 / Expanding participation in college in the high school programs. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE) / Johnson / Monitor / S, EL/K-12
1081 / Expanding participation in the college in the high school programs. / Sullivan / Monitor / H, Education
S1120 / Providing immunity for school bus drivers. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE) / Wilcox / Monitor / H, Rules R
ES1236 / Allowing certain school personnel to witness a student's college bound scholarship pledge if the student's parent or guardian is unavailable. (REVISED FOR ENGROSSED: Concerning witnessing a student's college bound scholarship pledge when efforts to obtain a parent's or guardian's signature are unsuccessful. ) (AS OF HOUSE 2ND READING 3/04/15) / Ortiz-Self / Monitor / S, Higher Ed
S1240 / Concerning restraint or isolation of students, including students with disabilities, in public schools. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE) / Pollet / Monitor / S, EL/K-12
1243 / Providing flexibility for how school districts address truancy of students. / Muri / Monitor / H, Judiciary
S1331 / Concerning school library and technology programs. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE) / Muri / Monitor / H, Rules X
1363 / Eliminating the requirement to obtain a certificate of academic achievement or certificate of individual achievement to graduate from high school. / S. Hunt / Monitor / H, Education
1385 / Prioritizing state revenue growth for education. / Magendanz / Monitor / H, Approps
S1408 / Concerning the development of a definition and model for "family engagement coordinator" and other terms used interchangeably with it. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE) / Ortiz-Self / Monitor / S, EL/K-12
2S1436 / Concerning homeless youth prevention and protection. (AS OF HOUSE 2ND READING 3/04/15) / Kagi / Monitor / S, HumSer/MenHlth/
S1492 / Addressing technology literacy. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE) / Magendanz / Monitor / H, Approps
S1511 / Requiring Washington's tribal history, culture, and government to be taught in the common schools. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE) / Ortiz-Self / Monitor / S, EL/K-12
S1591 / Concerning high school and beyond plans. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE) / Ortiz-Self / Monitor / H, Approps
1616 / Establishing competitive wages for beginning teacher salaries. / Riccelli / Monitor / H, Approps
S1760 / Providing students with skills that promote mental health and well-being and increase academic performance. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE) / Senn / Monitor / H, Approps
S1783 / Expanding dual language and bilingual instruction for early learners through secondary students. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE) / Ortiz-Self / Monitor / S, EL/K-12
1785 / Eliminating the certificate of academic achievement as a requirement for high school graduation. / Reykdal / Monitor / H, Approps
1794 / Concerning early intervention services for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families. / Sawyer / Monitor / H, Rules R
1795 / Concerning school-community learning assistance program action plans. / Sullivan / Monitor / H, Education
1805 / Changing the definition of "school day." / Magendanz / Oppose / H, Education
1812 / Creating an informational program to increase applications from high-achieving low-income high school students to selective institutions of higher education. / Hansen / Monitor / H, Approps
1840 / Concerning conflict resolution programs in schools. / Magendanz / Monitor / H, Education
1854 / Creating a new salary model for certificated instructional staff. / Magendanz / Monitor / H, Education
1860 / Concerning the division of large first-class school districts. / Santos / Monitor / H, Education
1867 / Concerning the frequency of evaluations for certain classroom teachers. / Bergquist / Monitor / H, Education
S1900 / Concerning school counselors, social workers, and psychologists. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE) / Ortiz-Self / Monitor / H, Approps
S1947 / Establishing a comprehensive plan to expand learning opportunities and improve educational outcomes for students with disabilities or special needs using multiple strategies and statewide partnerships. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE) / Pollet / Monitor / H, Approps
1950 / Eliminating the high school science assessment as a requirement for obtaining a certificate of academic achievement. / Lytton / Monitor / H, Education
1952 / Concerning the transfer of school district territory initiated by school district boards of directors. / Pike / Monitor / H, Education
1971 / Concerning charter schools. / Fey / Monitor / H, Education
S1974 / Creating a pilot program to implement regional school safety and security centers. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE) / Stambaugh / Support / H, Approps
1983 / Creating the TEACH pilot project of financial assistance for teachers taking basic skills and content tests for teacher certification programs. / Pollet / Monitor / H, Education
1996 / Requiring music education in elementary schools. / Ortiz-Self / Monitor / H, Education
2006 / Concerning a model policy and procedures for language access by limited-English proficient parents of students. / Moscoso / Support / H, Education
2148 / Concerning the state auditor including allowing for audits to be conducted by a private entity and establishing an appeal process. / Chandler / Support / H, Gen Govt & Inf
2149 / Promoting a safe and healthy school learning climate. / Senn / Monitor / H, Approps
S2160 / Concerning the distribution of intimate images. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE) / Wylie / Monitor / S, Law & Justice
2167 / Giving parents and guardians an unrestricted right to excuse their children from taking statewide assessments. / Scott / Monitor / H, Education
S5080 / Concerning dual credit options. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE) / Dammeier / Monitor / S, Ways & Means
5327 / Eliminating the requirement to obtain a certificate of academic achievement or certificate of individual achievement to graduate from high school. / McCoy / Monitor / S, EL/K-12
5334 / Lowering reliance on local levies to fund basic education. / Mullet / Monitor / S, EL/K-12
5415 / Concerning professional educator learning days. / McAuliffe / Monitor / S, EL/K-12
S5417 / Concerning local government marijuana policies. (DIGEST OF PROPOSED 1ST SUBSTITUTE) / Rivers / Monitor / S, Ways & Means
5520 / Modifying the high school assessment system by changing the administration of alternative assessments, continuing the requirement for students to demonstrate achievement of state academic standards to earn a high school diploma, and aligning the system with career and college ready graduation requirements. / Rolfes / Monitor / S, EL/K-12
5546 / Establishing competitive wages for beginning teacher salaries. / Liias / Monitor / S, EL/K-12
5548 / Providing immunity for school bus drivers. / Liias / Monitor / S, EL/K-12
5825 / Eliminating the high school science assessment as a requirement for obtaining a certificate of academic achievement. / Mullet / Monitor / S, EL/K-12
5850 / Concerning restraint or isolation of students, including students with disabilities, in public schools. / Rivers / Monitor / S, EL/K-12
5890 / Concerning an educational employee salary allocation schedule. / Rolfes / Monitor / S, EL/K-12
5905 / Concerning special education services and programs. / McAuliffe / Monitor / S, EL/K-12
5922 / Concerning school programs for highly capable students. / Rolfes / Monitor / S, EL/K-12
5946 / Establishing a comprehensive initiative to expand learning opportunities and improve educational outcomes for students with disabilities in Washington state using multiple strategies and statewide partnerships. / Rivers / Monitor / S, EL/K-12
5966 / Concerning mathematics and science course equivalencies for high school career and technical courses. / Rolfes / Monitor / S, EL/K-12
6030 / Concerning assessments in public schools. / Chase / Monitor / S, EL/K-12
6040 / Concerning the state educational assessment system. / Chase / Monitor / S, EL/K-12
Calendar Items
3/16/2015 / S1031 / College in the high school / Early Learning & K-12 Education / 1:30 PM / SHR 1
3/16/2015 / S1240 / Student restraint, isolation / Early Learning & K-12 Education / 1:30 PM / SHR 1
3/16/2015 / S2160 / Intimate images/distributing / Law & Justice / 1:30 PM / SHR 4
3/16/2015 / ES5316 / Identifiable student info / Education / 1:30 PM / HHR A
3/16/2015 / 5941 / Adjuncts/substitute teachers / Education / 1:30 PM / HHR A
3/17/2015 / S1408 / Family engagemnt coordinator / Early Learning & K-12 Education / 1:30 PM / SHR 1
3/17/2015 / S1511 / Tribal history, culture, etc / Early Learning & K-12 Education / 1:30 PM / SHR 1
3/17/2015 / S1783 / Dual language instruction / Early Learning & K-12 Education / 1:30 PM / SHR 1
3/18/2015 / 5227 / Int. commercial arbitration / Judiciary / 8:30 AM / HHR A
3/18/2015 / 2S5851 / College bound scholarship / Higher Education / 1:30 PM / HHR C
3/19/2015 / 1142 / Parking fees/H.S. students / Early Learning & K-12 Education / 8:00 AM / SHR 1
3/19/2015 / 1345 / Professional learning / Early Learning & K-12 Education / 8:00 AM / SHR 1
3/19/2015 / 1770 / Teacher certification / Early Learning & K-12 Education / 8:00 AM / SHR 1
3/19/2015 / 2023 / School employee contracts / Early Learning & K-12 Education / 8:00 AM / SHR 1
3/19/2015 / 6080 / Kindergarten and class size / Ways & Means / 3:30 PM / SHR 4
Bill Tracking Details
S1105 / Operating sup budget 2015 / Hunter
House Committee on Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Hunter, Ormsby, Sullivan, and Gregerson) / Requested by
Governor Inslee
Makes 2015 supplemental operating appropriations.
Companion Bill: / 5076Operating sup budget 2015 / S, Ways & Means
Full Text URL: / Bills/1105-s.pdf
1142 / Parking fees/H.S. students / Wilcox
Representatives Wilcox, Reykdal, G. Hunt, Gregerson, and Magendanz
Authorizes a school district board of directors to establish and collect a fee from students as a condition of parking an automobile or other vehicle on school property.
Full Text URL: / Bills/1142.pdf
1345 / Professional learning / Lytton
House Committee on Education (originally sponsored by Representatives Lytton, Magendanz, and Bergquist)
Adopts a statewide definition of effective professional learning.
Directs public schools and school districts to establish targeted, sustained, relevant professional learning opportunities that meet the definition and are aligned to state and district goals.
Provides that this act is null and void if appropriations are not approved.
Full Text URL: / Bills/1345.pdf
1770 / Teacher certification / Bergquist
Representatives Bergquist, Magendanz, Pollet, Lytton, Muri, and Goodman / Requested by
Professional Educator Standards Board
Changes explicit alternative routes to teacher certification program requirements to expectations for program outcomes.
Companion Bill: / 5496Teacher certification / H, Education
Full Text URL: / Bills/1770.pdf
1804 / Educator professional growth / Springer
Representatives Springer, Magendanz, Lytton, Muri, and Reykdal / Requested by
Professional Educator Standards Board
Exempts from public inspection and copying under the public records act, professional growth plans in educator license renewals submitted through the eCert system in the office of the superintendent of public instruction.
Companion Bill: / 5495Educator professional growth / S, GovtOp&StSec
Full Text URL: / Bills/1804.pdf
1863 / Cmty & tech coll. employees / Reykdal
Representatives Reykdal, Muri, Bergquist, S. Hunt, Fey, Gregory, Haler, Sells, Pollet, Tarleton, Springer, Moscoso, Wylie, Stanford, Ryu, Appleton, Walkinshaw, Fitzgibbon, and Goodman
Authorizes community college boards of trustees to use the collective bargaining process to provide qualifying academic employees with step increases in addition to compensation provided from state appropriations and employee turnover savings.
Full Text URL: / Bills/1863.pdf
2009 / Immunization exemps/children / Robinson
Representatives Robinson, Johnson, Walkinshaw, Magendanz, Jinkins, Gregerson, Harris, Tarleton, Lytton, Riccelli, Cody, Tharinger, Senn, Kilduff, Stanford, Peterson, Moeller, Kagi, Takko, Moscoso, Wylie, Clibborn, Van De Wege, S. Hunt, Farrell, Pollet, and Ryu
Addresses exemptions from immunizations with regard to a parent's philosophical or personal objection.
Full Text URL: / Bills/2009.pdf
2023 / School employee contracts / Parker
Representatives Parker, Lytton, Magendanz, Riccelli, Ormsby, Fagan, and Santos
Changes the deadline for notices of nonrenewal of contracts for certificated school employees.
Full Text URL: / Bills/2023.pdf
2117 / State board of education / Pollet
Representatives Pollet, Ortiz-Self, S. Hunt, Santos, Taylor, Scott, Griffey, and Shea
Reevaluates the state board of education's duties through a process to be determined by the education chairs of the house of representatives and senate, divesting the state board of education of inappropriate policy authority that resides in the purview of the legislature and transferring appropriate duties to the office of the superintendent of public instruction.
Full Text URL: / Bills/2117.pdf
2161 / School construction / Pollet
Representatives Pollet, Kagi, Tarleton, and Ryu
Authorizes certain school districts to be divided by geographic areas within the school district when calculating eligible space for state funding assistance.
Requires the omnibus appropriations act to identify the state construction cost allowance for school districts.
Full Text URL: / Bills/2161.pdf
5077 / Operating budget 2015-2017 / Hill
Senators Hill and Hargrove / Requested by
Governor Inslee
Makes 2015-2017 operating appropriations.
Companion Bill: / 1106Operating budget 2015-2017 / H, Approps
Full Text URL: / Bills/5077.pdf
S5163 / Students/military families / Hobbs
Senate Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education (originally sponsored by Senators Hobbs, Roach, Rolfes, O'Ban, Hatfield, Litzow, McCoy, Mullet, Conway, Fain, Chase, and Darneille)
Requires school districts to collect and submit data that includes, for all newly enrolled students including transfer students, data on students from military families.
Requires the K-12 data governance group to develop best practice guidelines for the collection and regular updating of the data.
Requires the office of the superintendent of public instruction to conduct an analysis of the average number of students from military families who are special education students.
Provides that this act is null and void if appropriations are not approved.
Full Text URL: / Bills/5163-s.pdf
E2S5179 / Paraeducators / Hill
Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Hill, McAuliffe, Litzow, Mullet, Hobbs, and Dammeier)
Addresses minimum employment standards for paraeducators who work in the learning assistance program, the federal disadvantaged program, and English language learner programs.
Requires the state institute for public policy to: (1) Conduct a study on the effectiveness of paraeducators in improving student outcomes in the state;
(2) Examine variation in the use of paraeducators across schools and districts; and
(3) Analyze whether and the extent that any differences in students' academic progress can be attributed to the use of paraeducators.
Requires the office of the superintendent of public instruction and the education data center to provide the data necessary to conduct the analysis.
Companion Bill: / 1293Paraeducators / H, Education
Full Text URL: / Bills/5179-s2.e.pdf
S5202 / Financial education prtnrshp / Mullet
Senate Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education (originally sponsored by Senators Mullet, Fain, Litzow, Billig, Frockt, Keiser, and Habib)
Changes the composition and duties of the financial education public-private partnership.
Authorizes teachers appointed as members by the superintendent of public instruction to be paid travel expenses from funds available in the financial education public-private partnership account.
Requires the office of the superintendent of public instruction to: (1) Integrate financial education skills and content knowledge into the state essential academic learning requirements; and
(2) After consulting with the partnership, make available to all school districts a list of courses that align with the financial education standards integrated into the state essential academic learning requirements.
Requires school districts to provide students in grades nine through twelve the opportunity to access the a financial education standards.
Full Text URL: / Bills/5202-s.pdf