ESAR A1 Account: Carriers
With the August 2007 implementation of Entry Summary, Accounts, Revenue (ESAR) A1,there will be an expansion in the number of Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Secure Data Portal account types to include all carriers as defined in 19 CFR 112.1. Currently only truck carriers can establish an ACE portal account. The new carrier account types will include aircraft, vessels (including Non Vessel Operating Common Carriers (NVOCCs)), railroads, as well ascommercial trucks that are required to operate under an international carrier’s bond, as provided for in 19 CFR 113.64.
A carrier that establishes an ACE portal Account will be able to view and update their account information and run any applicable reports. Account data viewable via the Portal includes company name, physical address, mailing address,company contact information, eManifest information (if applicable), and Standard Character Alpha Code (SCAC), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) or International Air Transport Administration (IATA) designator. Carriers will also be able to communicate with CBP through the Portal and post additional data about their account, thus minimizing administrative overhead with regard to resolving regulatory, compliance, and operational issues.
For each vessel portal account, the Trade Account Owner will be able to view Federal Maritime Commission License, Permit, or Certificate information that is posted on the portal account. For truck portal accounts, they will be able to link an existing portal driver account to their truck account.
Truck carriers will continue to have the capability to run reports throughthe ACE Secure Data Portal. Users will find that running reports and extracting their Customs data from ACE is easier because the reportsare now more customizable. This is due to recent enhancements of thereporting tool.
III.Benefits toCarriers
By establishing an ACE portal account, a carrier will be able to view any information that CBP maintains in the account, including bond information. Carriers will have access to a Business Activity Log (BAL), allowing them to communicate with or respond to CBP on compliance and operational issues. A carrier may also use the BAL to attach scanned or electronic information to the account, as deemed appropriate by CBP or the trade account owner (e.g. Load line certificates, FAA inspections, etc.). A Carrier will also be able to view theirbond information to determine if any updates are necessary.
For vessel carrier Trade Account Owners (TAOs), thevessel carrier TAO will be able to determine if the Federal Maritime Commission information posted is current and correct. For trucking companies, the ability to link an existing truck driver’s account information to their truck carrier account eliminates the need for each carrier that employs a portal account driver to create aduplicate entry of the driver’s account information in eachcarrier account.
All portal accounts will be able to access important information regarding any ACE updates via their “News” view. Additional benefits to Carriers include: 1) the ability to track who made changes in account information, 2) access to port code and country code reference data, and 3) the ability to establish quick links with frequently used web-sites without exiting their account view.
IV.How Do I Become an Account?
The revised ACE Application and instructions will be posted on in the ACE: Modernization Information Systems section in the near future. Carriers desiring to become an ACE portal account will be required to complete the ACE Application. As part of this process, each carrier will also need to provide their SCAC, IATA, or ICAO number, as appropriate, and designate the appropriate mode of transportation. Any additional eligibility requirements will be set forth in the Federal Register Notice that will be published by CBP announcing the A1 functionality.
Once the request to become an account is received and approved by CBP, the account will be created in ACE. The carrier will be subsequently contacted with information on how to access and update the account information.
V.Additional Information
As of July 31, 2007, interested trade members are able to take an introductory Web-Based Training (WBT) Course on ESAR A1 functionality. The course, “Enhanced ACE Accounts and Master Data,” is highly recommended for anyone interested in understanding the new functionality.
The link to the training is posted on ModernizationInformation Systems or you can access it directly through the Internet byenteringURL: The user nameis user01 and the password is 1Password.Please note that both the user name and password are case sensitive.