ERSKINE PTA Meeting Minutes

February 2, 2017 6:30 p.m.

Call to Order

*Meeting was called to order by Laurie Tauber, PTA President

Reading and approval of minutes from January meeting

*Approved by Marcy Pease and 2nd by Stephany Fletcher

Principal’s Report (Mrs. Zimmerman)

*Conferences will be held on February 16 and 21st.

*PTA will be providing dinner for the staff on February 16th.

*At conferences, students will showcase their work and set goals for the remainder of the year

*There will be a PTA table set up with DISCOUNTED apparel. Be sure to bring money to purchase apparel at a lower price!

Counselor’s Report (Mrs. Hall)

*Not available

Treasurer’s Report (Christine Shaw)

*Beginning balance: $34,736.98

*Ending balance: $35,720.24

Other Fundraisers (Dena Aretz-Burian)

*Box Tops—Congratulations to Mrs. Lynott’s class for collecting the most Box Tops! Keep collecting…March 1 is the deadline for this year’s earnings.

*Hy-Vee Receipts—Congratulations to Mrs. Cervantes’ class for collecting the most receipts! Keep collecting! Deadline is

March 31st for this year’s earnings.

*Labels for Education

Pop-Tabs for Ronald McDonald House

*Deadline is April 7th

*Please continue to collect and put in the red container in the lobby

Chess Club Update

*We had a couple of parents show interest in running this; stay tuned!

Winter Party Update (Christine Engel & Katie Cervantes)

*Thanks to all who donated items and time to make the party such a HUGE success. Erskine made close to $750!

What a fun night it was!
Staff Dinner/Conferences (Rennie Sarchett & Stephany Fletcher)

*Thursday, February 16th (TACO BAR)

*Please sign up if you would like to help:

Muffins with Mom (Rebecca LeVake & Jennifer Patterson):
*Wednesday, February 22nd (for 1st, 3rd and 5th grades)
*Please sign up if you could help:

Family Night at PlanetX (Marcy Pease)
*Feb 28th 5-7 p.m. $10/person, includes pizza, games, face painting & balloon animals

Running Club (Rebecca LeVake)
*Leads up to Lace Up For Learning Race on Sat. May 13, 2017

*Coming soon! Stayed tuned for more details!

Book House Book Fair
*NEW DATE: Book fair will be held on February 27-March 3rd

*Please sign up if you can help out:

Hy-Vee coupon books
*$10 each, available now!!

*If you are interested, Mrs. Whitney will have them available for purchase in the office or email the PTA @

Enrichments (Christine Long)

*If you have any ideas and are willing to teach an enrichment, please email the PTA @

Volunteer Hours
*Please remember to log all volunteer hours on blue sheet in main office

Washington High School Swim and Gym

*Date to be determined, stay tuned for details!

Library is in need of new books!

* At the PTA meeting, a there was a vote to purchase new books

*Mrs. Roggow motioned the vote, Marcy Pease 2nd the motion

New PTA Board Members for 2017-2018

*If you know of someone who would be interested or if you are interested in taking a position on the board, please contact

Marcy Pease at:

*Nominations will be accepted at (or prior to) the April PTA meeting (April 6, 2017)

*Voting will take place during the May PTA meeting (May 4, 2017)

Upcoming Events:
Conferences (2/16 & 2/21) Muffins with Mom (2/22) PTA Meeting (3/2)

Conference Dinner for Staff (2/16) Family Night at PlanetX (2/28)

Next meeting: March 2nd at 6:30 p.m. Childcare will be provided