Erika’s Followers

Narmala – Your druid follower. She is from the western, light-skinned Tarnath’lah tribe of the desert people, discriminated against because of her skin color. She likes the idea of being in an environment where light skinned people are not considered inferior.

Barnak – Human male fighter 4. Strong, a good leader, and has good common sense, though he isn’t brilliant. [+1 long sword]

Nora - Half-Elf female rogue 3. Still technically a member of the thieve's guild, but she thinks Brienne doesn't really like half-elves much. Low charisma, but good at stealth.

Mara – Human female wizard 2. Led to you via Sylvia.

Flaria – Human female ranger 2. She likes that a woman leads the group.

Belinda – Female human rogue 2. Originally from Olm’s Keep, her identical twin sister Bettina persuaded her to join the group. Eventually she realized Bettina was spying, and helped kill her sister. [+1 bow]

Wena – Human female wizard 1, a friend of Mara, from Nal’s Landing. She can sail too.

Dragnalia – Half-orc female rogue 1. Sister to Dragnakia.

Na’Ra – Half-elf female bard 1. Fascinated by your tales of adventure. Loves to travel.

Gakarna – Dwarf female cleric 1. Essentially shunned by her own kind, she left Durm.

Tomron - Male human fighter 1. Very smart, a bit of a stammer

Balik – Male human fighter 1. Karnath’lah, a former slave

Lessa - Human female fighter 1.Good connections with existing military

Banash – Human female fighter 1. Irascible and sensitive about her lack of attractiveness, she has a tendency to get into fights.

Merrida – Female human fighter 1. Karnath’lah, a former slave

Dragnakia – Half-orc female fighter 1. More muscle than brains.

Gloria, Malatha, [Francine] – Human female rogue 1,1,1. Three friends who hear there is gold to be had working for you.Francine deceased.

Malia – Human female rogue 1. Seems to know a lot about politics. Surprisingly fastidious for a rogue.

Tarnis – Male human rogue 1. Tarnath’lah, a fierce anti-slavery fanatic

Tal-kia – Female human rogue1. Karnath’lah, a former slave

Larisa – Female human rogue 1. Karnath’lah, not a slave.

Halmena – Human female rogue 1. Small, quiet, and easily overlooked.

Barjeela – Human female rogue 1. Excellent with a bow.

Pira, Dynelle, Corr – Human female rogue 1,1,1. Fleeing troubles in the capital Martos

Manash – Human male rogue 1. Running from gambling debts.

Ferrell – Human male rogue 1. Has some sort of grudge against Brienne.

Plem, Carmas – Human male rogue 1,1. Fleeing troubles in the capital Martos

Crisla – Half elf female rogue 1. Face of an angel, but don’t turn your back to her.

Rienna – Elf female rogue 1. Probably in trouble with the law in El’Nar’Riah.

Milkflower – Halfling female rogue 1. A mischievous sense of humor, loves practical jokes that do not always endear her to friends. She isn’t a thief at heart.

Daisy – Halfling female rogue 1. Originally from Hops, recently from Martos

Other People at/near the Keep

Johan – A skilled fletcher in your employ (cost 2 GP/wk), who produces 20 silver tipped arrows/week plus 100 conventional arrows/week.

Reymon – A silversmith living inside your compound, he supplies Johan with silver for arrows.

Mapes – An elderly and engaging cook, her cooking is magical (literally). (2 GP/week). She insists on working with the finest ingredients.

Construction Workers – Seven of them, they are building your moat and other upgrades to the keep

Jace and Rodd Farview – Nephews of Matila and Milton Farview, they wish to build an Inn within the compound, which will be called the Green Dragon Inn


nth level followers get paid 2n-1 GP/week = 48 GP per week. Employees 4 GP/week

Food for all followers: 3 GP/week each = 111 GP/week

Other expenses to consider

Moat, 10n ft. wide, around keep only: 350n GP

Corresponding drawbridge: 100 GP

Group assets:

8 Heavy War horses with equipment

2 Light War horses with equipment